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November 15, 2000



FROM: Sally Katzen
Deputy Director for Management
SUBJECT: Executive Order 13157, "Increasing Opportunities for Women-Owned Small Businesses"

Pursuant to Section 4 of Executive Order 13157, entitled "Other Responsibilities of Federal Agencies," each federal agency is required to designate a Senior Acquisition Official who will work with the Small Business Administration (SBA) to identify and promote contracting opportunities for women-owned small business (WOSB) firms. The designated individual should be at a sufficient level within the organization to affect the acquisition strategy relative to procurement opportunities. In addition, your agency is strongly encouraged to establish similar positions at subordinate commands or activity levels.

To achieve the expectations of the Executive Order, it is recommended that at least the following responsibilities be incorporated in the role of the Senior Acquisition Official:

  • Develop an Agency-wide long term WOSB strategic plan;
  • Implement special initiatives, including outreach, training, and technical assistance efforts to enhance WOSB participation in prime contracting and subcontracting opportunities;
  • Evaluate the prime contracts and subcontract awards to WOSB concerns;
  • Serve as the Agency liaison with the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Federal Contract Assistance for Women Business Owners (CAWBO) at the SBA;
  • Serve as a resource to the Director, Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Office in review and development of acquisitions that enhance opportunities for WOSB concerns; and
  • Report agency progress in implementing the Executive Order on a semi-annual basis to the Assistant Administrator of the Federal CAWBO at the SBA.

Please provide the name of your Senior Acquisition Official by November 30, 2000, to the following address:

U.S. Small Business Administration
Attn: Luz Hopewell, Associate Administrator for Government Contracting
409 Third Street, SW
Washington, DC 20416




Pursuant to Section 4 of Executive Order 13157, Departments and Agencies are required to take specific steps in working with the SBA to enhance procurement opportunities for women-owned small businesses. Accordingly, SBA requests that each Department/Agency report the following information on a semi-annual basis. SBA will develop and provide to each reporting Department and Agency an interactive reporting system to simplify reporting and increase accuracy and timeliness of reports.

Reporting requirements shall include the following:

  • Policies and procedures in place that require contracting officers to include WOSBs in competitive acquisitions.
  • Agency tracking procedures for contracting activity with WOSBs.
  • Implementation of mentor-protégé programs, which include WOSB firms.
  • Industry-wide as well as industry-specific outreach, training and technical assistance programs for WOSBs offered.
  • Training and technical assistance programs for WOSBs.
  • Use of government acquisitions forecasts to assist WOSBs in developing their products, skills, business planning practices and marketing techniques.
  • Steps taken to develop procedures to increase compliance by prime contractors with subcontracting plans involving WOSBs.
  • Number of contract actions and total contracting dollars awarded to WOSBs for the last FY.
  • Status of meeting WOSB goal for current FY.
  • Steps Department/Agency have taken to consult with and seek information and advice from state and local governments, WOSBs, other private-sector partners, and other experts in developing the long-term comprehensive strategies.