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Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Executive Order Reviews Completed for
Economically Significant Regulations
from January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993

List of Agencies

Choose a starting point in this report from the following:

Department of Agriculture

Rules of Practice Governing Formal Adjudicatory Proceedings -- 7
CFR Parts 0, 1, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 180 and 9 CFR Part
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/26/1993
COMPLETED: 12/03/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC14
Sugar and Crystalline Fructose Marketing Allotment Regulations
for Fiscal Years 1992 Through 1996
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/11/1992
COMPLETED: 03/12/1993 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC65
Support Prices for Shorn Wool, Wool on Unshorn Lambs, and Mohair
for the 1993 Marketing Year -- 91-079
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/31/1992
COMPLETED: 01/14/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC73
Common Provisions for the 1993 Wheat, Feed Grain, Cotton and
Rice Programs -- Work Plan No. 91-074
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/31/1992
COMPLETED: 02/26/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC54
1993 Feed Grain Acreage Reduction and Paid Land Diversion
Programs and the 1993 Feed Grain and Oilseed Price Support Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/04/1993
COMPLETED: 01/07/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC23
Excessive Manufacturing (MAKE) Allowance in State Marketing
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/21/1993
COMPLETED: 10/21/1993 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AD04
Disaster Payments Program and Tree Assistance Program for 1990,
1991, and 1992
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/09/1993
COMPLETED: 02/12/1993 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC72
1993 Rice Acreage Reduction Program (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/09/1993
COMPLETED: 03/12/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC63
1993 Upland Cotton Program (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/09/1993
COMPLETED: 03/12/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC75
Acreage Reduction Program for 1994 Wheat
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/26/1993
COMPLETED: 04/03/1993 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AD04
Disaster Payments Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/09/1993
COMPLETED: 04/09/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC74
Common Provisions for the 1994 Wheat, Feed Grains, Cotton, and
Rice Programs and Cost Reduction Options -- Work Plan No. 91-075
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/15/1993
COMPLETED: 08/26/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC71
Grain and Similarly Handled Commodities, 1992 Feed Grains
Farmer-Owned Reserve Program -- Work Plan No. 91-077
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/16/1993
COMPLETED: 07/08/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AC14
Sugar and Crystalline Fructose Marketing Allotment Regulations
for Fiscal Years 1992 Through 1996 -- Work Plan No. Ascs 91-007
(Interim Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/17/1993
COMPLETED: 06/28/1993 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AD02
1994 Feed Grain Acreage Reduction Program -- Workplan No. 92-025
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/27/1993
COMPLETED: 07/30/1993 Deadline case

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AD18
1994 Rice Program -- Workplan No. ASCS 92-038 (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/13/1993
COMPLETED: 10/05/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AD04
1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993 Disaster Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/16/1993
COMPLETED: 09/28/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AD21
1994 Upland Cotton Program -- Workplan No. 92-35 (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/23/1993
COMPLETED: 09/29/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AD04
1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993 Disaster Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/23/1993
COMPLETED: 09/28/1993 Consistent with change

General Crop Insurance Regulations, Various Crop Endorsements
(Interim Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/07/1993
COMPLETED: 06/09/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA43
User Fees, Import and Export Related Veterinary Services --
APHIS Docket No. 92-042-1, OBP&A Workplan No. 92-023
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/28/1993
COMPLETED: 07/13/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA43
User Fees, Veterinary Diagnostics -- APHIS Docket No. 91-021-5,
OBP&A Workplan No. 91-006
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/28/1993
COMPLETED: 07/13/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA41
Importation of Plants Established in Growing Media -- APHIS
Docket No. 89-154-1, OBP&A Workplan No. 87-02
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/03/1993
COMPLETED: 08/26/1993 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA43
User Fees, Import- and Export-Related Veterinary Services --
APHIS Docket No. 92-042-2, OBP&A Workplan No. 92-023
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/02/1993
COMPLETED: 12/07/1993 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSIS                    RIN: 0583-AB67
Mandatory Safe Handling Statements on Labeling of Raw Meat and
Poultry Products
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/10/1993
COMPLETED: 08/25/1993 Emergency case

USDA-FNS                     RIN: 0584-AB62
Maximum Allotments for the 48 States and DC, and Income
Eligibility Standards and Deductions for the 48 States, DC,
Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the Virgin Islands
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/12/1993
COMPLETED: 05/20/1993 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Commerce

