USDA-AgSEC RIN: 0505-AA08 Debt Collection STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-OCFO RIN: 0505-AA08 Debt Collection STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-OCFO RIN: 0505-AA03 Uniform Federal Assistance Regulations, 7 CFR 3015 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-OCFO Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-OCFO RIN: 0505-AA03 Uniform Federal Assistance Regulations, 7 CFR 3015 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-OGPS Application Notice for Rangeland Research Grants Program for Fiscal Year 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-OGPS Competitive Research Grants Program for Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources for Fiscal Year 1985, Solicitation of Applications STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/23/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-OGPS Competitive Research Grants Program for Fiscal Year 1986, Solicitation of Applications STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-EXS Authorization to Use the 4-H Club Name or Emblem STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-S&E Procedures for Implementing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS Modification of 1985 Sugar Import Quota Year STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA06 Adjustment of Import Fees on Sugar, Effective February 12, 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA06 Adjustment of Import Fees on Sugar, Effective March 5, 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA06 Quarterly Sugar Import Fee Determination 2nd Quarter 1985, Effective April 1, 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA11 Section 22 Dairy Import Quotas: Assessment of Fees for Administering Import Licenses STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA15 Commodity Credit Corporation Export Enhancement Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FAS Country of Origin Adjustment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA17 Calculation of the Market Stabilization Price STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS Licenses for Importation of Sugar to Be Re-Exported in Refined Form STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA12 Emergency Relief from Perishable Product Imports from Israel STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA11 Section 22 Dairy Import Quotas: Assessment of Fees for Administering Import Licenses STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS White or Irish Potato Production STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS Notice of Fee for 1986 Quota Year STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA13 Review of the U.S. Sugar Import Quota System STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS Determination of the Market Stabilization Price for Sugar for Fy 1986 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA28 Licensing of Sugar Exempt from Quotas for Purpose of Production of Polyhydric Alcohol STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA12 Emergency Relief from Perishable Product Imports from Israel STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS Licenses for Importation/Transfer of Sugar to Be Re-Exported in Sugar-Containing Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA18 Regulations Governing Allocations of Sugar Import Quotas: Other Specified Countries of Areas STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA16 Import Limitation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FAS RIN: 0551-AA04 Financing of Commercial Sales of Agricultural Commodities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA40 Determination Regarding the Proclamation of 1985 Crop Program Provisions for Rice STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA41 Determinations Regarding the Proclamation of the 1985 Program Provisions for Upland Cotton STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Suspension and Debarment Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Decodification of CCC Sales Policy for 1981-Crop Peanuts (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Final Rule - 7 CFR Parts 724, 725, 726 and 1464 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Final Determination - 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Final Rule - 7 CFR Parts 725 and 1464 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Conservation and Environmental Programs Regulations (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Price Support Differentials for the 1985-Crop Notice of Proposed Determination STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA32 Honey Price Support Regulations Governing 1983 and Subsequent Crops STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA19 Tobacco Loan Program, 7 CFR Part 1464 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Conservation and Environmental Programs - Water Bank Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA32 Notice of Proposed Determinations Regarding 1985-Crop Honey Price Support Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Feed Grain, Rice, Cotton, and Wheat Programs for 1984 and Subsequent Crop Years STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA27 General Regulations Governing 1982 Through 1985 Crops Peanut Warehouse Storage Loans and Handler Operations, Amendment 3 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Suspension and Debarment Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Determination of Primary Purpose for Amounts That May Be Excluded from Income Under Section 126 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, As Amended STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA36 Notice of Milk Price Support Level and CCC Purchase Prices STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA39 1985-Crop Price Support Levels for Various Tobaccos STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA39 1985-Crop Price Support Level for Flue-Cured Tobacco STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA52 Proclamation of a National Wheat Marketing Quota and Acreage Allotment for the 1986/87 Marketing Year, and the Conducting of a Producer Referendum STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA17 Standards for Approvals of Warehouses for Grain, Rice, Dry Edible Beans, and Seed STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Proposed Determination of Annual Contract Fees STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA14 Standards for Approval of Warehouses for Cotton or Cotton Linters STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA57 Special Producer Storage Loan Program (Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA15 Standards for Approval of Dry and Cold Storage Warehouses for Processed Agricultural Commodities, Extracted Honey, and Bulk Oils STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA22 Notice of Determination--1985 Crop Peanut Price Support Differentials for Warehouse and Farm Stored Loan Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Feed Grain, Rice, Cotton, Wheat Programs for 1984 and Subsequent Crop Years STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/12/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA Notice Results of Marketing Quota Referenda for the 1985 Through 1987 Crops of Cigar-Binder (Types 51 and 52), Dark Air-Cured (Types 35 and 36), and Fire-Cured (Types 21-... STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA35 1985 Marketing Quota for Burley Tobacco STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA44 1985 Marketing Quota for Minor Kinds of Tobacco STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA58 Proposed Determinations with Regard to the 1986 Wheat Marketing Quota Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Proposed Rule to Regulations at 7 CFR Part 1421 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Regulations for Warehouses, Fees STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Feed Grain, Rice, Cotton, and Wheat Programs for 1984 and Subsequent Crop Years STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA28 Final Notice of Determination - 1985 Wool and Mohair Payment Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA CCC Cotton Loan Program Regulations Governing 1980 and Subsequent Crops (Amendment 5) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA39 Notice of Determination: 1985-86 Marketing Year Penalty Rates for All Kinds of Tobacco Subject to Quotas STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA48 Notice of Milk Price Support Level and CCC Purchase Prices STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Price Support Loan Program for 1983 Through 1985 Crops of Sugar Beets and Sugarcane, Amendment No. 1 (Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Emergency case
USDA-FSA Notice of Determination STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Dairy Indemnity Payment Program Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA29 Poundage Quota and Marketing Regulations for the 1983 Through 1985 Crops of Peanuts (Amendment 1) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA57 Special Producer Storage Loan Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA14 Standards for Approval of Warehouses for Cotton and Cotton Linters STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA17 Standards for Approval of Warehouses for Grain, Rice, Dry Edible Beans, and Seed STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA45 Notice of Proposed Determination of 1985-86 Contract Fees STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA51 1985-86 Milk Price Support STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Determination of Primary Purpose for Amounts That May Be Excluded from Income Under Section 126 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, As Amended STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA58 Notice of Determination Regarding the Conduct of a Producer Referendum with Respect to the 1986 Wheat Marketing Quota Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Payment Program for Shorn Wool and Unshorn Lambs (Pulled Wool) Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA 1985 Crop Soybean Preliminary Loan and Purchase Rate STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA45 Regulations for Warehouses, Inspection Fees - Final Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA49 Notice of Proposed Determinations - 1985 Crop Sugar Beets and Sugarcane Loan Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Price Support Loan Program for 1983 Through 1985 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Floodplain Management and Wetland Protection Regulations, (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA39 1985 - Crop Support Level for Various Tobaccos STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA 1985 - Crop Soybean Final Loan and Purchase Rate STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA14 Standards for Approval of Warehouses for Cotton and Cotton Linters STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA CCC Cotton Loan Program Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Conservation and Environmental Programs Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA Regulations for Warehouses - Fees (Cotton Warehouses) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA34 Notice of Determination of Adjustment Price Support Level and Grade Loan Rates -- 1985 Crop Flue-Cured Tobacco STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA62 1986 Upland Cotton STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA86 1986 Marketing Quota/Price Support Level for Flue-Cured Tobacco STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA49 Notice of Final Determination - 1985 Crop Sugar Beets and Sugarcane Loan Rates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Feed Grain, Rice, Cotton, and Wheat Programs for 1985 and Subsequent Crop Years STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Final Rule - Amendment to Regulations at 7 CFR Part 1421 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA15 Standards for Approval of Dry and Cold Storage Warehouses for Processed Agricultural Commodities, Extracted Honey, and Bulk Oils STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Determination of Primary Purpose for Amounts That May Be Excluded from Income Under Section 126 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, As Amended STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Payment Program for Mohair Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA85 Notice of Proposed Determination - 1986 Burley Tobacco Marketing Quota STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Notice of Proposed Determination - 1986 Marketing Quotas Other Tobaccos STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA80 Notice of Determination--1986 Peanut Crop National Acreage Allotment and National Marketing Quota and Related Determinations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA CCC Grain Price Support Regulations Governing the Loan and Purchase Program for 1986 and Subsequent Crops Corn, Sorghum, and Soybeans (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA 1986 Marketing Quota for Minor Kinds of Tobacco STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA General Regulations Governing 1982 Through 1985 Crops Peanut Warehouse Storage Loans and Handler Operations (Amendment 2) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Feed Grain, Rice, Cotton, and Wheat Programs for 1984 and Subsequent Crop Years STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AA85 Notice of Proposed Determination - 1986 Burley Tobacco Marketing Quota STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Cotton Loan Program, 7 CFR Part 1427, Amendment 6 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA Availability of Information to the Public, 7 CFR Part 798, Amendment 1 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FCIC General Amendment, Claim for Indemnity, Interest Payments, 7 CFR Part 400 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/08/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FCIC Hybrid Seed Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 443 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA47 Fresh Market Sweet Corn Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 449 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations - Various (7 CFR Parts 402, 403, 404, 408 409, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 423, 426, 427, 429, 430, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, Etc. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA22 Prune Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 450 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Amendment, Claim for Indemnity, Interest Payments, 7 CFR Part 400, et seq. STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Eastern United States Apple Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 408 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Canning and Processing Tomato Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 438 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA16 Pea Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 416 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA17 Canning Peach Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 451 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA20 Popcorn Crop Insurance Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Dry Bean Crop Insurance Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Administrative Regulations, Individual Yield Coverage STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA06 Rye Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 429 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA37 Extra Long Staple (Pima) Cotton Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 448 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA52 Forage Production Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 415 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA04 Barley Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 419 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA07 Wheat Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 418 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA05 Oat Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 427 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA34 Raisin Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 402 (Amendment 3) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA34 Raisin Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 402 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FCIC General Administrative Regulations - Reinsurance Agreement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Texas Citrus Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 413 (Amendment 3) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Administrative Regulations Late Planting Agreement Option Regulations, 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart a STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA30 Sugar Beet Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 430 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA23 Table Grape Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 441 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Sunflower Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 428, Supplemental Notice of Proposed Policy Rulemaking and Extension of Comment Period STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA34 Raisin Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 402 (Amendment 4) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Barley, Forage Production, Oat, Rye, Sugar Beet, Sugarcane and Wheat Crop Insurance Regulation (7 CFR 419, 415, 427, 429, 430, 417 and 418) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA17 Peach Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 403 (Amendment 3) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA30 Sugarcane Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 417 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Amendment, Various Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 400 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA07 Wheat Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 418 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations - Various (General Amendment Appendix), 7 CFR Chapter IV STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA04 Barley Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 419 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA05 Oat Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 427 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations, Various (7 CFR Parts 420, 421, 425, 431 and 432) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA52 Forage Production Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 415 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA06 Rye Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 429 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA63 General Administrative Regulations - Review and Appeal Procedure, 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart I STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/04/1985 Returned (improper)
