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December 16, 2004


FROM: Joshua B. Bolten Director
SUBJECT: Issuance of OMB’s “Final Information Quality Bulletin
for Peer Review”

OMB has today issued a bulletin applicable to all departments and agencies entitled “Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review.” This Bulletin establishes government-wide guidance aimed at enhancing the practice of peer review of government science documents. Peer review is an important procedure used by the scientific community to ensure that the quality of published information. Peer review can increase the quality and credibility of the scientific information generated across the federal government. This Bulletin is one aspect of a larger OMB effort to improve the quality of the scientific information upon which policy decisions are based.

The bulletin has benefited from extensive public and agency comments received on two prior draft versions, which were released by OMB in September 15, 2003 and April 28, 2004. The bulletin includes guidance to federal agencies on what information is subject to peer review, the selection of appropriate peer reviewers, opportunities for public participation, and related issues. The bulletin also defines a peer review planning process that will permit the public and scientific societies to contribute to agency dialogue about which scientific reports merit especially rigorous peer review.

If your staff has questions about this guidance, please contact Margo Schwab at (202) 395-5647 or

Attachments (45 pages, 263 kb)