Limited Tow Times in Lieu of Turtle Excluder Devices in a
Restricted Area Off the Coast of North Carolina (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/12/1993
COMPLETED: 04/26/1993 Consistent w/no change

DOC-NOAA                     RIN: 0648-AE13
Natural Resource Damage Assessments -- 15 CFR Part 990
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/17/1993
COMPLETED: 12/23/1993 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Defense

DOD-DODOASHA                 RIN: 0720-AA14
CHAMPUS: Implementation of the Coordinated Care Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/01/1992
COMPLETED: 03/10/1993 Withdrawn by agency

DOD-OS                       RIN: 0790-AE05
Recoupment of Nonrecurring Costs on Sales of U.S. Items -- DOD
Directive 2140.2
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/12/1993
COMPLETED: 03/23/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Education

ED-OESE                      RIN: 1810-AA65
Drug-Free Schools and Communities, Emergency Grants Program
(Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/18/1992
COMPLETED: 02/12/1993 Consistent with change

ED-OPE                       RIN: 1840-AB66
The Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Program
(Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/08/1993
COMPLETED: 05/21/1993 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Energy

Energy Conservation Standards for Furnaces, Central Air
Conditioners, and Refrigerators (Cr 1901-A138) -- Advance Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/04/1992
COMPLETED: 05/05/1993 Review Suspended

DOE-ENDEP                    RIN: 1901-AA52
Procedures for the Special Assessment for the Uranium Enrichment
Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/23/1993
COMPLETED: 07/28/1993 Consistent w/no change

DOE-ENDEP                    RIN: 1901-AA52
Procedures for the Special Assessment for the Uranium Enrichment
Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund (Interim Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/23/1993
COMPLETED: 07/28/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Health and Human Services

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0905-AD08
Food Labeling: Metric Labeling Requirements
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/09/1992
COMPLETED: 05/20/1993 Consistent w/no change

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0905-AD08
Food Labeling - Metric Labeling Requirements
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/09/1992
COMPLETED: 05/14/1993 Consistent with change

Program Announcement for Grants for Establishment of Departments
of Family Medicine
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  12/14/1993
COMPLETED: 12/29/1993 Consistent w/no change

Demonstration Project Grant to Reduce Hospitalizations Due to
Diarrheal Disease in Children -- Announcement Number 359
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/16/1993
COMPLETED: 08/05/1993 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AG00
Payment for Preadmission Services
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/11/1991
COMPLETED: 05/06/1993 Withdrawn by agency

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AE51
Medicaid Program: Extended Medicaid for Certain Families Who
Lose AFDC Eligibility Because of Earned Income, Work
Supplementation Participants, Residency of Minor Parents
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/06/1992
COMPLETED: 05/07/1993 Withdrawn by agency

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AD17
Medicare Program: Low-Income Eligibility Groups and Coverage of
Services Legislative Changes -- MB-13-P
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/12/1992
COMPLETED: 05/04/1993 Withdrawn by agency

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AG23
Medicare Program, Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment System and Fiscal Year Rates (BPD-771)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/17/1993
COMPLETED: 05/17/1993 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AE72
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/08/1993
COMPLETED: 09/23/1993 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AB50
Payment for Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests, Medicare and
Medicaid Programs
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/11/1993
COMPLETED: 08/09/1993 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AG23
Medicare Program: Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment System and Fiscal Year Rates -- BPD-771-FC
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/24/1993
COMPLETED: 08/25/1993 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AG00
Payment of Preadmission Services, Medicare Program -- HCF-368,
BPD-731-IFC, 42 CFR Parts 412 and 413
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/10/1993
COMPLETED: 12/23/1993 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AE51
Extended Medicaid for Certain Families Who Lose AFDC Eligibility
Because of Increased Earned Income or Loss of Earned Income
Disregards, Work Supplementation....
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/04/1993
COMPLETED: 11/29/1993 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AG22
Revisions to Payment Policies and Adjustments to the Relative
Value Units under the Physician Fee Schedule, Medicare Program
-- BPD-770-FC
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/16/1993
COMPLETED: 11/24/1993 Consistent with change