USDA-FCIC Almond Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 439 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA34 Raisin Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 402 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA09 Arizona-California Citrus Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 409 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Administrative Regulations, Individual Yield Coverage Plan (Iycp) - 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart B STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Texas Citrus Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 413 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Eastern U.S. Apple Crop Insurance Regulations (7 CFR Part 404), Western U.S. Apple Crop Insurance Regulations (7 CFR Part 408), Apple Crop Insurance Regulation (7 CFR Part 405) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA35 Grape Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 411 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA17 Peach Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 403 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA25 Walnut Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 446 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations, Various (7 CFR Parts 420, 421, 424, 432, 434, 435, 436, and 437) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Administrative Regulations - Standards for Approval, Agency Sales and Service Contract, 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart C (Amendment 1) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Administrative Regulations - Standards for Approval, Agency Sales and Service Agreement, 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart C, (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Prevented Planting Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 442 - Amendment 3 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Canning and Processing Peach Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 451 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Grain Sorghum Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 420 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Corn Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 432 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations - Various, 7 CFR Parts 404, 408, 409, 411, 413 and 439 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA63 General Administrative Regulations - Appeal Procedure, 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart J STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Flax Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 423 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Dry Bean Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 433 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA39 Soybean Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 431 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations - Various (7 CFR Parts 403, 404, 408, 409, 411, 413 and 439) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA25 Walnut Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 446 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA35 Grape Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 411 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA17 Peach Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 403 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Texas Citrus Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 413 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA51 Apple Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 405 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA09 Arizona-California Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 409 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Almond Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 439 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC General Administrative Regulations - Standards for Approval, Agency Sales and Service Agreement, 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart C STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FCIC Prevented Planting Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 442 Amendment No. 3 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA23 Table Grape Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 441 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Combined Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 426, (Amendment 2) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations, Various, 7 CFR Parts 420, 421, 424, 425, 431, 432, 438, and 448 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Corn Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 432 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Grain Sorghum Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 420 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA63 General Administrative Regulations - Appeal Procedure, 7 CFR Part 400, Subpart J STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Returned (improper)
USDA-FCIC Dry Bean Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 433 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Flax Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 423 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Sunflower Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 428 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA30 Sugar Beet Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 430 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations, Various - 7 CFR Parts 415, 417, 418, 419, 427, 429, and 430 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations, Various - 7 CFR Parts 404, 408, 409, 411, 413, and 439 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA21 Potato Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 422 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Texas Citrus Tree Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 440 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA16 Pea Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 416 (Amendment 1) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA22 Prune Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 450 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA34 Raisin Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 402 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Combined Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 426 (Amendment 2) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA39 Soybean Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 431 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Tobacco (Guaranteed Production Plan) Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 436 -- Tobacco (Dollar Plan) Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 434 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations - Various, 7 CFR Parts 422, 430, 434, 436, and 443 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC RIN: 0563-AA30 Sugar Beet Crop Insurance Regulations, 7 CFR Part 430 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FCIC Crop Insurance Regulations - Various Forage Seeding, Pea, Wheat, Barley, Grain Sorghum, Cotton, Flax, Rice, Peanut, Combined Crop, Oat, Sunflower, Soybean, Corn, Dry Bean, STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RUS General Funds, 7 CFR Chapter XVII, Part 1746 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/30/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-RUS Unapplied Advance Payments, Loan Account Computations, Procedures and Policies, 7 CFR Part 1789 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/10/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RUS RIN: 0572-AA36 Revision and Codification of Rea Policies Concerning Audits of REA Borrowers -- 7 CFR Chapter XVII STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RUS Electric Loans, Working Capital, Proposed Addition, 7 CFR Chapter XVII, Part 1704 and Section 1704.5 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/03/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RUS Power Requirement Study, 7 CFR Part 1709 Sections 1709.1 and 1709.6 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/30/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-RUS REA Fidelity and Insurance Requirements for Electrical and Telephone Borrowers, 7 CFR Part 1788 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Community Facility Loans, 7 CFR Part 1942-A STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA49 Predetermined Amortization Schedule System and Automated Multiple Family Accounting System STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/14/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS FmHA Instruction 1951-G, Borrower Supervision, Servicing and Collection of SFH Loan Accounts STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Guaranteed Loan Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/19/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS Business and Industrial Loan Program, 7 CFR Part 1980-E STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA14 Implementation of Emergency Agricultural Credit Act of 1984 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA06 Development Grants for Community Domestic Water and Waste Disposal System, and Community Facility Loans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS FmHA Instruction 1945-D, Exhibit D - Emergency Loans for Citrus Grove Rehabilitation and/or Re-Establishment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA69 Servicing Cases Where Unauthorized Loan or Other Financial Assistance Was Received STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Community Facility Loans and Grants STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Debt Adjustment Program - Exhibit B, FmHA Instruction 1980-B STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/12/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA18 Housing Preservation Grants, 7 CFR Part 1944 N STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/17/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS Approved Lender Program - Farm Ownership and Operating Loans Exhibit A, FmHA Instruction 1980-B STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Taxpayer's Identification Number STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Community Facility Loans and Grants STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA12 Restricting Insured and Guaranteed Operating and Farm Ownership Loans for Financing Surplus Agricultural Commodities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA03 Property Management STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA20 Management and Supervision of Multiple Family Housing Borrowers and Grant Recipients STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/18/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS FmHA Instruction 1944-E, Rural Rental Housing Loan Policies, Procedures, and Authorizations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/24/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA05 Supplemental Requirements for Making Section 502 RH Loans for Mobile Manufacturer Homes and Home Sites, Renal Projects and Subdivisions: Development Installation and Set-Up STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/24/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS FmHA Instruction 1945-D Exhibit D - Emergency Loans for Citrus Grove Rehabilitation and/or Re-Establishment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Farm Labor Housing STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA20 Section 502 Rural Housing Loan Policies, Procedures and Authorizations, 7 CFR Part 1944-A STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/24/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS RIN: 0575-AA53 Real Property Insurance, 7 CFR Part 1806 or FmHA Instruction 426.1 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Servicing of Real Estate Security for Single Family Housing Loans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Guaranteed Loan Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/24/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS Servicing and Collections STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-RHS Community Facility Loans and Grants STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/09/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-RHS Implementing of Court Orders Coleman V. Block, and Curry V. Block Special Supervision of Delinquent and Problem Case FmHA Borrowers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products, Amendment to Production Requirements for Biological Products, Expiration Date and Reprocessing STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Overtime Work at Border Ports, Ocean Ports and Airports STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/13/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-APHIS Overtime Work at Laboratories, Border Ports, Ocean Ports and Airports STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/13/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA36 Horses from CEM Countries (Docket 84-094) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Overtime Services Relating to Imports and Exports, Commuted Travel Time Allowances STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Animals Destroyed Because of Brucellosis STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products, Unlicensed Products in Licensed Establishments -- 84-117 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products, Packaging and Labeling STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Bird Quarantine Facilities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Khapra Beetle STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Animals Destroyed Because of Brucellosis STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Cattle from Canada STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Sheep and Goats from Canada STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA37 Honeybees and Honeybee Semen (Docket 84-350) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Exotic Bee Diseases and Parasites (Docket 84-349) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Individual Identification Devices for Cattle and Swine STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Pseudorabies: Interstate Dissemination Prevention Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Accreditation of Veterinarians and Origin Health Certificates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS Importation of Birds STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Semen of Ruminants or Swine from Countries Where Rinderpest or Foot-and-Mouth Disease Exists STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products, Packaging and Labeling and Standard Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Importation of Mangoes from Belize (Docket 85-328) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA36 Importation of Horses, Testing for Contagious Equine Metritis STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Importation of Cheese STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Equine Infectious Anemia STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins and Analogous Products, Revision of Standard Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products, Revision of Standard Requirements for Tetanus Toxoid and Tetanus Antitoxin STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products, Amendment to Production Requirements for Biological Products, Expiration Date and Reprocessing STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS African Swine Fever STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA29 Citrus Canker STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Change in the Disease Status of Great Britain Because of Viscerotropic Velogenic Newcastle Disease (Docket 85-057) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Reservation of Space for Quarantine of Animals and Birds (Docket 85-003) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/02/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS Brucellosis Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Paratuberculosis in Domestic Animals STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Unshu Oranges from Japan STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Importation of Poultry Hatching Eggs (Docket 82-107) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA11 Identification of Animals to Be Destroyed Because of Tuberculosis STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Standards for Accredited Veterinarians (Docket 84-114) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Sharwil Avocados from Hawaii STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Importation of Certain Animal Embryos STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Individual Identification Devices for Cattle and Swine STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-APHIS Animals Destroyed Because of Brucellosis STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Individual Identification Devices for Cattle and Swine STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Equine Infectious Anemia STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Pseudorabies: Interstate Dissemination Prevention Provisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Importation of Certain Animals and Poultry and Certain Animal and Poultry Products, Inspection and Other Requirements for Certain Means of Conveyance and Shipping Containers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products, Unlicensed Products in Licensed Establishments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AA29 Citrus Canker STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Interstate Movement of Cattle STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS African Swine Fever STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Certain Pork Hams STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS Brucellosis, State or Area Classifications, Quarantined Areas STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA05 Recordkeeping and Access to Facilities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/27/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA Supervision, Monitoring, and Equipment Testing STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA06 Licenses and Authorizations (for Individuals Only) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA Official Inspection and Class X and Class Y Weighing Requirements and Inspection Methods and Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA Restrictions on Representations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA02 Kinds of Official Services, Original Services, Official Reinspection Services and Review of Weighing Services, Appeal Inspection Services, and Official Certificate (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA14 U. S. Standards for Soybeans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA07 Official Records and Forms (General) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA01 Fees for Supervision of Official Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA23 Official Performance and Procedural Requirements for Grain Weighing and Inspection Equipment and Related Grain Handling Systems STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA01 Fees for Official Services Performed by Agencies STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA Fees for Supervision of Official Services STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA RIN: 0580-AA02 Kinds of Official Services, Original Services, Official Reinspection Services and Review of Weighing Services, Appeal Inspection Services, and Official