Office of Management and Budget Print this document

Program Examiner
Resource Management Offices

The Program Examiner typically serves as a focal point in OMB with responsibilities for the formulation and execution of the budget in an assigned area. The Examiner performs policy, program management, and regulatory analyses; reviews issues identified as needing special attention; reviews and clears legislative proposals and testimony; reviews executive orders and other documents developed in OMB. The Examiner is also frequently asked to provide leadership and assistance outside his/her own area of expertise.

  • Advises OMB policy officials on planning and programming for assigned accounts; anticipates and points out the policy implications and problems that require attention; suggests the outline, scope, and schedule of studies and other special projects; presents the needs of new legislation and changes in legislation; recommends and helps to arrange joint endeavors with other divisions of OMB and with the department(s) or agencies assigned.

  • Coordinates the formulations and administration of the budget for accounts assigned. Advises on the formulation of budget and fiscal policy, and ensures implementation of the policy. Reviews budget submissions; acts as chair of budget hearings; and presents recommendations thereon to the Deputy Associate Directors and other members of the Director's Review. Participates in review of and is primary advisor on OMB recommendations relative to budget execution and implementation.

  • Monitors and evaluates progress made by departments and agencies in implementing and executing the President's policy. Provides updates, as needed, to policy officials as to the progress and efficiency of existing policies and programs in meeting policy objectives.

  • Performs legislative, economic, management, regulatory, and organization analyses for assigned program areas. Assists the policy staff on reorganization proposals, clarifies relationships during the integration of programs, and other management improvement items.

  • Develops, reviews, and advises on the preparation of formal documents relative to assigned departments or agencies, such as Budget and State of the Union messages, special messages, veto messages, and Executive Orders; reviews and, when required, prepares letters for the President's or the Director's signature to agency heads.

  • As assigned, works with Congressional Committees or Committee staffs on budgetary or program matters.

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