HHS-ACF                      RIN: 0970-AB05
Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/19/1993
COMPLETED: 12/15/1993 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AF62
Use of Materials Bulletins Used in the HUD Building Product
Standards and Certification Program (FR-3210)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/07/1992
COMPLETED: 04/19/1993 Consistent w/no change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AF91
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards on Wind
Standards (FR-3380)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/06/1993
COMPLETED: 03/19/1993 Consistent with change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AF29
Tiered Pricing (FR-3021)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/19/1993
COMPLETED: 05/28/1993 Consistent with change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AG13
Amendments to Regulations X, the Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Act Regulations (FR-3382)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/15/1993
COMPLETED: 04/19/1993 Consistent with change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AE66
Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/24/1993
COMPLETED: 09/21/1993 Consistent w/no change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AF77
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X) Escrow
Accounting Procedures -- Section 3500.17
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/21/1993
COMPLETED: 11/02/1993 Consistent with change

HUD-PIH                      RIN: 2577-AB27
Designated Housing, Public Housing Designated for Occupancy by
Disabled, Elderly, or Disabled and Elderly Families, Proposed
New Part 945 and Proposed Amendments to Part 960
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/19/1993
COMPLETED: 12/29/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of the Interior

DOI-MMS                      RIN: 1010-AB78
Oil Spill Financial Responsibility for Offshore Facilities
Including Oil Platforms and Pipelines In, On, or Under Federal
and State Navigable Waters (Anprm)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/01/1993
COMPLETED: 08/02/1993 Consistent with change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AA24
Migratory Bird Hunting
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/15/1993
COMPLETED: 04/01/1993 Consistent with change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AA24
Final Frameworks for Early-Season Migratory Bird Hunting
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/05/1993
COMPLETED: 08/13/1993 Consistent w/no change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AA24
Migratory Bird Hunting, Final Frameworks for Late-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/20/1993
COMPLETED: 09/20/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Justice

DOJ-LA                       RIN: 1190-AA26
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local
Government Services
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/09/1993
COMPLETED: 08/17/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Labor

DOL-ESA                      RIN: 1215-AA85
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 -- 29 CFR Part 825
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/25/1993
COMPLETED: 05/28/1993 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AB34
Lead Exposure in Construction (Interm Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/26/1993
COMPLETED: 04/26/1993 Deadline case

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Transportation

DOT-USCG                     RIN: 2115-AD82
Response Plans for Marine Transportation-Related Facilities
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/19/1993
COMPLETED: 01/19/1993 Consistent with change

DOT-USCG                     RIN: 2115-AD81
Vessel Response Plans
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/19/1993
COMPLETED: 01/19/1993 Consistent with change

DOT-USCG                     RIN: 2115-AE01
Structural and Operational Measures to Reduce Oil Spills from
Existing Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/06/1993
COMPLETED: 10/13/1993 Consistent with change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AB85
Head Impact Protection
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/14/1993
COMPLETED: 01/29/1993 Consistent with change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AE42
Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard for Model Year 1995
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/25/1993
COMPLETED: 03/26/1993 Consistent w/no change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AA00
Stability and Control While Braking Requirements for Medium and
Heavy Vehicles (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/26/1993
COMPLETED: 09/16/1993 Consistent with change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AE47
Antilock Brake Systems for Light Vehicles (ANPRM)
STAGE: Prerule
RECEIVED:  12/28/1993
COMPLETED: 12/29/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of the Treasury

TREAS-OTS                    RIN: 1550-AA46
Regulatory Capital: Interest Rate Risk Component
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/18/1993
COMPLETED: 07/22/1993 Consistent w/no change

TREAS-OTS                    RIN: 1550-AA69
Community Reinvestment Act Regulations
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/07/1993
COMPLETED: 12/07/1993 Consistent with change

TREAS-OCC                    RIN: 1557-AB14
Risk-Based Capital Standards, Interest Rate Risk
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/25/1993
COMPLETED: 08/24/1993 Consistent with change

TREAS-OCC                    RIN: 1557-AB32
Community Reinvestment Act
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/06/1993
COMPLETED: 12/07/1993 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Corporation for National and Community Service

Corporation for National and Community Service (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/01/1993
COMPLETED: 12/23/1993 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AC08
Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/11/1992
COMPLETED: 01/15/1993 Review Suspended

Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program Development and
Approval Guidance (EPA and Noaa), Guidance Specifying Management
Measures for Sources of Nonpoint.... -- Section 6217
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/27/1992
COMPLETED: 01/08/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AA12
Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category, Offshore
Subcategory, Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source
Performance Standards (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/20/1992
COMPLETED: 01/14/1993 Deadline case

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AC08
Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/12/1993
COMPLETED: 03/30/1993 Deadline case