Certificates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA Official Inspection and Class X and Class Y Weighing Requirements and Inspection Methods and Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA Inspection and Certification of Certain Agricultural Commodities and Their Products - Regulations and Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-GIPSA Conditions for Obtaining or Withholding Official Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Increase in Fees and Charges STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Regulations for Federal Meat Grading and Certification Services STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS RIN: 0581-AA08 Cotton Research and Promotion, Regulatory Review STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS RIN: 0581-AA43 Dairy Promotion Program: Procedure for Conducting Referenda and Amendments to the Dairy Research and Promotion Order STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS RIN: 0581-AA41 Supplemental Cotton Research and Promotion Assessment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Increase in Fees and Charges STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Amended Regulations for Federal Meat Grading and Certification Services, Product Control Authority STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS RIN: 0581-AA27 Revised Grade Standards for American Pima Cotton STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS RIN: 0581-AA41 Revised Rules for Collecting Cotton Research and Promotion Assessments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS RIN: 0581-AA27 Revised Grade Standards for American Pima Cotton STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Regulations for Federal Meat Grading and Certification Services STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS RIN: 0581-AA41 Supplemental Cotton Research and Promotion Assessment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Revised Requirements for Delayed Certification STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Amendment to Regulations Relating to Fees and Charges for Permissive Tobacco Inspection STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Regulations for Federal Meat Grading and Certification Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Revised Requirements for Delayed Certification STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Cotton Marketing Services, Regulatory Review STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-AMS Regulations for Federal Meat Grading and Certification Services STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Margarine or Oleomargarine, Standards Revisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AA23 Methods of Destruction of Trichinae in Pork Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Exemption of Certain Restaurant Central Kitchens, Retail Exemption Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AA09 Control of Added Substances and Labeling Requirements for Imported Cured Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Voluntary Inspection of Buffalo STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Nitrite Levels in Bacon STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Accredited Laboratory Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Withdrawal of Three Countries from the List of Those Eligible to Import Meat Products Into the United States STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Protective Film Consisting of Water, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Alginate, Calcium Chloride, and Sodium Carbonxymethylcellulose STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AA90 Importation of Meat and Poultry Products, Refused Entry Product STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Agar-Agar in Meat Food Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Swine Post-Mortem Inspection Procedure and Staffing Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Authorization to Manufacture Brands or Other Marking Devices Containing Inspection Legend STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Exemption of Certain Restaurant Central Kitchens, Retail Exemption Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FSIS Exempting Military Shipments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Voluntary Inspection of Rabbits and Edible Products Thereof, Recission of Obsolete Provision for Credit of Inspection Fees STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Electrical Method of Slaughter STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Alpha-Tocopherol As an N-Nitrosamine Inhibitor in Pump-Cured Bacon, Lecithin As an Emulsifier in Meat Food Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AA58 Sulfonamide and Antibiotic Residues in Young Veal Calves STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AA16 Expansion of Operating Schedules for Total Quality Control Establishments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AA16 Total Plant Quality Control for Labeling STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Imported Product: Withdrawal of Three Countries from the List of Those Eligible to Import Products Into the United States STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Biological Residues, Recision of Obsolete Regulatory Provision Concerning Cattle Which Had Been Treated with DES STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS New Turkey Inspection System STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FSIS Voluntary Inspection of Buffalo STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Monoammonium Glutamate in Meat and Poultry Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSIS Biological Residues, Rescission of Obsolete Regulatory Provision Concerning Cattle Which Had Been Treated with DES STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA25 Final WIC Regulation, 7 CFR Part 246 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Advance Payments in the Child Care Food Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/10/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA48 National School Lunch Program and Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Milk in Schools - Verification Monitoring STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/19/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FNS Deficit Reduction Act STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA28 Child Care Food Program Miscellaneous Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA07 Food Distribution Program Regulations, 7 CFR Part 250 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Advance Payments in the Child Care Food Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Returned (improper)
USDA-FNS Food Stamp Program: Fiscal Year 1985 Research, Demonstration and Evaluation Projects STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AB43 Rewrite of 7 CFR Part 210 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Level of Assistance for Nutrition Programs for the Elderly STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA64 Administrative Review Process for Sanctions and Liabilities and Quality Control Arbitration Process STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA16 Alaska Thrifty Food Plan STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA49 Child Care Food Program -- Documentation and Verification of Eligibility STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA19 Amendments to the Requirements for State Agency Reporting (Form FNS-388, State Coupon Issuance and Participation Estimates) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/25/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA50 Food Distribution Program Regulations: State Processing of USDA Donated Foods (100% Yield), 7 CFR Part 250 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/28/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Sale of Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value Under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/05/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA49 Adjustment of Income Eligibility Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA50 National Commodity Processing System for Processing USDA Donated Food (Notice to Discontinue the Program) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Child Care Food Program Determinations of Serious Deficiency STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Level of Assistance for Nutrition Programs for the Elderly STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Advance Payments in the Child Care Food Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/09/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA07 Food Distribution Regulations, 7 CFR Part 250 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA40 Forfeiture and Denial of Property Rights, and Acceptance of Irrevocable Letters of Credit STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA54 Allocation of State Administrative Expense Funds for State Commodity Processing Activities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA05 Food Stamp Issuance and Issuance Liability Rules STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA58 Meat Alternates Used in Child Nutrition Programs, (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Returned (improper)
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA06 Food Stamp Program: Performance Reporting System STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS October 1985 Update to Food Stamp Allotments, Standard Deductions and Shelter/Dependent Care Deduction Limits STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA33 Verification Monitoring and AIMS Reporting (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA26 National Commodity Processing Program for Processing USDA Donated Food STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/04/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Reinstatement of Flavored Milk in WIC Food Packages STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/24/1985 Returned (reconsider)
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA58 Meat Alternates Used in Child Nutrition Programs (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/30/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program for Fiscal Years 1984 and 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/27/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA34 Summer Food Service Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS Child Care Food Program Determinations of Serious Deficiency STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FNS Eligibility of Certain Publicly Operated Community Health Centers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AA08 National Commodity Processing Program for Processing USDA Donated Food STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/06/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AA28 Timber Sale Contract Buy Out Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AA29 Implementation of Down-Payments and Periodic Payments for National Forest Timber Sales STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS Emergency Rate Redetermination Procedures for National Forest Timber Sales in Alaska STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AA04 Sale of Agriculture Lands, Removal of 36 CFR Part 281 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AA08 National Forest Townsites (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/17/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FS Land Uses, Local Resident, Tongass National Forest, 36 CFR Part 250 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AA43 Small Business Timber Set-Aside Program Revisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/10/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FS Timber Sale Contract Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/20/1985 Consistent with change
USDA-FS Emergency Stumpage Rate Redeterminations in Alaska National Forest Timber Sales STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS Modification of Timber Sale Extension Policy STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AA18 Revision of Contents of Advertisements and Prospectuses for National Forest Timber Sales STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS Operations Within Misty Fjords and Admiralty Island National Monuments, Alaska STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AA29 Downpayment and Bid Monitoring on National Forest System Timber Sales STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ADMIN RIN: 0605-AA01 Audit Requirements for State and Local Governments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-CENSUS RIN: 0607-AA05 Challenge Procedure for Certain Population and Per Capita Income Estimates, Amendment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-CENSUS RIN: 0607-AA03 Foreign Trade Statistics Regulations, Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-CENSUS RIN: 0607-AA05 Procedure for Challenging Certain Population and Income Estimates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-CENSUS RIN: 0607-AA06 Fee Structure for Age Search and Citizenship Information STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-CENSUS RIN: 0607-AA02 Foreign Trade Statistics Regulations, Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-CENSUS RIN: 0607-AA07 Challenge Procedure for Certain Population and Per Capita Income Estimates, Amendment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EASA Surveys of International Trade in Services Between United States and Foreign Persons STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA15 Property Management Standards - Real Property - Mortgages, 13 CFR 314.5 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA10 Designation of Public Works Impact Areas, 13 CFR 302.7, Direct and Supplementary Grants for Public Works and Development Facilities Program, 13 CFR 305.5(B)(IV), 305.5(E) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA14 Business Development Program, Subpart a - Financial Assistance for Industrial and Commercial Purposes, 13 CFR 306.20 Project Financing STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA18 General Requirements for Financial Assistance - Employment of Expediters or Administrative Employees, Compensation of Persons Engaged by or on Behalf of Applicants, 13 CFR 309.7 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA17 Designation of Areas, 13 CFR Part 302, Subpart D STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA20 General Requirements for Financial Assistance, Nonrelocation, 13 CFR Part 309, Section 309.3 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA15 Property Management Standards - Real Property Mortgages Under 13 CFR 314.5 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA13 Public Works and Development Facilities Program Specific Types of Projects - Tourism and Recreation Under 13 CFR 305.41 and 305.44 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA17 Designation of Areas, 13 CFR Part 302, Subpart D STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-EDA RIN: 0610-AA03 Energy Conservation, 13 CFR Parts 305, 306, 307 and 308 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA08 Antidumping and Countervailing Duties, Effective Date of Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA06 Watch Duty-Exemption Program for 1985 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA Instruments and Apparatus for Educational and Scientific Institutions - 1985 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA08 Countervailing Duties STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA19 List of Commodities Subject to the Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 1976 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA17 Removal of Validated Licensing Requirements on Exports of Linear Alpha Olefins and Other Acyclic Organic Compounds STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA05 Adjustment Assistance for Firms and Industries, 15 CFR Part 320 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA06 Watch Duty-Exemption Program - 1985 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA08 Antidumping and Countervailing Duties, Administrative Review on Request, Transition Provisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA21 Revisions to Short Supply Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA06 Watch Duty-Exemption Program, 1985 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA25 Notice or Proposed Limit on Duty-Free Insular Watches in Calendar Year 1986 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-ITA RIN: 0625-AA22 Exports of Crude Oil Derived from Alaska's Cook Inlet STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Fishermen's Guarantee Fund (Interim Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA34 Coastal Zone Management: Federal Consistency Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA65 Foreign Fishing - Observer Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (Emergency Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/12/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Surf Claim and Ocean Quahog Fisheries (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA 1985 Foreign Fishing Permit Fees (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Fisheries Loan Fund Procedures (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA Seizure and Forfeiture Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fisheries (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Tuna Fisheries (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Endangered Fish or Wildlife, Certificates of Exemption for Certain Holders of Finished Scrimshaw Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA13 Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA69 Licensing of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Facilities and Plantships (Revision) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Mackerel, Squid and Butterfish Fisheries: Initial Annual Mackerel Specifications (Interim Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Fishermen's Contingency Fund STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fisheries: Initial Annual Squid and Butterfish Specifications (Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Western Pacific Spiny Lobster Fisheries - Emergency Interim Rule Defining Legal-Size Lobster STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/05/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fisheries (Emergency Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/08/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Surf Claim and Ocean Quahog Fisheries - Amendment 6 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/08/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Swordfish Fishery (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB15 Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB26 Shallow-Water Reef Fish Fishery of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/16/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) Data Collection System (DCS) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA The Subsistence Taking of North Pacific Fur Seals (Emergency Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA84 Small Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska - Emergency Interim Rule Allows Closure of an Area to Fishing for a Single Species STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/21/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB42 Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska - to Reduce Optimum Yields, Establish Prohibited Species Catch Limits, Release Reserves (Emergency Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/29/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA Ocean Salmon Fisheries Off the Coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California: to Adjust Number of Fishing Days Per Week (Emergency Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB36 Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fisheries (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB66 Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska - Amendment 14 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/09/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA Foreign Fishing - Subpart A (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/11/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA Ocean Salmon Fisheries Off the Coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California: to Adjust Number of Fishing Days Per Week (Emergency Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Swordfish Fishery (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA34 Coastal Zone Management: Federal Consistency Regulations (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB26 Shallow-Water Reef Fish Fishery of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB15 Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/25/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA Foreign Fishing, Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/25/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA13 Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA53 Marking Containers of Fish and Wildlife STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Tuna Fisheries, Add Some Definitions, Clarify Rule, Reprint Entire Part 285 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA 1985 Foreign Fishing Fees (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB70 Atlantic Tuna Fisheries, Extend Indefinitely Seven-Pound Minimum Size Limit for Bigeye Tuna (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB52 Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area, Amendment 9 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AA69 Licensing of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Facilities and Plantships STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AB07 Modification of Incidental Take Regulations in Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessels, 50 CFR Chapter 50 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fisheries (Emergency Notice) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/14/1985 Emergency case
