Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document

Budget Program and Financing Schedule

The following reports show how FACTS II information crosswalks to the prior year (PY) column of the Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule in MAX A-11 (the budget preparation system) and the President’s Budget.

Cross Walking FACTS II Data
to the PY Column of the P&F Schedule





1st Quarter


2nd Quarter


3rd Quarter


4th Quarter

Between November 16 and December 2 2005, agencies can revise their 4th quarter FACTS II submissions. The revised amounts are included in the following report that compares FACTS II submissions reported by agency accounting offices to the prior year actual data in the P&F schedule reported by the budget office.

FY 2007 President’s Budget How 4th Quarter FACTS II Data (Including Revisions) Cross Walks to the PY Column of the P&F Schedule

Last Revised Dec 6

In theory, the 4th FACTS II submissions and revisions should agree with the information published in the President’s Budget. The reports below show this comparison.

Comparing the P&F Schedule
Published in The President’s Budget to a P&F
Generated from 4TH Quarter FACTS II Submissions And Revisions



Additional Information

You can refer to OMB Circular No. A-11 section 82 for definitions of P&F schedule lines as well as information regarding over-writing amounts reported by our accounting office, and to see which P&F schedule lines MAX A-11 automatically generates (e.g. P 8690 through 8700). Additionally, for the FACTS II revision window impact on agency financial statements, you can refer to OMB Circular No. A-136, section 6.1.

You can also refer to the Department of the Treasury’s USSGL website at:

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