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USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA25 Export Bonus Programs, Export Enhancement Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/25/1991 COMPLETED: 05/24/1991 Deadline case
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA24 The Market Promotion Program (Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 06/25/1991 COMPLETED: 08/09/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-YF66 Emergency Livestock Assistance, 7 CFR Part 1475 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/03/1990 COMPLETED: 02/04/1991 Returned (reconsider)
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AB93 Notice of Milk Price Support Level and CCC Purchase Prices STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/27/1990 COMPLETED: 01/03/1991 Emergency case
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC04 Proposed Determinations with Regard to the 1991 Rice Program STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 12/31/1990 COMPLETED: 01/02/1991 Emergency case
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AB94 Proposed Determinations with Regard to the 1991-95 Program Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/18/1991 COMPLETED: 02/08/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AB96 Chapter XIV - Commodity Credit Corporation, Part 1421 Grain and Similarly Handled Commodities STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/18/1991 COMPLETED: 02/04/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC20 Dairy Products, 7 CFR Part 1430 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 01/24/1991 COMPLETED: 01/31/1991 Emergency case
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC12 Feed Grain, Rice, Upland and Extra Long Staple Cotton, Wheat and Related Programs (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/13/1991 COMPLETED: 02/25/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC09 Agricultural Resources Conservation Program Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/20/1991 COMPLETED: 02/28/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AB90 Assignment of Payments and Commodity Certificate Payments, 7 CFR Parts 1404 and 1470 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/20/1991 COMPLETED: 03/14/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC30 Acreage Reduction Program for 1992 Wheat STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/27/1991 COMPLETED: 03/29/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC12 Compliance Program, Reconstitutions, Annual Wheat, Feed Grains, Cotton and Rice Production Adjustment Programs, Integrated Farm Management Program STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/04/1991 COMPLETED: 04/12/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC19 Grain and Similarly Handled Commodities (Final Rule), Chapter XIV, Part 1421 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/04/1991 COMPLETED: 04/11/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC09 Agricultural Resources Conservation Program Regulations (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/08/1991 COMPLETED: 04/12/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC16 Proposed Determinations Regarding Support Prices for Wool on Unshorn Lambs and for Mohair for the 1991 Marketing Year STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 04/12/1991 COMPLETED: 05/07/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-YF73 Emergency Livestock Assistance, 7 CFR Part 1475, Final Rule STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 05/13/1991 COMPLETED: 07/12/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC31 Acreage Reduction Program for 1992 Feed Grains STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 06/10/1991 COMPLETED: 07/08/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC56 Common Provisions for the Wheat, Cotton and Rice Programs (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/01/1991 COMPLETED: 08/12/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC16 Final Determinations Regarding Support Prices for Wool on Unshorn Lambs and for Mohair for the 1991 Marketing Year STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/12/1991 COMPLETED: 08/15/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC33 1992 Upland Cotton Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/29/1991 COMPLETED: 09/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC14 Price Support Loan Program for 1991 Crops of Sugar Beets and Sugarcane (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 09/05/1991 COMPLETED: 09/12/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC14 Sugar and Crystalline Fructose Marketing Allotment Regulations for Fiscal Year 1992 Through 1996 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 09/06/1991 COMPLETED: 11/25/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC32 1992 Rice Acreage Reduction Program and Changes to the Formula for Calculating and Announcing the Rice World Market Price STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 09/26/1991 COMPLETED: 10/18/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AC34 Proposed Determinations Regarding Support Prices for Wool on Unshorn Lambs and for Mohair for the 1992 Marketing Year STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/01/1991 COMPLETED: 11/29/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-YC33 FmHA Instruction 1924-B, Management Advice to Individual Borrowers and Applicants, 1955-A, Liquidation of Loans Secured by Real Estate and Chattel Property, 1965-A, Etc. STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/07/1991 COMPLETED: 03/22/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA72 Community Programs Guaranteed Loans, 1980-I STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/08/1991 COMPLETED: 06/04/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA20 Animal Welfare, Standards STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/06/1991 COMPLETED: 02/06/1991 Deadline case
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA43 User Fees STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/22/1991 COMPLETED: 02/26/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA43 User Fees STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/02/1991 COMPLETED: 04/09/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA43 User Fees STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/12/1991 COMPLETED: 04/15/1991 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA43 User Fees -- Agricultural Quarantine and Inspection Services, Phyosanitary Certificates, Animal Quarantine Services, Veterinary Diagnostics, Export Health Certificates STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/15/1991 COMPLETED: 08/01/1991 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA43 User Fees--Agricultural Quarantine and Inspection Services, Phytosanitary Certificates, Animal Quarantine Services, Veterinary Diagnostics, Export Health Certificates STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/25/1991 COMPLETED: 12/06/1991 Review Suspended