DOC-NOAA Geostationary Operational Environment Satellites (GOES) Data Collection System (DCS) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA Foreign Fishing, Foreign Fee Schedule (1986) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-PTO RIN: 0651-AA21 Miscellaneous Patent Provisions (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-PTO RIN: 0651-AA15 Practice Before the Patent and Trademark Office STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-PTO RIN: 0651-AA21 Miscellaneous Patent Provisions (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-PTO RIN: 0651-AA24 Revision of Patent Fees (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent with change
DOC-PTO RIN: 0651-AA12 Variety Naming Requirements for Plant Patent Applications STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-PTO RIN: 0651-AA24 Revision of Patent Fees (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-OS RIN: 0690-AA07 Commerce Acquisition Regulation (CAR), Amendment 85-1 - Implements the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-369) Within the Department of Commerce STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-OS RIN: 0690-AA11 Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-OS RIN: 0690-AA09 Commerce Acquisition Regulation (CAR) Amendment 85-2 Protest Provisions of the Competition in Contracts Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-369) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-OS RIN: 0690-AA07 Commerce Acquisition Regulation (CAR), Amendment 85-1- Implements the Competition in Contracting Act (P.L. 98-369) Within the Department of Commerce STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-OS Department of Commerce Program Coverage Under Executive Order 12372 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-TA RIN: 0692-AA02 Licensing of Government Owned Inventions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-TA RIN: 0692-AA01 Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-TA RIN: 0692-AA07 Metric Conversion Policy for Federal Agencies STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-TA RIN: 0692-AA01 Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/14/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA05 FIPS: Storage Module Interfaces with Extensions for Enhanced Storage Module Interfaces STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA27 FIPS: Ada STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA29 FIPS: Publication, Graphical Kernel System (GKS) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA30 FIPS 121: Publication, Videotex/Telex Presentation Level Protocol Syntax (North American PLPS) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA03 FIPS: Password Usage STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA02 FIPS: Computer Data Authentication STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA26 FIPS 68: Basic, Interpretation 1 - Exception Reporting and Handling STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA38 FIPS: Information Resource Dictionary System (IRDS) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA43 FIPS 104-1: American National Standard Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA37 FIPS 123: Specification for a Data Descriptive File for Information Interchange (DDF) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST FIPS: Five Flexible Disk Cartridges STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA27 FIPS 119: Ada STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA20 The Development of Voluntary Product Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA33 FIPS 129: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) DOT Matrix Character Sets for OCR-MA STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NIST RIN: 0693-AA26 FIPS 68-1: Minimal Basic, and FIPS 69-1: Fortran and FIPS 69-1, Fortran STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DOA Permit Regulations for Controlling Certain Activities in the Waters of the United States STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DOA RIN: 0710-AA20 Corps Permits STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOD-DOA RIN: 0710-AA10 Special Recreation User Fees STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DOA Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources, National Disaster Procedures, ER 500-1-1 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/07/1985 Consistent with change
DOD-DOA RIN: 0710-AA03 Public Use of Water Resource Development Projects Administered by the Chief of Engineers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DOA Navigation Regulations for Quachita and Black Rivers, Arkansas, and Louisiana, Mile 0.0 to Mile 237.0 (Arkansas Loiusiana Line) Above the Mouth of the Black River, Etc. STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DOA Ohio River, Mississippi River and Tributaries Above Cairo, Illinois - Use, Administration and Navigation, 33 CFR 207.300 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DOA Mcclellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System: Use, Administration, and Navigation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DOA RIN: 0702-AA13 Equal Employment Opportunity Discrimination Complaints STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DODDEP RIN: 0790-AA45 Former Spouse Payments from Retired Pay STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DODDEP RIN: 0790-AA55 Voluntary State Tax Withholding From Retired Pay STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DODDEP Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DODDEP RIN: 0790-AA55 Voluntary State Tax Withholding From Retired Pay STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-DODDEP RIN: 0790-AA08 Allotments for Child and Spousal Support (Formerly 'Involuntary Child and Spousal Support Allotments') STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOD-COE RIN: 0710-AA12 Processing of Department of the Army Permits, Procedures for the Protection of Historic Properties STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOD-COE RIN: 0710-AA11 Environmental Quality Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOD-COE Changes to the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program to Incorporate Changes Required by National Fishery Enhancement Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-623) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED RIN: 1840-AA03 National Direct Student Loan, College Work-Study, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/03/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
ED Student Assistance General Provisions, Subpart E (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/19/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/09/1985 Withdrawn by agency
ED The Secretary's Discretionary Program -- Planning Grants to Develop Teacher Incentive Structures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent with change
ED The Secretary's Discretionary Program for Mathematics, Science, Computer Learning and Critical Foreign Languages STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/27/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Equal Access of Students to Limited Open Forums of Public Secondary Schools STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED RIN: 1830-AA02 Vocational Education State Programs and Secretary's Discretionary Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Assistance for Local Educational Agencies in Areas Affected by Federal Action and Arrangements for Education of Children Where Local Edu. Agency Cannot Provide Suitable Free Public Education. STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Equal Access of Students to Limited Open Forums of Public Secondary Schools STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED RIN: 1820-AA32 Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Special Projects and Demonstrations for Providing Transitional Rehabilitation Services to Handicapped Youth (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent with change
ED RIN: 1820-AA30 Notice of Final Biennial Funding Priorities -- Research in Education of the Handicapped STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Notice of Proposed Annual Funding Priority -- Auxiliary Activities, Innovative Programs for Severely Handicapped Children STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Annual Funding Priorities -- Auxiliary Activities: Innovative Programs for Severely Handicapped Children STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Removal of Architectural Barriers to the Handicapped Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Withdrawn by agency
ED RIN: 1820-AA29 Final Funding Priorities for the National Institute of Handicapped Research for Fiscal Year 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Notice of Final Funding Priorities for Centers for Independent Living STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Notice of Final Annual Evaluation Priority -- Handicapped Special Studies Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED National Institute of Handicapped Research (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Notice of Proposed Funding Priority for Fiscal Year 1985 Rehabilitation Long-Term Training Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED RIN: 1820-AA28 Miscellaneous Amendments to the Rehabilitation Services Regulations (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED Secretary's Discretionary Program for Mathematics, Science, Computer Learning and Critical Foreign Languages Notice of Final Annual Funding Priorities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OESE Indian Education Programs (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA14 Indian Education Programs -- Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies and Tribal Schools (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA16 Women's Educational Equity Act Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA13 Magnet Schools Assistance Programs (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA18 Assistance for Local Educational Agencies (LEA) in Areas Affected by Federal Act and Arrangements for Education of Children Where Lea Cannot Provide Suitable Free Public Education STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA18 Assistance for Local Educational Agencies in Areas Affected by Federal Activities and Arrangements for Education of Children Where Local Educational Agencies Cannot Provide.... STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA10 Chapter 2 of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/25/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA12 State Grants for Strengthening the Skills of Teachers and Instruction in Mathematics, Science, Foreign Languages, and Computer Learning and for Increasing the Access of All Students STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/07/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA23 Client Assistance Program -- Part 370 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Handicapped Special Studies Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Final Funding Priority for the Educational Media, Research, Production, Distribution, and Training Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA31 Rehabilitation Act, Special Projects and Demonstrations for Providing Vocational Rehabilitation Services to Severely Handicapped Individuals... (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Notice of Proposed Annual Funding Priority -- Training Personnel for the Education of the Handicapped Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Final Funding Priority for the Educational Media, Research, Production, Distribution, and Training Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA30 Research in Education of the Handicapped (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Annual Funding Priorities - Auxiliary Activities: Innovative Programs for Severely Handicapped Children STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Withdrawn by agency
ED-OSERS Notice of Proposed Funding Priorities for NIHR Fellowship Program for Fiscal Year 1985 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA33 Training of Interpreters for Deaf Individuals (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Notice of Final Annual Funding Priority -- Training Personnel for the Education of the Handicapped Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA31 Rehabilitation Act, Special Projects and Demonstrations for Providing Vocational Rehabilitation Services to Severely Handicapped Individuals... (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Notice of Final Annual Funding Priority -- Auxiliary Activities: Innovative Programs for Severely Handicapped Children STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Notice of Proposed Annual Funding Priority -- Training Personnel for the Education of the Handicapped Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA16 Removal of Architectural Barriers to the Handicapped Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Rehabilitation Long-Term Training Program, Notice of Final Funding Priority for Fiscal Year 1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Proposed Funding Priority for the Educational Media, Research, Production, Distribution, and Training Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA34 Notice of Proposed Annual Evaluation Priorities - Handicapped Special Studies Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Final Funding Priorities for NIHR Fellowships STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA33 Rehabilitation Act, Training of Interpreters for Deaf Individuals -- 34 CFR Part 396 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/06/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS RIN: 1820-AA30 Research in Education of the Handicapped (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Handicapped Special Studies Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Notice of Proposed Funding Priorities for Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Proposed Annual Funding Priorities -- Handicapped Children's Early Education Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Notice of Proposed Funding Priorities for NIHR for Fiscal Year 1986 Research and Demonstration and Knowledge, Dissemination and Utilization STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Proposed Annual Funding Priorities -- Auxiliary Activities: Innovative Programs for Severely Handicapped Children STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Proposed FY 1986 Funding Priorities for Projects with Industry Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Proposed Annual Funding Priority -- Auxiliary Activities: In-Service Training - Handicapped Children's Early Education Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Proposed FY 1986 Funding Priorities for Specified Categories of Special Projects and Demonstrations for Providing Vocational Services to the Severely Disabled STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Notice of Proposed Annual Funding Priority for Fiscal Year 1986 -- Special Recreation Program for Handicapped Individuals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Notice of Final Annual Finding Priority -- Training Personnel for the Education of the Handicapped Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Final Funding Priorities for NIHR Fellowships STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Notice of Proposed Funding Priority for Research and Demonstration Projects in Research Training for Fiscal Year 1986 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/11/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OSERS Final Funding Priority for the Educational Media, Research, Production, Distribution, and Training Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OSERS Notice of Final Annual Evaluation Priorities -- Handicapped Special Studies Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OVAE RIN: 1830-AA04 Adult Education -- State-Administered Program and National Adult Education Discretionary Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OVAE RIN: 1830-AA04 State Administered Adult Education Program and National Adult Education Discretionary Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OVAE RIN: 1830-AA02 Vocational Education State Program and Secretary's Discretionary Programs of Vocational Education STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/03/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA02 National Direct Student Loan Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE Pell Grant Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/07/1985 Withdrawn by agency
