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  • The Freedom to Manage Act of 2001 is part of the "Freedom to Manage" initiative outlined in the "President's Management Agenda" issued in late August. The Freedom to Manage initiative also includes: (1) the "Managerial Flexibility Act of 2001," which would provide Federal managers with tools and flexibility in areas such as personnel, budgeting, and property management and disposal; and (2) additional proposals which would, among other things, align resources with results and charge for the cost of resources where and when they are used.
  • The Freedom to Manage Act of 2001 would establish special expedited procedures under which the Congress could act quickly and decisively to remove structural barriers to efficient management imposed by law and identified by the Administration.
  • Giving our Federal managers "freedom to manage" will enable the Federal Government to improve its performance and accountability and better serve the public.

Under the Freedom to Manage Act of 2001:

  • The President could at any time submit a set of legislative proposals intended to eliminate or reduce barriers to efficient government operations.
  • Whenever the President submits such a set of proposals, the bill would call for a joint resolution to be introduced within 10 legislative days of transmittal.
  • If a joint resolution is introduced in either House within 10 legislative days of the transmittal, it could be held in either the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee or the House Government Reform Committee, as appropriate, for no more than 30 legislative days.
  • Once the bill is reported or the appropriate committee is discharged, the resolution could be brought to the floor of that House very quickly (as soon as one day) for a vote under special rules allowing for limited debate and no amendments.
  • A bill passed in one House could then be brought directly to the floor of the other House for a vote on final passage.