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AB53
Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New
Source Performance Standards: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard
Category, National Emission Stds. for Hazardous Air Pollutants
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/26/1993
COMPLETED: 10/29/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AC35
Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the Sacramento
River, San Joaquin River, and San Francisco Bay and Delta of the
State of California (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/03/1993
COMPLETED: 12/10/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AD30
Oil Pollution Prevention Regulation (Cr 2050-A482)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/12/1992
COMPLETED: 01/15/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AB80
Corrective Action Management Units and Temporary Units,
Corrective Action Provisions Under Subtitle C
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/20/1992
COMPLETED: 01/11/1993 Consistent with change

Risk Management Plans Under Section 112(r)(7) of the Clean Air
Act, As Amended (Cr 2050-A464)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/12/1993
COMPLETED: 08/11/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AD89
Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Listed and Identified
Wastes and Hazardous Soil
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/01/1993
COMPLETED: 08/31/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD91
Accelerate the Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances Under
Paragraph 606 of the Clean Air Act, As Amended in 1990 to Add
Methyl Bromide to the Class I List (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/11/1992
COMPLETED: 01/19/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AC64
Evaporative Emission Regulations for Gasoline-Fueled and
Methanol-Fueled Light Duty Vehicles, Light-Duty Trucks, and
Heavy-Duty Vehicles -- SAN 2969
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/09/1992
COMPLETED: 01/15/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD32
Clean Fuel Emission Standards, Conversions, and General
Provisions, Clean Fuel Fleet Program, and Amended Heavy-Duty
Averaging, Banking, and Trading Credit Accounting Rules
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/15/1992
COMPLETED: 05/14/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AC65
Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles and New Motor
Vehicle Engines, Regulations Requiring on-Board Diagnostic
Systems on 1994 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicles
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/24/1992
COMPLETED: 01/28/1993 Deadline case

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD27
Fuel and Fuel Additives, Standards for Reformulated Gasoline
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/19/1993
COMPLETED: 01/19/1993 Consistent w/no change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD71
Standards for Deposit Control Gasoline Additives, Fuels and Fuel
Additives -- SAN 3018
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/09/1993
COMPLETED: 11/18/1993 Deadline case

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD18
Enhanced Monitoring -- 40 CFR Part 64, SAN 2942
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/21/1993
COMPLETED: 09/30/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE60
Criteria and Procedures for Determining Conformity to State or
Federal Implementation Plans of Transportation Plans, Programs,
and Projects Funded or Approved under Title 2....
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/18/1993
COMPLETED: 11/15/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD91
Accelerated Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Chemicals and Listing
and Phaseout of Methyl Bromide
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/01/1993
COMPLETED: 11/29/1993 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE10
Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to State or
Federal Implementation Plans
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/15/1993
COMPLETED: 11/15/1993 Consistent with change

Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Renewable Oxygenate
Requirement for Reformulated Gasoline (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/14/1993
COMPLETED: 12/15/1993 Deadline case

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD27
Fuel and Fuel Additives: Standards for Reformulated Gasoline
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/14/1993
COMPLETED: 12/15/1993 Deadline case

(Return to Agency List)

Small Business Administration

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AC88
Small Business Size Standards, Business Loan Program,
Alternative Size Standard
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/16/1993
COMPLETED: 02/25/1993 Consistent w/no change

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AD00
Small Business Investment Companies, Partially Implement Title
IV of P.L. 102-366 and Other Matters (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/09/1993
COMPLETED: 07/12/1993 Consistent w/no change

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AD00
Small Business Investment Companies -- Sections 402, 403, 404
and 412 of Title IV of P.L. 102-366 (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/14/1993
COMPLETED: 07/12/1993 Consistent w/no change

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AD08
Small Business Size Standards, Fixed Size Standard Levels
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/20/1993
COMPLETED: 08/26/1993 Consistent w/no change

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AC58
Small Business Size Standards, Environmental Services
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/26/1993
COMPLETED: 09/14/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Social Security Administration

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AD46
Limitation of Travel Expenses for Representation of Claimants at
Administrative Proceedings
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/20/1992
COMPLETED: 01/12/1993 Consistent w/no change

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AD09
Supplemental Security Income, Determining Disability for a Child
Under Age 18 -- 20 CFR Part 16, Subpart I and J
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/15/1993
COMPLETED: 08/26/1993 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Federal Acquisition Regulations

FAR                          RIN: 9000-AF60
Expedited Implementation of the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) Implementation Act of 1993
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/15/1993
COMPLETED: 12/21/1993 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Run date: August 22, 2002