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA37 Approval of Plans for Doing Business of Authorities Which Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations to Finance Student Loans Under the Guaranteed Student Loan Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA23 Approval of Plans for Doing Business of Authorities Which Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations to Finance Student Loans Under the GSL and PLUS Programs (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE Training Priorities for FY 1985 Under the Training Program for Special Programs Staff and Leadership Personnel (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA06 Pell Grant Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA26 1985 - 1986 Guaranteed Student Loan Family Contribution Schedule -- 34 CFR Part 682 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA29 1985-86 and 1986-87 Pell Grant Cost of Attendance (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA29 1986 - 1987 Pell Grant Family Contribution Schedule (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE Notice of List of Critical Foreign Languages Under Title II of the Education for Economic Security Act STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA34 National Graduate Fellows Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/23/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE Application Notice and Final Training Priorities Under the Training Program for Special Programs Staff and Leadership Personnel STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA47 Student Assistance General Provisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA31 Student Assistance General Provisions, Subpart E (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE Notice of List of Critical Foreign Languages Required Under Title Ii of the Education for Economic Security Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/21/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA04 Guaranteed Student Loan Program and PLUS Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/04/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA34 National Graduate Fellows Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE RIN: 1840-AA50 College Housing Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OPE Graduate Academic Facilities Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Withdrawn by agency
ED-OERI Educational Research Grant Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/07/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OERI RIN: 1850-AA01 Educational Research Grant Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OERI RIN: 1850-AA08 Library Services and Construction Act, State Administered Program and Four Direct Grant Programs: Foreign Language Acquisition Program, Part 768 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OERI The Secretary's Discretionary Program -- Planning Grants to Develop Teacher Incentive Structures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OERI RIN: 1850-AA05 Secretary's Discretionary Program for Mathematics, Science, Computer Learning, and Critical Foreign Languages STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OERI RIN: 1850-AA06 Excellence in Education Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OERI RIN: 1850-AA09 The Strengthening Research Library Resources Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OERI RIN: 1850-AA08 Library Services and Construction Act, State Administered Program and Four Direct Grant Programs: Part 768 - Foreign Language Materials Acquisition (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OERI RIN: 1850-AA09 The Strengthening Research Library Resources Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/13/1985 Consistent with change
ED-EDMAN Administration of Grants (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/1985 Consistent with change
ED-EDMAN RIN: 1880-AA21 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-EDMAN RIN: 1860-AA01 Intergovernmental Review of Department of Education Programs and Activities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent with change
ED-EDMAN Secretary's Discretionary Program for Mathematics, Science, Computer Learning, and Critical Foreign Languages STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/06/1985 Consistent with change
ED-EDMAN Audit Requirements for State and Local Governments (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OBEMLA RIN: 1885-AA07 Emergency Immigrant Education Program -- 34 CFR Part 542 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/24/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OBEMLA Bilingual Education: State Educational Agency Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/14/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OBEMLA RIN: 1885-AA09 Bilingual Education: Program Evaluation Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/14/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OBEMLA Bilingual Education: Fellowship Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/07/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OBEMLA RIN: 1885-AA07 Emergency Immigrant Education Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
ED-OBEMLA Bilingual Education: State Educational Agency Program with Invitation to Comment (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OBEMLA Bilingual Education: Fellowship Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent with change
ED-OBEMLA RIN: 1885-AA08 Bilingual Education: General Provisions, Basic Programs, Family English Literacy Program, Special Population Program, Program for the Development... (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/17/1985 Consistent with change
ED-EDIG National Security Information -- Handling Classified Information STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE RIN: 1991-AA27 Uniform Relocation Assistance Model Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-ENDEP RIN: 1901-AA04 Program Management (Special Research Grants Program) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-ERA RIN: 1903-AA06 Recordkeeping Requirements of DOE's General Allocation and Price Rules Reduction of Recordkeeping Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA17 Institutional Conservation Programs (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA20 Weatherization Assistance for Low Income Persons (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA24 Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products, State Petitions for Exemption from Federal Preemption of State Standards for Water Heaters, Furnaces, Clothes Dryers.... STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-EE Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: State Petitions for Exemption from Federal Preemption of State Standards Refrigerators (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/20/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOE-EE Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products, Test Procedures for Water Heaters STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA16 Commercial and Apartment Conservation Service Federal Standby Plan STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA20 Weatherization Assistance for Low Income Persons: Performance Fund (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-EE Energy Conservation Standards for New Commercial Buildings (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-OGC RIN: 1990-AA05 Byproduct Material STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-PR RIN: 1991-AA24 Departmental Implementation of the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, Public Law 98-369 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Consistent with change
DOE-PR RIN: 1991-AA24 Departmental Implementation of the Protect Provisions of the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 (CICA), P.L. 98-369 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-PR Departmental Implementation of the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, Public Law 98-369 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Consistent with change
DOE-PR RIN: 1991-AA31 Proposed Changes to the DOE Financial Assistance Rules to Implement OMB Circular A-128 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent with change
DOE-DSA RIN: 1992-AA04 Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-DSA RIN: 1992-AA10 Limited Arrest Authority and Use of Force by Protective Force Officers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOE-DSA RIN: 1992-AA09 Physical Fitness Training Program for Protective Force Personnel, Amendment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-PHS PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals by Awardee Institutions (PHS Grants Administration Manual Chapters 1-43) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-PHS RIN: 0905-AB24 Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) Program: Performance Standard (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-PHS RIN: 0905-AB14 Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) Program: Due Diligence (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-PHS RIN: 0905-AB15 Nursing Student Loan (NSL) Program: Performance Standard Due Diligence (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-PHS RIN: 0905-AB42 Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs Withdrawal of Moratorium STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-PHS RIN: 0905-AA49 Standards for the Accreditation of Educational Programs for and the Credentialing of Radiologic Personnel -- 42 CFR Part 75 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Antihelmintic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use, Final Monograph STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/09/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HHS-FDA Regulations Under the Tea Importation Act Tea Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB30 Current Good Manufacturing Practices for Blood and Blood Components, Uniform Blood Labeling STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/28/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB08 New Drug and Antibiotic Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Direct Food Substances Affirmed As Generally Recognized As Safe, Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Standards for Anti-Human Globulin STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB60 Provisional Listing of FD&C Red No. 3 and of FD&C Yellow No. 5 in Cosmetics and Externally Applied Drugs and of Their Lakes in Food and Ingested Drugs, STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of D&C Orange No. 17, D&C Red No. 19, and D&C Red No. 37 for Use in Externally Applied Drugs and Cosmetics, Postponement of Closing Date STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA16 National Environmental Policy Act, Policies and Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Nitroglycerin for Human Use, Revocation of Packaging and Labeling Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA GRAS Status of Vitamin B12 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Standards for Diagnostic Substances for Laboratory Tests, Proposed Amendment of Requirements for Blood Grouping Serum STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Adverse Drug Experience Reporting Requirements for Marketed Prescription Drugs Without Approved New Drug or Abbreviated New Drug Applications STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Smoking Deterrent Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use, Tentative Final Monograph STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/18/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA Wheat Gluten, Corn Gluten, and Zein, Affirmation of GRAS Status STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA03 Food Labeling, Sulfiting Agents (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Performance Standards for Electronic Products, Number of Copies of an Application for Variance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Performance Standards for Electronic Products, Number of Copies of an Exemption Application STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Performance Standards for Microwave and Radio Frequency Emitting Products, Number of Copies of an Exemption Application STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Unmodified Food Starches and Acid-Modified Starches, Proposed Affirmation of GRAS Status As Direct and Indirect Human Food Ingredients STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA GRAS Status of Magnesium Carbonate, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Hydroxide, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate, and Magnesium Sulfate STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB26 Food Ingredient Labeling, Emulsifiers and Stabilizers, Exemptions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB60 Provisional Listing of FD&C Red No. 3 and of FD&C Yellow No. 5 in Cosmetics and Externally Applied Drugs and of Their Lakes in Food and Ingested Drugs, Provisional Listing of FD&C Yellow STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of D&C Orange No. 17, D&C Red No. 19, and D&C Red No. 37 for Use in Externally Applied Drugs and Cosmetics, Postponement of Closing Date STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA GRAS Status of Manganese Salts STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA GRAS Status of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza), Ammoniated Glycyrrhizin, and Monoammonium Glycyrrhizinate STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA GRAS Status of Tannic Acid STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Deodorant Drug Products for Internal Use for Over-the Counter Human Use, Tentative Final Monograph STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Male Genital Desensitizing Drug Products for Over-the Counter Human Use (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/17/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA Eligibility for Classification of Food Substances As Generally Recognized As Safe STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Orally Administered Drug Products for the Treatment of Fever Blisters for Over-the-Counter Human Use, Tentative Final Monograph STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Insect Repellent Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Oral Human Use STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB01 Approval of Bulk New Animal Drug Substances for Use by Licensed Veterinarians STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Color Additives, Proposed Use of Abbreviations for Labeling Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Medical Devices STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Standards for Diagnostic Substances for Laboratory Tests, Proposed Amendment of Additional Standards for Reagent Red Blood Cells STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of Certain Color Additives, Postponement of Closing Dates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Investigational Device Exemptions, Conforming Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of Certain Color Additives, Proposal to Extend Closing Dates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Vitamin D, Affirmation of GRAS Status with Specific Limitations As a Direct Human Food Ingredient STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Standards for Miscellaneous Products, Allergenic Products, Proposed Amendment of Additional Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Medical Devices, Hearing Aids, Technical Data Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Chlorofluorocarbon Propellants in Self-Pressurized Containers, Proposed Essential Uses STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Medical Devices, Application for Exemption from Federal Preemption of State and Local Hearing Aid Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Neurological Devices, Premarket Approval of the Implanted Intracerebral/Subcortical Stimulator for Pain Relief STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Neurological Devices, Premarket Approval of the Implanted Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Stimulator STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Laser Products, Amendments to Performance Standard STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Obstetrical-Gynecological Devices, Premarket Approval of the Contraceptive Intrauterine (IUD) and Introducer STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB52 Sulfiting Agents: Proposal to Revoke Gras Status for Use on Fruits and Vegetables Intended to Be Served or Sold Raw to Consumers STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB56 New Drug and Antibiotic Application Review, Proposed User Charge STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Anticaries Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use, Tentative Final Monograph STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Sunlamp Products, Performances Standard STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Sponsored Compounds in Food-Producing Animals, Criteria and Procedures for Evaluating the Safety of Carcinogenic Residues STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA Exemption from Preemption of State and Local Hearing Aid Requirements, West Virginia's Application for Exemption STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA GRAS Status of Sodium Metasilicate and Sodium Zinc Metasilicate STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of FD&C Yellow No. 5 and Its Lakes, Postponement of Closing Date STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of FD&C Yellow No. 5 and Its Lakes, Final Rule, Removal of Stay STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of FD&C Yellow No. 5 and Its Lakes, Proposed Revision of Identity and Specifications STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Provisional Listing of Certain Color Additives, Postponement of Closing Dates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Tall Oil, Tentative Affirmation of GRAS Status As Indirect Human Food Ingredient STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Internal Analgesic, Antipyretic, and Antirheumatic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use, Tentative Final Monograph to Include Drug Products for the Treatment and/or STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Obstetrical and Gynecological Devices, Premarket Approval of the ontraceptive Tubal Occlusion Device (TOD) and Introducer STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB37 Nutrient Requirements for Infant Formulas STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Cold, Cough, Allergy, Bronchodilator, and Antiasthmatic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use, Anticholinergic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA75 Biological Products, Blood and Blood Derivatives, Implementation of Efficacy Review STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA06 Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use, Tentative Final Monograph STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB38 Sulfiting Agents, Labeling in Drugs for Human Use, Warning Statement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Biological Products, Bacterial Vaccines and Toxoids, Implementation of Efficacy Review STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA FD&C Yellow No. 5 and Its Lakes, Stay of Effectiveness, Postponement of Closing Date, and Provisional Listing STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AA85 Exempt Infant Formula STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Hematology and Pathology Devices, Premarket Approval of the Automated Differential Cell Counter STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA Modification of Voluntary Filing of Cosmetic Product Experiences STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA General Hospital and Personal Use Devices, Premarket Approval of the Infant Radiant Warmer STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Exemption of Required Label Statements on Food Containers with Separate Lids STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AB97 Label for Aspiring-Containing Drug Products STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0905-AD08 Food Ingredient Labeling, Exemptions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA FD&C Yellow No. 5 and Its Lakes, Postponement of Closing Date, Provisional Listing, and Continued Stay of Effectiveness STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-HSA RIN: 0905-AA64 Black Lung Clinic Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/14/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HSA RIN: 0905-AB81 Grants for Hospital Construction and Modernization, Federal Right of Recovery and Waiver of Recovery -- 42 CFR 124, Subpart H STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HSA RIN: 0905-AA57 Private Practice Option (PPO) Loan Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-HSA RIN: 0905-AC26 Elimination of Hansen's Disease Special Pay for Civil Service Employees STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HSA 42 CFR Subpart L STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-HSA 42 CFR Subpart L STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/14/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HSA RIN: 0905-AA64 Black Lung Clinics Program Regulations, Office of Management and Budget Approval of Information Collection Requirements 42 CFR Part 55a STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CDC RIN: 0905-AB51 Specifications for Medical Examinations of Underground Coal Miners STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-NIH RIN: 0905-AA68 NIH Center Grants Regulations (Final) -- Section 42 CFR 52a.4 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-AHCPR RIN: 0905-AB12 Primary Care Block Grant Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/08/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HHS-AHCPR RIN: 0905-AA65 Health Maintenance Organizations (Final Regulations) -- 42 CFR Part 110, Subparts A,b,c,f,h,i STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-AHCPR RIN: 0905-AB75 Medical Facility Construction and Modernizations: Requirements for Provision of Services to Persons Unable to Pay (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Recognition of State Reimbursement Control System -- BERC-240-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB32 Annual Update to Reasonable Compensation Equivalent Limits for Services Furnished by Physicians to Providers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB00 Payments to Institutions -- BERC-514-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/03/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA60 Intermediate Sanction of Long-Term Care Facilities (Medicare and Medicaid) -- HSO-96-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA02 Imposition of Cost Sharing Charges Under Medicaid -- BERC-509-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/19/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/20/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA09 Withholding the Federal Share -- BPO-20-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/19/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS Health Care Financing Research and Demonstration Cooperative Agreements and Grants Availability of Funds for Cooperative Agreements and Grants STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA43 Payment to Health Maintenance Organizations and Competitive Medical Plans -- BERC-247-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/07/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA19 Home and Community-Based Services -- BERC-182-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB33 Procedures for Determining Whether Providers, Practitioners, or Other Suppliers of Services Are Liable for Certain Noncovered Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA75 Medicaid Management Information Systems, System Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA93 Federal Financial Participation for Inmates in Public Institutions and Individuals in an Institution for Mental Disease or Tuberculosis -- BERC-507-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB24 Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review Organization (PRO) Reconsiderations and Appeals -- HSQ-111-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB12 Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review Organization (PRO) Assumption of Responsibilities and Medicare Review Functions and Coordination of Medicaid with Peer Review Organizations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/12/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB13 Acquisition, Protection, and Disclosure of Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review Organization (PRO) Information -- HSQ-110-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB11 Imposition of Sanctions on Health Care Practitioners and Providers of Health Care Services -- HSQ-109-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB77 Redesignation of Prospective Payment Rules -- BERC-317-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB83 OMB Control Numbers for Collection of Information Contained in HCFA Regulation -- OMB-006-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA04 Medicaid Overpayment Reporting Requirements -- BPO-7-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB04 Claims Processing Assessment System -- BQC-18-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Coverage of Oxygen for Use in a Patient's Home STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB84 Assignment and Reassignment of Home Health Agencies to Designated Regional Intermediaries -- BPO-053-PN STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB62 Treatment of Social Security Cost of Living Increases for Individuals Who Lose Ssi Eligibility -- BERC-297-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA31 Limitations on Payments for Service Furnished to Employed Aged and Aged Spouses of Employed Individuals -- BERC-235-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Collection of Overdue Medicare Part B Premiums STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA13 Home Health Agencies: Financial Security Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB74 Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Costs Per Visit for Cost Reporting Periods Beginning on or After July 1, 1985 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB35 Adjustment of Federal Share for Uncashed or Cancelled (Voided) Checks -- BPO-41-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA05 Medicaid Management Information Systems: Conditions of Approval and Reapproval and Procedures -- BPO-11-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/11/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS Limit on Payments for Direct Medical Education Costs -- BERC-338-P, STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB47 Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, Information Notice on Medicare and Medicaid Amendments -- BERC-298-GN STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AC00 Payment for the Costs of Malpractice Insurance for Hospitals and Skilled Nursing Facilities -- BERC-340-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB48 Changes to the Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System and Fiscal Year 1986 Rates -- BERC-315-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/04/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB71 Clarification of Policy on Adjusting the Hospital-Specific Portion of the Prospective Payment Rate STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB25 Medicare and Medicaid: Corrections and Conforming Changes -- BERC-260-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Court Ordered Regulations Regarding Prospective Payment Amounts and Administrative Review STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB74 Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Costs Per Visit for Cost Reporting Periods Beginning on or After July 1,1985 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Limit on Payments for Direct Medical Education Costs -- BERC-338-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB83 Office of Management and Budget Request for Review of Collection of Information Requirements -- OMB-005-N STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB91 Limitations on the Reimbursement of Nonphysician Medical Services Medical Services -- BERC-337-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/10/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AA65 Third-Party, Liability for Medical Assistance, Premium FFP Rates for Skilled Professional Medical Staff, Sources of State Financial Assistance -- BPO-500-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB79 Medicare Economic Index for Physicians' Services (Effective October 1, 1985) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB48 Changes to the Prospective Payment System and Fiscal Year 1986 Rates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/28/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB42 FFP for Services of Long-Term Care Facilities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB99 Schedule of Limits on Skilled Nursing Facility Inpatient Routine Costs -- BERC-333-PN STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB34 Forms Used for Applying for Entitlement or Enrollment or Claiming Payment -- BPO-40-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Medicaid Management Information System Requirements for Physician and Supplier Services STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Criteria and Standards for Evaluating Intermediary and Carrier Performance During Fiscal Year 1986 -- BPO-55-GNC STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB78 Part A Premium for the Uninsured Aged STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB81 Inpatient Hospital Deductible and Coinsurance Amounts for 1986 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB80 Monthly Actuarial Rates and Part B Premium Rate Beginning January 1, 1986 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB91 Limitations on the Reimbursement of Nonphysician Medical Services -- BERC-337-F STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AC02 Coverage of Qualified Pregnant Women and Children Under 5 and of Newborn Children Under Medicaid -- BERC-304-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AC25 Fire Safety Standards for ICF's/MR STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AC10 Long-Term Care Surveys STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AD75 Hospice Payment Cap -- BERC-351-N STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB99 Schedule of Limits for Skilled Nursing Facility Inpatient Routine Service Costs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS Revision of OMB Notice and Review Procedures: Medicare Part B, Implementation of Court Order-- BPO-60-NC STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AB58 Hospice 'Core' Services, Nursing STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS (OACT-009-N), Standardized Per Capita Rates of Payments for Health Maintenance Organizations and Competitive Medical Plans for 1986 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AC09 Processing of Claims by Electronic Means As a Condition of Qualification for the Periodic Interim Payment Method of Reimbursement -- BPO-051-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/14/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HDSO RIN: 0980-AA09 Work Incentive Program for AFDC Recipients Under Title IV of the Social Security Act -- Final Rules with Comment Period STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-HDSO RIN: 0980-AA34 The Older Americans Act, As Amended, Revision of Title III (CFR 1321) and Title VI (CFR 1328) (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/13/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HHS-HDSO RIN: 0980-AA14 The Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HDSO RIN: 0980-AA10 The Recruitment and Selection of Head Start Program Staff (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/26/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HDSO RIN: 0980-AA02 The Older Americans Act, As Amended -- Revision of Title III (CFR 1321) and Title VI (CFR 1328) (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HDSO RIN: 0980-AA13 The Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Program and Model Guidelines for Health Care Providers to Establish Infant Care Review Committees (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-HDSO RIN: 0980-AA02 Titles III and VI of the Older Americans Act (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-HHSDM RIN: 0991-AA02 Nondiscrimination Requirements Applicable to Block Grants and Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex, Religion and Other Groups STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/16/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HHSDM RIN: 0991-AA12 Principles for Determining Costs and Cost Allocation Procedures Applicable to Grants, Contracts, and Other Agreements for Work Performed by Hospitals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/14/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HHS-HHSDM RIN: 0991-AA00 Claims Collection STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/23/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/23/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-HHSDM Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Under Federal and Federally-Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-HHSDM RIN: 0991-AA30 Administration of Grants, Audits of State and Local Governments, Implementation of the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-128 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-AA28 Income and Eligibility Verification Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/1985 Consistent with change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-AA17 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-AA20 Medicare Physician Fee Freeze Sanctions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-AA31 Medicare and Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Technical Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-HUDSEC RIN: 2501-AA32 Financial Assistance Program of the Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank (FR-2051) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-HUDSEC Delayed Implementation of Income Definitions for the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments, Rent Supplement, and Section 236 Programs, Final Rule (FR-1599, FR-1702, and FR-2083) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-HUDSEC Disclosure of Profit and Loss Information to Potential Purchasers of HUD-Held Mortgages (FR-2014) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/23/1985 Withdrawn by agency
HUD-HUDSEC RIN: 2501-AA32 Allocation of Funds and Miscellaneous Changes for the Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank (FR-2051) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-HUDSEC RIN: 2501-AA04 Rules of the Board of Contract Appeals (FR-1349) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-HUDSEC Administrative Claims, Implementing the Deficit Reduction Act (FR-2092) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Withdrawn by agency
HUD-HUDSEC RIN: 2508-AA05 Implementation of the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-128 (FR-2075) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-HUDSEC Nonjudicial Foreclosure of Multifamily Mortgages (FR-2154) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-HUDSEC RIN: 2501-AA04 Rules of the Board of Contract Appeals (FR-1349) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Public Housing, Lease Requirements, Evictions, and Hearings -- 24 CFR Parts 960, and 966 (FR-1164) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/04/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/07/1985 Withdrawn by agency
HUD-OH Revision to Definition of Income Resulting from Consultation with Farmers Home Administration (FR-2042), Final Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/16/1985 Withdrawn by agency
