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March 10, 1997



FROM:   Franklin D. Raines
SUBJECT:   Interagency Support for Information Technology

This memorandum establishes a mechanism to support the work of interagency groups which advise me in carrying out the Clinger-Cohen Act (formerly the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996). Section 5128 of that Act, 40 U.S.C. 1428, provides that "funds available for oversight, acquisition and procurement of information technology may be used by the head of the executive agency to support jointly with other agencies the activities of interagency groups that are established to advise the Director" in carrying out the Act.


Executive Order No. 13011, "Federal Information Technology," establishes three interagency groups -- the Chief Information Officers Council, the Government Information Technology Services Board, and the Information Technology Resources Board -- to advise me in carrying out my responsibilities under the Act. In addition, one of the primary roles of the National Coordinating Office for Computing, Information and Communications is to advise me on budget matters related to my responsibilities under the Act. Consistent with the President's budget for Fiscal Year 1998, I have determined that each agency is authorized to make available up to the lesser of one tenth of one percent of the agency's total information technology obligations (as reported on Line 10 of Exhibit 43 of OMB Circular No. A-11) or $1 million to support these four groups. Use of such funds will be limited to defraying administrative costs and to supporting specific projects approved by these groups, and may include the procurement of technical assistance and other services they need.


The Administrator of General Services will administer these funds for the Chief Information Officers Council, the Government Information Technology Services Board, and the Information Technology Resources Board. The Director of the National Science Foundation will administer these funds for the National Coordinating Office for Computing, Information and Communications. The Administrator and the Director will provide an annual accounting to OMB and the agencies of how the funds were utilized. For Fiscal Years subsequent to 1998, each interagency group will submit to OMB a recommendation as to the level of funding required and the projects to be supported in that Fiscal Year, in accordance with guidance to be issued in OMB Circular No. A-11, Section 43.



Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General, Justice
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency
Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Administrator, Small Business Administration
Commissioner, Social Security Administration
Secretary of the Army
Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Air Force
Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Administrator, Agency for International Development
Acting Administrator, General Services Administration
Director, National Science Foundation
Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Director, Office of Personnel Management