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B. For those agencies with unfinished mission critical systems, provide a list of all such systems, whether to be replaced, repaired, or retired. 1 The list should include:
II. Other Progress A. Provide a description of progress to make non-mission critical systems compliant, including measures that demonstrate that progress. B. Provide a description of progress to make data exchanges compliant with all entities external to your agency, including other Federal agencies and the private sector. Include:
C. Provide a summary description of efforts to assure that telecommunications systems and networks owned or managed by your agency are compliant. Also provide a date by which you expect all telecommunications systems and networks used by your agency to be compliant and describe any difficulties you are encountering. D. Provide a summary description of efforts to assure that buildings owned or managed by your agency are compliant. Also provide a date by which you expect all of the buildings used by your agency to be compliant. E. Provide a summary description of progress to assure that other systems or equipment, including biomedical equipment and laboratory devices and any other products or devices using embedded chips that your agency uses are compliant. Describe any difficulties you are encountering in ensuring that such equipment is compliant. F. Please include any additional information that demonstrates your agency’s progress. III. Federally supported, State-run Programs. Describe efforts to ensure that Federally supported, State-run programs (including those programs run by territories and the District of Columbia) will be able to provide services and benefits. In particular, Federal agencies should be sensitive to programs that will have a direct and immediate affect on individuals’ health, safety, or well-being. Include a description of efforts to assess the impact of the year 2000 problem and to assure that the program will operate. In addition, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture must provide the following information for those programs listed in Attachment D. A. The date when each State’s systems supporting the program will be Y2K compliant. Compliant here indicates the date when the State has determined when its systems will be able to provide services, whether directly or indirectly, to beneficiaries. B. A list of States, if any, for which the Y2K problem is likely to cause significant difficulties in the State’s operation of the program. Also provide a list of States which are not likely to encounter significant difficulties. C. For those States likely to have significant difficulties, a brief description of any action that the Department is taking to assure that the program will operate. D. For each program, provide an estimate by fiscal year of the Federal share of State costs associated with efforts to achieve Y2K compliance (report totals in millions and tenths):
IV. High Impact Plans. For each of the 43 high impact programs for which your agency is the lead, as listed in Attachment C, provide: 2 A. Key partners necessary to ensure that program benefits and services will be delivered. B. A brief description of the process to ensure that the program will be ready, which may include internal testing, data exchanges, and end-to-end testing, and provide a date when that process was or will be complete. C. A date or dates to inform the public of program readiness. Include dates even if they have passed. V. Change Management and Verification Efforts A. Describe how and to what extent internal performance reports, (i.e., compliance of systems repaired and replaced) are independently verified. Provide a brief description of activities to assure independent verification that systems are fixed and to assure that information reported is accurate. Also identify who is providing verification services (for example, Inspectors General or contractors). B. Describe your agency’s change management process to assure that the effect on year 2000 readiness is considered prior to establishing new requirements or changes to IT systems.3 C. Describe any ongoing testing your agency is undertaking to ensure readiness of systems, such as integration testing, end-to-end testing, and retesting of key systems to further ensure readiness. VI. Regulatory Review. Describe your agency’s process for reviewing regulations to consider the effect of the regulation on the Year 2000 readiness of regulated entities and to consider alternatives to minimize that effect. 3 VII. Business Continuity and Contingency Plans (BCCPs). Provide information on progress in developing and testing BCCPs in your agency. 4 Include: A. Assurances that local and regional offices have developed and tested business continuity and contingency plans in coordination with headquarters. Also provide the total number of such offices which require BCCPs and the number that have such plans in place. B. Describe how your agency is coordinating its BCCP with its Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning efforts. VIII. Other Management Information. A. Report your estimates of costs associated with year 2000 remediation, 5 including both information technology 6 costs as well as costs associated with non-IT systems. Report totals in millions of dollars. (For amounts under $10 million, report to tenths of a million.)
B. Please identify any costs within these estimates that are not covered by base funds and/or emergency funds that have already been released. C. If there have been dramatic changes in cost, please explain. D. Describe any concerns with availability of key personnel, including ensuring that key staff will be available during the weeks before and after the transition to the year 2000. E. Describe any problems that are affecting progress. Attachment B AgenciesDepartment of Commerce Department of Defense Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of the Interior Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of State Department of Transportation Department of the Treasury Department of Veterans Affairs Environmental Protection Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration Social Security Administration Agency for International Development Central Intelligence Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency General Services Administration National Science Foundation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Personnel Management Small Business Administration African Development Foundation Architectural and Transportation Compliance Board Armed Forces Retirement Home Commodities Futures Trading Commission Consumer Product Safety Commission Corporation for National and Community Services District of Columbia Courts Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Export/Import Bank of the United States Federal Communications Commission Farm Credit Administration Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Election Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Housing Finance Board Federal Labor Relations Authority Federal Reserve Board Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Federal Trade Commission John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Legal Services Corporation Marine Mammal Commission National Archives and Records Administration National Capital Planning Commission National Credit Union Administration National Gallery of Art National Labor Relations Board National Mediation Board National Transportation Safety Board Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Office of Administration, EOP Office of the Special Counsel Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, EOP Overseas Private Investment Corporation Peace Corps Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Railroad Retirement Board Securities and Exchange Commission Selective Service System Smithsonian Institution Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council U.S. Information Agency U.S. International Trade Commission U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board U.S. Postal Service 43 High Impact Federal Programs
Selected Federally-supported, State-run Programs
Footnotes: 1 This information is to be provided on a monthly basis, but is to be included in the quarterly reports of August and November in lieu of monthly reports. 2 OMB Memorandum 99-12, "Assuring the Year 2000 Readiness of Federal High Impact Programs," March 26, 1999, asks agencies to report on the status of their programs monthly until a public announcement is made. The requirement above is for additional summary information to be included in the August and November quarterly reports. 3 See OMB Memorandum 99-17, Minimizing Regulatory and Information Technology Requirements," May 14, 1999. 4 See OMB Memorandum 99-16, "Business Continuity and Contengency Planning for the Year 2000," May 13, 1999. 5 These estimates should include the costs of information technology remediation as well as non-information technology products and systems such as air conditioning and heating. Costs for outreach activities to non-Federal entities should also be included. Agencies should also include costs associated with business continuity and contingency planning as well as the implementation of those plans. In addition to regular appropriations, agency costs should include monies received by the agency for Y2K from the contingent emergency Y2K fund appropriated in P.L. 105-277, the Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999. However, agency cost estimates should not include any non-Y2K costs that were funded from P.L. 105-277. Finally, these costs should not include upgrades or replacements that would otherwise occur as part of the normal systems life cycle. They should not include the Federal share of the costs for State information systems that support Federal programs. DoD should report obligattional authority requirements for business and weapons systems.