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AB34 Nutrition Labeling of Meat and Poultry Products STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 10/15/1991 COMPLETED: 10/24/1991 Returned (reconsider)
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AB34 Nutrition Labeling of Meat and Poultry Products STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/01/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA05 CHAMPUS: Reimbursement of Individual Health Providers STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/01/1991 COMPLETED: 08/29/1991 Consistent with change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA37 Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products, Energy Conservation Standards for Dishwashers, Clothes Washers, and Clothes Dryers STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/09/1990 COMPLETED: 02/05/1991 Consistent with change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA34 Draft Energy Conservation Interim Voluntary Performance Standards for New Non-Federal Residential Buildings STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 06/20/1991 COMPLETED: 10/29/1991 Review Suspended
HHS-PHS RIN: 0905-AD08 Nutrition Labeling of Raw Fruit, Vegetables, and Fish STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/30/1991 COMPLETED: 06/27/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-PHS RIN: 0905-AC48 Food Labeling, Declaration of Ingredients, Common or Usual Name for Non-Standardized Foods, Diluted Juice Beverages STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/30/1991 COMPLETED: 06/27/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling, Substitute Foods Named by Use of a Nutrient Content Claim and a Standardized Term STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims and Label Statements, Dietary Fiber and Cardiovascular Disease STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: General Requirements for Health Claims for Foods STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling, Definitions of Nutrient Content Claims for Fat, Fatty Acid and Cholesterol STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Nutrient Content Claims General Principles, Petitions, Definition of Terms STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/06/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling, Health Claims and Label Statements: Dietary Fiber and Cancer STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims for Butter STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims, Zinc and Immune Function in the Elderly STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims and Label Statements, Antioxidant Vitamins and Cancer STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims and Label Statements, Lipids and Cardiovascular Disease STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims, Dietary Lipids and Cancer STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims and Label Statements, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims and Label Statements, Folic Acid and Neural Tube Defects STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims, Calcium, and Osteoporosis STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: Health Claims and Label Statements, Sodium Hypertension STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 State Enforcement Provisions of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Nutrition Labeling of Raw Fruit, Vegetables, and Fish STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 State Petitions Requiring Exemption from Federal Preemption STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Labeling: 'Cholesterol Free,' Low Cholesterol,' and 'Percent Fat Free Claims' Claims STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/1991 COMPLETED: 11/05/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-IHS RIN: 0917-YA01 IHS Core Data Set Requirements (CDSR) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/19/1991 COMPLETED: 12/17/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AE03 Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Costs Per Visit for Cost Reporting Periods Beginning July 1, 1989 - BPD-629-FN STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/10/1990 COMPLETED: 01/16/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AD48 Schedule of Limits for Skilled Nursing Facility Inpatient Routine Service Costs STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 01/29/1991 COMPLETED: 03/21/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AE59 Capital Payments Under the Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/21/1991 COMPLETED: 02/21/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AE90 Medicare Program, Changes to the Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System and Fiscal Year 1992 Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/17/1991 COMPLETED: 05/28/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AE91 Fee Schedule for Physicians' Services STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/22/1991 COMPLETED: 05/29/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AD94 Survey and Certification of Skilled Nursing Facilities and Nursing Facilities and Enforcement Procedures (Medicare and Medicaid) (Cr 0938-A598) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 06/04/1991 COMPLETED: 09/05/1991 Review Suspended
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AD01 Changes Concerning the Definition of Accrual Basis of Accounting STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/01/1991 COMPLETED: 10/03/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AE59 Prospective Payment System for Hospital Inpatient Capital Related Costs STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/26/1991 COMPLETED: 08/26/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AE90 Changes to the Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System and Fiscal Year 1992 Rates (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/26/1991 COMPLETED: 08/26/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AD36 State Share of Financial Participation STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 10/30/1991 COMPLETED: 10/30/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AE91 Fee Schedule for Physicians' Services STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/12/1991 COMPLETED: 11/13/1991 Consistent w/no change
HHS-ACF RIN: 0970-AA92 Child Care and Development Block Grant (CC&DBG) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/16/1991 COMPLETED: 05/29/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-ACF RIN: 0970-AA90 At-Risk Child Care Program STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 04/29/1991 COMPLETED: 06/19/1991 Consistent with change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-AA49 OIG Anti-Kickback Provisions (0991-A057) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/19/1991 COMPLETED: 07/22/1991 Consistent with change
HUD-HUDSEC RIN: 2501-AB12 HOME Investment in Affordable Housing (FR-2937) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/08/1991 COMPLETED: 11/08/1991 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AE66 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards FR-2622 (2502-A590) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/11/1990 COMPLETED: 01/07/1991 Review Suspended