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC90 Loans for Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped, Fiscal Year 1985 Interest Rate (FR-2056) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB86 Revision of Minimum Property Standards (MPS) for Care-Type Housing (FR-1776) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/08/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC51 Eligibility of Property in States and Territories for FHA-Mortgage Insurance (FR-1982) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC94 Section 8, Fair Market Rents for New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation - All Market Areas, (FR-2079) Interim Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC04 Mutual Mortgage Insurance and Rehabilitation Loans, Mortgage Insurance Endorsement on Proposed or a New Dwelling in a New Subdivision or Improved Area (FR-1867) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Mutual Mortgage Insurance and Rehabilitation Loans, Condition of Property - Adjustment for Damage or Neglect (FR-837) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB98 Mortgage Insurance for Land Development (Title X) Refinancing of Existing Mortgage -- 24 CFR Part 205 (FR-1779) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Refinancing Single Family Loans -- 24 CFR Part 203 (FR-1979) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/26/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB59 Evictions from Certain Subsidized and HUD-Owned Projects -- 24 CFR Part 247 (FR-1661) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC66 Use of Commitment Correspondents in Connection with FHA Mortgage Insurance -- 24 CFR Parts 25, 200, and 203 (FR-1954) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AA57 Second Mortgages or Liens on Fha-Insured Mortgages, Escrow Accounts Associated with Interest Buy-Downs (FR-1590) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/01/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC84 Loans for the Elderly or Handicapped, Interest Rate Adjustments (FR-2066) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC22 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, Fiscal Year 1985 Fair Market Rent Schedules for Existing Housing and Moderate Rehabilitation (FR-1904) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC01 Prepayment Limitation for Bond-Financed Projects (FR-1819) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB79 Revision to the Final Rule for the TMAP Program (FR-1415) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB10 Mutual Mortgage Insurance and Rehabilitation Loans, Conveyance of One- to Four-Family Properties Occupied by Tenants or Former Mortgagors, Proposed Amendments (FR-2064) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/10/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC15 Refinancing of HUD-Insured Hospital Mortgages (FR-1806) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC33 Single Family and Condominium Mortgage Insurance: Changes to Loan-to-Value Limitation for Modestly Priced Homes (FR-1935) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC91 Revision to Definition of Income Resulting from Consultation with Farmers Home Administration -- Final Rule (FR-2042) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB02 Prepayment Privileges and Application of Monthly Payments Toward Late Charges on FHA-Insured Single Family Mortgages (FR-1028) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC18 Multifamily Housing Mortgage Insurance, Notice of Default Submitted by Mortgagee -- 24 CFR Part 207 (FR-1842) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB66 Tenant Participation in Multifamily Housing (FR-1730) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC62 Partial Payment of Claims-Multifamily Housing Mortgage Insurance, (FR-2040) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC71 Use of Materials Bulletin No. 44d, HUD Building Product Standards and Certification Program for Carpet and Carpet with Attached Cushion (FR-2104) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AB48 Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations: Monitoring Inspection Fees (FR-1767) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Notice of the Establishment of the Environmental Review Processing Fee (FR-2108) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AA92 Coinsurance for the Purchase of Refinancing of Existing Multifamily Housing Projects - Final Rule, (FR-1391) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/11/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC48 HUD Board and Care Home Regulations (FR-1960) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC82 Technical Amendments to Definition of Income (FR-2052) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AA66 Use of Materials Bulletin No. 38i, HUD Building Product Standards and Certification Program for the Grademaking of Lumber (FR-2109) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC84 Loans for the Elderly or Handicapped, Interest Rate Adjustments, (FR-2066) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC56 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program: Procedure for Issuing Fair Market Rents, SRO Housing for the Existing Housing Program - (FR-2005) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC21 Multifamily Housing Mortgage Insurance--Deregulation of Rents (FR-1905) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AA03 Revision of Minimum Property Standards (MPS) for One and Two Family Dwellings (FR-1655) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AA29 Loans for Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped, Eligibility of of Acquired Existing Housing for the Non-Elderly Handicapped -- Final Rule -- 24 CFR Part 885 (FR-1543) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Insured Maximum Mortgage Amount for Hospitals (FR-2004) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/15/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-OH Revision of Single Family Coinsurance Program -- 24 CFR Part 204 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC94 Section 8 Fair Market Rents for New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation (FR-2079) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC67 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Fair Market Rent Schedules--Existing Housing (FR-2133) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-OH Mortgage Insurance Requirements for Private and Public Hospitals, (FR-1992) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/15/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC53 Loans for Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped (FR-1899) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/25/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC72 Multifamily Participation Review Committee (FR-2008) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - Controlled Business Provisions and Miscellaneous Changes, (FR-1942) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Revision of Maximum Insurable Mortgage Amount - Refinancing of Existing Multifamily Housing Projects, (FR 2126) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-OH Indian Preference (FR-1808), Proposed Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AD06 Technical Rule to Clarify Labor Standards Responsibilities in Connection with Coinsurance of Multifamily Housing Projects - 24 CFR Part 251 (FR-2143) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH Insurance of Partially Amortizing Mortgages and Call Provision Mortgages (FR-1918) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AA93 Title I Property Improvement and Manufactured Home Loans (FR-1656) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH Management and Disposition of HUD-Owned Multifamily Projects -- Rental Rates During Ownership by the Secretary (FR-2142) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC37 Mortgage Insurance - Claims Without Conveyance of Title (FR-1927) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC66 Use of Loan Correspondents in Connection with FHA Mortgage Insurance (FR-1954) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC15 Refinancing of HUD-Insured Hospital Mortgages (FR-1806) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC01 Prepayment Limitation for Bond-Financed Projects (FR-1819) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC05 Definition of Income, Rents and Recertification of Family Income for the Rent Supplement and Section 236 Programs Final Rule (FR-1702) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AC39 Single Family Mortgage Insurance on Indian Reservations (FR-1921) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2577-AA26 Indian Preference, Proposed Rule, (FR-1808) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AA66 Use of Materials Bulletin No. 38i, HUD Building Product Standards and Certification Program for the Grademaking of Lumber (FR-2109) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA33 Community Development Block Grants for Indian Tribes and Alaskan Native Villages -- Selection Process (FR-2000) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA59 Section 108 Loan Guarantee Assistance Fees (FR-1974) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-CPD Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (FR-1637) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA51 CDBG for Indian Tribes and Alaskan Native Villages Conflict of Interest (FR-2016) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA46 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs -- 24 CFR Part 42 (FR-2106) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/13/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA20 Urban Homesteading Program: Deregulation and Implementation of 1983 Statutory Amendments (FR-1624) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA32 Secretary's Fund -- Insular Areas (FR-1822) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA52 Section 312 Rehabilitation Loan Program: Risk Premiums and Application Fees, (FR-1977) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA60 Rental Rehabilitation Program: Performance Adjustments to Formula Allocations (FR-2055) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-CPD Amendments to CDBG Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-CPD RIN: 2506-AA51 CDBG for Indian Tribes and Alaskan Native Villages Conflict of Interest (FR-2016) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-FHEO RIN: 2529-AA12 Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity in Housing Under Executive Order 11063 (FR-2020) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OA RIN: 2535-AA06 HUD Acquisition Regulation, Subpart 2415.6 'Source Selection' and Paragraphs 5-8 Through 5-12 of HUD Handbook 2210.3, Revision 'Procurement Policies' STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Withdrawn by agency
HUD-OA RIN: 2535-AA06 Implementation of the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 Into the HUD Acquisition Regulations (FR-2098) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-OA RIN: 2535-AA11 Applicability of OMB Circulars to Fair Housing Assistance Program and Community Housing Resource Board Program (FR-2140) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AA13 Public Housing Development: Prototype Costs (FR-1975) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AA23 Annual Contributions for Operating Subsidy - Performance Funding System, Determination of Operating Subsidy (FR-1775) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/08/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-PIH PHA-Owned Projects - Maintenance and Operation, Individual Metering of Utilities for Existing PHA-Owned Public Housing Projects (FR-1769) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AA00 Modification to the Performance Funding System (FR-1834) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent with change
HUD-PIH Pet Ownership in Assisted Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped (FR-1936) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/29/1985 Returned (reconsider)
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AA02 Demolition or Disposition of Public Housing Projects (FR-1892) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AA30 Tenant Participation and Management in Public and Indian Housing Projects, Eligibility for Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program Funds, (FR-2033) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/16/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA74 Rights-of-Way Under the Mineral Leasing Act -- 43 CFR 2880 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB02 Noncompetitive Leases to Clarify Questions Concerning the Minimum Size of a Noncompetitive Oil and Gas Lease Offer (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA15 Conveyance of Federally Owned Mineral Interests: Amendment of Conveyance Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA37 Designated Wilderness Areas, Procedures for Management STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB01 Leasing of Solid Minerals Other Than Coal and Oil Shale STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA78 Special Laws and Rules -- Segregation and Opening of Public Lands STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA36 Use Authorization - Amendment to the Appeals Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/11/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB12 Grazing Administration -- 43 CFR 4100 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM Amendment Implementing Some of the Recommendations of the Office of Technology Assessment to the Federal Coal Management Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB13 Geothermal Resource Leasing - General STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM Exploration Activity, Oil and Gas Leasing, Oil and Gas Leasing National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, and Geothermal Resources Leasing, General: Amendment Consolidating Oil and Gas and Geoth. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA75 Alaska Native Selections - Change in Chargeability of Submerged Lands STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB08 Modification of Federal Timber Contracts -- 43 CFR Part 5475 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB06 Procedures - Fossil Forest Research Natural Area STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA49 Leases - Airport Lease Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA76 Federal Aviation Administrative Airport Grants - Amendments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA64 Noncompetitive Leases and Management of Existing Leases Amendments to Delete Cost Recovery for Fee Coal Exchanges to Reinstate a Coal Lease Transfer Approval Requirement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM Sales of Forest Products, General, and Conduct of Sales STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA99 Rights-of-Way, Principles and Procedures - Amendment Providing New Cost Reimbursement Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM Rights-of-Way, Principles and Procedures -- Amendments Concerning Rights-of-Way Granted Prior to October 21, 1976 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA37 Designated Wilderness Areas, Procedures for Management, Amendment Providing a Review Process for Mining Plans of Operation -- 43 CFR Part 8560 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB15 Exchanges - General Procedures - Procedures for Exchanges Involving Fee Federal Coal Deposits STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM Rights-of-Way, Principles and Procedures and Rights-of-Way Under the Mineral Leasing Act - Amendment Providing Procedures for Rental Determination STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BLM Geothermal Resources Leasing -- 43 CFR Part 3200 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB16 Coal Exploration and Mining Operation Rules, Logical Mining Units (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA64 Noncompetitive Leases and Management of Existing Leases STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB06 Procedures - Fossil Forest Research Natural Area STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AB12 Grazing Administration, Exclusive of Alaska STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BLM RIN: 1004-AA16 Recreation and Public Purposes Act Conveyances STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/27/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-RB RIN: 1006-AA10 Reclassification As Irrigable of High Land Columbia Basin Project, Washington STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-RB RIN: 1006-AA11 Unproductive Land, Elimination or Exchange STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-MMS Sale of Royalty-in-Kind Crude Oil STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/19/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Returned (reconsider)
DOI-MMS Implementation of the Provisions of Subsections 205(c) and (D) of Title Ii of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-MMS RIN: 1010-AA63 Nondiscrimination in Outer Continental Shelf Contracting STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-MMS RIN: 1010-AA89 Eight-Year Terms for Leases in 400 to 900 Meters of Water STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-MMS RIN: 1010-AA62 Information Collection -- Solid Minerals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-MMS Outer Continental Minerals and Rights of Way Management, Reports from Federal Agencies STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-MMS Incorporation by Reference of the Third Edition of American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 14c STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-MMS RIN: 1010-AA92 Area Adjacent to a State STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-MMS RIN: 1010-AA89 Eight-Year Lease Terms for Leases in 400 to 900 Meters of Water STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-MMS RIN: 1010-AA86 Notice of Proposed Modification to Notice to Lessee 5 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, Determination of Endangered Status and Critical Habitat for the Fresno Kangaroo Rat STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Nontoxic Shot Zones for the 1985-86 Hunting Season (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Refuge Specific Fishing Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Nontoxic Shot Zones for the 1985-86 Hunting Season, Bald Eagle Protection (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Granting Accredited Institutional Members of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums a General Exception to the Migratory Bird Permit Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA69 Public Entry and Use, Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Proposed 1985-86 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations, Preliminary (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Revised List of Migratory Birds (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Listing Big Spring Spinedace As Threatened with Critical Habitat STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Determination of Endangered or Threatened Status with Critical Habitat for Seven Plants and One Incense in Ash Meadows, Nevada, and California STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Importation of Green Sea Turtles STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Nontoxic Shot Zones for the 1985-86 Hunting Season (Amendment to the Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Modified Proposal on Guideline for Non-Toxic Shot Zone for Waterfowl Hunting STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS Listing Carex Specuicola As a Threatened Species STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS Determination That Amsinckia Grandiflora Is an Endangered Species, and Designation of Critical Habitat STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA50 Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA89 Addition of Twenty National Wildlife Refuges to the Lists of Open Areas for Migratory Game Bird Hunting, Upland Game Hunting, Big Game Hunting, and/or Sport Fishing (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Seizure and Forfeiture Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Emergency case
