Office of Management and Budget | Print this document |
Status of MAX Budget DataAgencies have until December 2 @ 9 PM (EST) to update prior year data in OMBs MAX Budget database. After that time, agencies will be locked out of making changes to PY data. In addition, agencies have until December 16 @ 9 PM (EST) to update baseline data, and will be locked out of making baseline changes after that date. The reports on this page show each agencys progress in updating MAX data, and are updated on weekdays by 9 AM. The summary report shows the number of accounts in each agency, and whether the accounts are in balance, out of balance, or have not yet been uploaded. The detail report shows each account, whether the account has been uploaded, and whether uploaded accounts are in balance or out of balance. For those accounts out of balance, the report also shows the number of errors in the account.