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AE66 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards FR-2622 (Cr 2502-A537) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 09/23/1991 COMPLETED: 12/05/1991 Consistent with change
HUD-FHEO RIN: 2501-AA85 Final Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines (FR-2665) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 01/10/1991 COMPLETED: 02/26/1991 Consistent with change
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AA32 Indian Housing - Revised Consolidated Program Regulations (FR-2208) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 09/30/1991 COMPLETED: 11/18/1991 Withdrawn by agency
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA24 Final Frameworks for Selecting Early Hunting Seasons on Certain Migratory Game Birds in the United States for the 1991-92 Season STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/21/1991 COMPLETED: 02/28/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA24 Final Frameworks for Early-Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/14/1991 COMPLETED: 08/15/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AB42 Federal Lands Program - Area Unsuitable for Mining - Areas Designated by Act of Congress - Requirements for Coal Exploration STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/28/1991 COMPLETED: 05/09/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-CRT RIN: 1190-AA21 Implement Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 06/26/1991 COMPLETED: 07/15/1991 Consistent with change
DOJ-CRT RIN: 1190-AA19 Implement Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 06/26/1991 COMPLETED: 07/15/1991 Consistent with change
DOL-ESA RIN: 1215-AA57 Implementation of the Minimum Wage Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1989 in Puerto Rico -- 29 CFR Part 510 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/03/1991 COMPLETED: 12/11/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA84 Occupational Exposure to 2-Methoxyethanol, 2-Ethoxyethanol and Their Acetates STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/06/1991 COMPLETED: 09/06/1991 Review Suspended
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AB15 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/29/1991 COMPLETED: 11/25/1991 Deadline case
DOL-MSHA RIN: 1219-AA44 Criteria and Procedures for Proposed Assessment of Civil Penalties (30 CFR Part 100) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/12/1991 COMPLETED: 12/20/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AB47 Computer Reservation System Rules STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/21/1991 COMPLETED: 03/13/1991 Consistent with change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AB53 Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/06/1991 COMPLETED: 03/27/1991 Deadline case
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AB53 Implement Americans with Disabilities Act (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/12/1991 COMPLETED: 08/21/1991 Deadline case
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AB47 Computer Reservation System Regulations STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/26/1991 COMPLETED: 11/26/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AD67 Recreational Vessel Fees STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/11/1991 COMPLETED: 03/20/1991 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AD67 Recreational Vessel Fees STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 06/19/1991 COMPLETED: 06/20/1991 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AE01 Structural and Operational Measures to Reduce Oil Spills from Existing Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 10/21/1991 COMPLETED: 10/29/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AD96 Phaseout of Stage 2 Airplanes Operating in the 48 Contiguous United States and the District of Columbia STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/28/1991 COMPLETED: 02/25/1991 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AD96 Transition to an All Stage 3 Fleet Operating in the 48 Contiguous United States and the District of Columbia STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/29/1991 COMPLETED: 09/18/1991 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AD56 Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 1993 and 1994 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 01/14/1991 COMPLETED: 03/14/1991 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AD10 Automatic Crash Protection in Light Trucks STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/25/1991 COMPLETED: 03/18/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AC43 Side Impact Protection: Light Trucks, Buses, and MPV's STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/03/1991 COMPLETED: 06/07/1991 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AD00 Importation of Nonconforming Vehicles for Purposes of Research, Investigation, Studies, Demonstration, or Training or Competitive Racing Events (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/26/1991 COMPLETED: 12/31/1991 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AB46 Hydrostatic Testing of Certain Hazardous Liquid and Carbon Dioxide Pipelines STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/06/1991 COMPLETED: 05/10/1991 Consistent with change
TREAS-CUSTOMS RIN: 1515-AA67 Liability of Common Carriers for Failure to Exercise the Highest Degree of Care and Diligence to Prevent Unmanifested Narcotics and Marijuana (RP 88-039) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/10/1991 COMPLETED: 01/18/1991 Consistent w/no change
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA09 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/08/1991 COMPLETED: 01/15/1991 Consistent with change
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA09 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/04/1991 COMPLETED: 03/12/1991 Consistent with change
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA10 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (Supplemental Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/08/1991 COMPLETED: 03/12/1991 Consistent with change
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA09 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/03/1991 COMPLETED: 07/15/1991 Consistent with change
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA10 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles -- Final Guidelines STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/14/1991 COMPLETED: 08/23/1991 Consistent with change
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA10 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility for Buildings and Facilities - Amendment to Final Guidelines STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/14/1991 COMPLETED: 08/23/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-YA71 EPA Groundwater Task Force Report STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/17/1990 COMPLETED: 05/09/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AB51 Final National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/16/1990 COMPLETED: 04/29/1991 Deadline case
