Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document

Office of Management and Budget
News Release



Budget Agreement Reaffirms Key Goals of Bush Budget:
Moderated Spending Growth, Debt Reduction, and Tax Relief

Washington, DC, May 2, 2001 -- Office of Management and Budget Director Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. today hailed the budget agreement reached between the Bush Administration and Congressional leaders as a victory for America’s families.

Director Daniels said, "This agreement reflects the major goals of President Bush’s first budget: the nation’s spending priorities will be met, historic levels of Federal debt will be retired, and taxes will be reduced. This budget is good for America’s families. Now the goal before us is to ensure that this agreement has sustained meaning. We will remain vigilant throughout the year to make certain that in the end we deliver a budget that adheres to the limits agreed to today."

The agreement:

[A fact sheet that outlines the major provisions of the agreement is attached.] (8k)


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