Office of Management and Budget Print this document
Office of Management and Budget

Office of Management and Budget
Washington, DC

Media Advisory


October 17, 2001

OMB to Conduct Media Briefing on $20 Billion Emergency Funding Allocation

What: The Office of Management and Budget will conduct a pen and pad briefing to release and discuss the $20 billion emergency funding allocation that will be sent to Congress today. This is the fourth installment of funds from the $40 billion emergency relief fund established to respond to the attack on America.
Who: Office of Management and Budget Director Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr.
When: Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at 2:00 p.m. EDT
Where: New Executive Office Building
725 17th Street, NW (red building across from the White House complex)
Room 10103
Washington, DC 20503
To Attend the Pen and Pad Briefing:
  • ALL MEDIA MUST BE CLEARED IN TO ATTEND:  All media with or without White House Hard Passes must e-mail their name, affiliation, Social Security number, and date of birth for clearance. Please send all information to You must arrive and be cleared through the security in the lobby by 1:30 p.m., at which time you will be escorted to the briefing in the NEOB.
Other: The briefing is for credentialed media only.
Contact: Chris Ullman or Amy Call (202) 395-7254


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