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July 22, 2004



FROM: Clay Johnson III
Deputy Director for Management
SUBJECT: Acquisition Workforce Training Fund

The Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003 (SARA), Title XIV, Section 1412 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (P.L. 108-136), established the Acquisition Workforce Training Fund (AWTF) to support training of the civilian acquisition workforce. The AWTF augments agency training and education funds for the development of the acquisition workforce. This fund will be credited with five percent of the fees collected on certain contracts as explained below. Human capital continues to be a priority for the Office of Management and Budget, and we encourage agencies holding these contracts to meet their AWTF obligations on a timely basis.

In accordance with the statute, the General Services Administration (GSA), through the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI), will manage the fund to ensure that the civilian acquisition workforce has sufficient training to effectively and efficiently acquire property and services. FAI will work with its Board of Directors, which reports to the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, to establish allocation priorities for the AWTF.

All non-Department of Defense (DOD) executive agencies are required to deposit fees generated by government-wide contracts to the AWTF account. The fund will be credited with five percent of the fees collected by non-DOD executive agencies under the following contracts:

  • government-wide task and delivery-order contracts entered into under sections 303H and 303I of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949;

  • government-wide contracts for the acquisition of information technology as defined in section 11101 of title 40, U.S.C., and multi-agency acquisition contracts for such technology authorized by section 11314;

  • multiple-award schedule contracts entered into by the Administrator of General Services.

GSA will send payment instructions for crediting the fund to all civilian agency heads. If you have questions on these instructions, please contact Bill Wilson at GSA on (202) 208-6925. Please contact Lesley Field at the Office of Federal Procurement Policy on (202) 395-4761, if you have any other questions.