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA79 General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (Proposed Rule) (Cr 2040-A294) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/28/1990 COMPLETED: 04/05/1991 Review Suspended
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA12 Effluent Guidelines and Standards for the Oil and Gas Extraction Category, Offshore Subcategory STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 12/24/1990 COMPLETED: 02/28/1991 Deadline case
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-YA70 Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/06/1991 COMPLETED: 05/06/1991 Deadline case
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AC03 The Federal Manual for Identification and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/07/1991 COMPLETED: 08/09/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA94 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Radionuclides (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/13/1991 COMPLETED: 06/14/1991 Deadline case
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AB89 Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (Proposed Rule) (Cr 2040-A279) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/23/1991 COMPLETED: 07/02/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA55 Monitoring for 8 Volatile Organic Chemicals, MCLE's and MCL's for Aldicarb, Aldicarb Sulfoxide, Aldicarb Sulfone, Pentachlorophenol, and Barium STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 05/29/1991 COMPLETED: 06/14/1991 Deadline case
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AC03 Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands -- Notice of Availability, Comment Period Extension (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 12/12/1991 COMPLETED: 12/13/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB21 Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria, 40 CFR Parts 257 and 258 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 09/28/1990 COMPLETED: 10/09/1991 Deadline case
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AC82 Revision of the Visibility SIP for Arizona STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/09/1990 COMPLETED: 01/31/1991 Deadline case
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AC42 Proposed NSPS for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 09/05/1990 COMPLETED: 03/07/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AC26 Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Municipal Waste Combustors STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/05/1990 COMPLETED: 01/11/1991 Deadline case
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD25 Tier 1 Light-Duty Tailpipe Standards and Useful Life Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/23/1991 COMPLETED: 02/06/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD16 Title V - Operating Permits Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/14/1991 COMPLETED: 04/23/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB94 Hazardous Waste, Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities-Organic Air Emissions for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers (Cr 2060-A863, 2060-A914) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/20/1991 COMPLETED: 05/29/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AC65 Regulations Requiring on-Board Diagnostic Systems on 1994 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicles and Trucks STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/09/1991 COMPLETED: 08/02/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD25 Tier 1 Light-Duty Tailpipe Standards and Useful Life Requirements STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 05/15/1991 COMPLETED: 05/15/1991 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD28 Reformulated Gasoline and Antidumping Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/31/1991 COMPLETED: 06/11/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD62 Applicability of New Source Review Requirements to Physical or Operating Changes at Electric Utilities STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/31/1991 COMPLETED: 06/01/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AC84 Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances -- Section 603 of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 06/14/1991 COMPLETED: 08/16/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD40 Acid Rain Permits, Allowance System, and Emissions Monitoring Regulations Under Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 06/27/1991 COMPLETED: 10/29/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-YC38 Pesticides and Groundwater Strategy STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/11/1991 COMPLETED: 09/06/1991 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA49 Worker Protection Standards, 40 CFR Parts 156 and 170 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 06/12/1991 COMPLETED: 10/01/1991 Review Suspended
EEOC RIN: 3046-AA42 Coordination Procedures for Complaints or Charges of Employment Discrimination Based on Disability Subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 ... STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/18/1991 COMPLETED: 11/27/1991 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AC01 Breakout Procurement Center Representative Program STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/12/1990 COMPLETED: 03/13/1991 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AC26 Small Business Investment Companies -- Management and Private Capital Requirements STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/11/1991 COMPLETED: 03/20/1991 Withdrawn by agency
SBA RIN: 3245-AB29 Small Business Investment Companies, Miscellaneous Amendments STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/11/1991 COMPLETED: 06/19/1991 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AC50 Small Business Investment Companies - Common Control STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 04/23/1991 COMPLETED: 05/02/1991 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AC11 Small Business Size Standards, Computer Programming, Data Processing and Other Computer Related Services STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 06/27/1991 COMPLETED: 07/31/1991 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AC26 Small Business Investment Company - Management and Private Capital Requirements STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/03/1991 COMPLETED: 07/30/1991 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AD28 Elimination of Eligibility for Retroactive Benefits for Certain Individuals Eligible for Reduced Benefits, 20 CFR Part 404, Regulation No. 4, Subpart G STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 09/17/1991 COMPLETED: 11/14/1991 Consistent w/no change