Office of Management and Budget Print this document


August 3, 2007
Contact: OMB Communications, 202-395-7254

OMB Director Rob Portman Statement on Congressman Jim Nussle’s Nomination Receiving Committee Approval

“With this being my final day as Director of the Office and Management and Budget, I want to take this opportunity to applaud the bipartisan efforts of Chairman Lieberman and Chairman Conrad for moving Congressman Nussle out of their respective committees and one step closer to final confirmation as the next OMB Director. 

“With both committees voting in an overwhelmingly bipartisan manner – unanimous in Senate Homeland and 22-1 in Senate Budget – it is clear that Congressman Nussle is a well-qualified nominee who enjoys respect from both sides of the aisle. 

“It is now important that Congressman Nussle’s nomination be brought to the Senate Floor for a confirmation vote before the August recess.  It is important to the country to have an OMB Director in place and it is the best way for Congress to officially work with the Administration on spending and budget related issues.”


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