DOI-FWS Refuge-Specific Hunting Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA69 Public Entry and Use, Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, Determination of Endangered Status and Critical Habitat for Three Beach Mice STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS Threatened Status and Critical Habitat for the Niangua Darter STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Endangered Status and Critical Habitat for the Modoc Sucker STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA29 Changes in List of Species in Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Export Findings of Ginseng STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Experimental Population of Colorado Squawfish and Woundfin STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Refuge-Specific Fishing Regulations (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Migratory Bird Hunting, Guidelines on Minimum Criteria for Identification of Nontoxic Zones for Waterfowl Hunting STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Final Frameworks for Selecting Open Season Dates for Hunting Migratory Game Birds in Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands for the 1985-86 Season (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Listing Owens Tui Chub As Endangered with Critical Habitat STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Listing Conasauga Logperch and Amber Darter As Endangered with Critical Habitat STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Final Frameworks for Selecting Early Hunting Seasons on Certain Migratory Game Birds in the United States for the 1985-86 Season STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA89 Addition of Twenty National Wildlife Refuges to the Lists of Open Areas for Migratory Game Bird Hunting, Upland Game Hunting, Big Game Hunting, and/or Sport Fishing (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS Refuge-Specific Hunting Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Migratory Bird Regulations on Certain Federal Indian Reservations Indian Territory, and Ceded Lands (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Endangered Status and Designation of Critical Habitat for the White River Spinedace STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS Final Frameworks for Late Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS Report Card for International Reporting System for Stressed Specimens STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Incidental Taking and Plant Prohibitions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Endangered Status and Designation of Critical Habitat for the White River Springfish and Hiko White River Springfish STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Threatened Status and Designation of Critical Habitat for the Warner Sucker STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Export of American Ginseng Harvested in 1985-1987 Seasons STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA07 Humane and Healthful Transport of Wild Animals and Birds to the United States STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA29 Changes to Lists of Species in Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Special Rule on the American Alligator, 50 CFR 17.42(a) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Diversion of License Fees STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants Regulations Governing the Gray Wolf in Minnesota STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA20 Reporting and Sealing Regulations for Walrus, Polar Bear and Sea Otter, 50 CFR Part 18 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/27/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS Threatened Status and Critical Habitat for the Desert Dace STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS Marine Mammal Regulations Clarifications and Update STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/12/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AA75 Wildlife Import/Export License Fees, Inspection Fees Whenever Wildlife Is Imported Into or Exported from the U.S. by Persons Engaged in Business As an Importer/Exporter of Wool STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS 36 CFR Part 2 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/15/1985 Emergency case
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AA57 Waiver of Federal Agency Responsibilities Under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, 36 CFR Part 78 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AA91 Cape Cod National Seashore Off-Road Vehicle Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB02 Glacier Bay National Part and Preserve, Protection of Humpback Whales STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB20 National Park Service, Interior Ross Lake National Recreation Area Aircraft Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB34 Labor Standards Applicable to Employees of the National Park Service Concessioners STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB19 Ross Lake and Lake Chelan National Recreation Areas Weapons Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AA78 Zion National Park, Utah Oversize Vehicle Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB26 Fire Island National Seashore Seaplane Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB23 Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri Fishing Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS Procedures for Approved State and Local Government Historic Preservation Programs, 36 CFR Part 61 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AA91 Cape Cod National Seashore Off-Road Vehicle Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AA99 Commercial Vehicle Fees: Delaware Water Gap NRA, Pennsylvania and New Jersey STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB43 Lafayette Park, Structure Prohibitions, Sign Limitations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-NPS Closure of Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB04 National Cemetery Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB23 Fishing Regulations -- Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AA83 Protection of Archaeological Resources STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB29 Capital Parks Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB20 Ross Lake National Recreation Area Aircraft Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AB50 Lake Mead National Recreation Area Noise Abatement Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-GS RIN: 1028-AA00 State Water Research Institute Program - 30 CFR Part 401 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-GS RIN: 1028-AA00 State Water Research Institute Program - 30 CFR Part 401 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-GS RIN: 1028-AA01 Water Resources Research Program and the Water Resources Technology Development Program -- 30 CFR Part 402 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Operations, Application Fee for Permit to Conduct Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations, Application Fee for Coal Exploration STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/09/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA48 Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Operation -- Application Fee for Permit to Conduct Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operation, Application Fee for Coal Exploration STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA56 Permanent Regulatory Program - Control -- 30 CFR Parts 773.5, and 773.15 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA50 Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Operations, Permanent Regulatory Program, Preparation of Cross Section, Maps and Plans by Land Surveyors STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA52 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations -- Definitions, Adverse Physical Impact, Permanent Progress Performance Standard, Surface and Underground Mining Act. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA55 Subsidence Insurance Program Grants -- 30 CFR Part 887 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA63 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations, Underground Mining Permit Applications, Mining Requirements for Reclamation and Operation Plan STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations: Permanent Regulatory Program: Requirements for Special Categories of Mining: Coal Preparation Plants: Performance Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA73 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations: Permanent Regulatory Program: Requirements for Special Categories of Mining: Coal Preparation Plants: Performance Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA62 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations, Permanent Regulatory Program: Definitions of Fragile Lands and Historic Lands STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OSMRE Technical Corrections to Federal Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/21/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-OSMRE RIN: 1029-AA78 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations, Permanent Regulatory Program, Areas Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining: Areas Designated by Act of Congress STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/11/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-OSMRE Reporting Requirements of Sections 779, 780, 783, 784, 816, and 817 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/22/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA54 Special Grants for Economic Development and Core Management Grants to Small Tribes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA14 Bureau of Indian Affairs/Special Education STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA89 Individual Indian Money Accounts STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AB19 Estates of Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes, Financial Assistance and Social Services Program, and Indian Child Welfare Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AC43 Law and Order on Indian Reservations - Listing of Courts of Indian Offenses STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Emergency case
DOI-BIA Conditions Under Which Non-Eligible Students May Attend Bureau of Indian Affairs - Funded Schools, Subchapter E STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA08 Academic Standards and Dormitory Criteria for Education of Indian Children STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AB07 Preparation of Rolls of Indians STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AB44 Financial Assistance and Social Services Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA01 Law and Order on Indian Reservations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/07/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AB87 Attorney Fee Contracts with Indian Tribes, Payment of Tribal Attorney Fees with Federally Appropriated Funds STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA77 Financial Assistance and Social Services Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AB07 Preparation of Rolls of Indians STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA85 Indian Child Welfare Act - Grants to Indian Tribes and Indian Organizations for Indian Child and Family Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AA89 Individual Indian Money Accounts STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-BIA RIN: 1076-AB40 Rights-of-Way Over Indian Lands STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OAPM RIN: 1090-AA09 Administrative Requirements and Cost Principles for Assistance Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OAPM Endangered Species Committee Rules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OAPM Bid Protest Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OAPM Use of Written Interrogatories and Requests for Admission As Discovery Devices in Indian Probate Proceedings STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OAPM Time for Filing Notices of Appeal in Indian Probate Proceedings STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-ASPMB Audit Requirements for State and Local Governments Receiving Assistance Through the U.S. Department of the Interior STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOI-ASPMB Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act), Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-ASPMB Audit Requirements for State and Local Governments Receiving Assistance Through the U. S. Department of the Interior STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-ASPMB RIN: 1090-AA06 'Natural Resource Damage Assessments' -- 43 CFR Part II STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-OEO RIN: 1091-AA01 Enforcement of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Department of the Interior Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OHA RIN: 1094-AA12 Department Hearings and Appeals Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OHA RIN: 1094-AA12 Department Hearings and Appeals Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OHA RIN: 1094-AA12 Department Hearings and Appeals Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OHA RIN: 1094-AA19 Special Rules Applicable to Surface Coal Mining Hearings and Appeals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOI-OHA RIN: 1094-AA09 Petitions for Award of Costs and Expenses Under Section 525(E) of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOI-OHA Removal of Regulation Allowing Collection of Fees for Departmental Probate of the Estates of Indians Who Died Holding Land in Indian Trust or Restricted Status STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Record Systems Under the Privacy Act Federal Bureau of Investigation STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOJ-DOJADM RIN: 1103-AA05 Representation and Appearances Suspension and Disbarment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM RIN: 1115-AA12 Executive Office for Immigration Review Documentary Requirements: Nonimmigrants, Waivers, Admission of Certain Inadmissible Aliens, Parole STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM RIN: 1115-AA21 Executive Office for Immigration Review - Powers and Duties of Service Officers, Availability of Service Records Exclusion of Aliens, Etc. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Justice Acquisition Regulation - 48 CFR Chapter 18, Part 2806 - Competitive Requirements, 2827 - Patents, Data and Copy Rights, 2834 - Major Systems Acquisition STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/25/1985 Consistent with change
DOJ-DOJADM RIN: 1103-AA05 Representation and Appearances STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act (Office of the Attorney General) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Record Systems Under the Privacy Act (Antitrust Division, ATR-008) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM RIN: 1115-AA20 Proceedings to Determine Deportability of Aliens in the United States: Apprehension, Custody, Hearing, and Appeal STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Record Systems Under the Privacy Act - Federal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act; Criminal Division STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act U.S. Marshals Service STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act U.S. Marshals Service (USM-007) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act, Offices of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, Associate Attorney General and Legal Policy STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act -- 28 CFR Part 16 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DOJADM Exemption of Record Systems Under the Privacy Act (Antitrust Division, ATR-008) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Disclosure of Parole File Prior to Parole Hearing -- 28 CFR Section 2.55(a) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Reduction of Minimum Sentence-- 28 CFR Part 262 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Condition of Release -- 18 CFR Part 240 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Paroling Policy Guidelines -- 28 CFR Part 220 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Conditions of Release -- 28 CFR, Para. 2.40 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM (Study Prior to Sentencing), 28 CFR, 82.16 (Parole of Prisoner in State, Local, or Territorial Institution), 28 CFR, 2.43 (Early Termination), Etc. -- 28 CFR Part 29 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Recommendation for Reduction of Minimum-- 28 CFR and 262 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Information Considered -- 28 CFR Section 2.19 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Conditions of Release -- 28 CFR Section 2.40 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Disclosure of File Prior to Parole Hearing -- 28 CFR Para. 2.55 Disclosure of Parole Commission Regional Office File -- 28 CFR Para. 2.56 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Rescission Guidelines -- 28 CFR Para. 2.36 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Paroling Policy Guidelines, Reparole Guidelines, Rescission Guidelines -- 28 CFR Paragraphs 2.20, 2.21, 2.36 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Paroling Policy Guidelines, Rescission Guidelines -- 28 CFR Paragraphs 2.20, 2.36 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-PARCOM Mandatory Release in the Absence of Parole -- 28 CFR Section 2.35 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Powers and Duties of Service Officers, Availability of Service Records, Acceptable Surety and Agent STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA17 Documentary Requirements: Nonimmigrants, Waivers, Admission of Certain Inadmissible Aliens, Parole, Direct Transits, Restriction for Citizens of Bangladesh, India, Etc. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Seizure and Forfeiture of Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Adjustments of Status to That of Persons Admitted for Permanent Residence STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA10 Inspection of Persons Applying for Admission, Preinspection STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Field Officers, Powers and Duties, Issuance of Administrative Subpoenas STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Powers and Duties of Service Officers, Availability of Service Records STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Adjustment of Status to That of Persons Admitted for Permanent Residence STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA16 Change of Nonimmigrant Classification STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA22 Powers and Duties of Service Officers, Availability of Service Records STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA15 Naturalization and Citizenship Papers Lost, Mutilated, or Destroyed, New Certificate in Changed Name, Certified Copy of Repatriation Proceedings STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Certificates of Citizenship STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Field Officers, Powers and Duties STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Asylum Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS Certificates of Citizenship STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA11 Nonimmigrant Classes STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA21 Powers and Duties of Service Officers: Availability of Service Records STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA14 Petition to Classify Alien As Immediate Relative of a United States Citizen or As a Preference Immigrant, Filing of Occupational Preference Petitions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AA17 Documentary Requirements: Immigrants, Waivers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Established 1985 Aggregate Production Quotas for Schedule I and II Controlled Substances STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Record Requirements for Individual Practitioners STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Registration Regarding Ocean Vessels STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Quota for Controlled Substances in Schedules I and II STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Revised 1985 Aggregate Production Quotas STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Revised 1985 Aggregate Production Quota for Phencyclidine STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Registration Regarding Ocean Vessels STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Revised 1986 Aggregate Production Quotas STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Quotas for Controlled Substances in Schedule II STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Established 1985 Aggregate Production Quotas STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Records and Reports of Registrants - Changes in Record Requirements for Individual Practitioners STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA Changes in Protocol Requirements for Researchers and Prescription Requirements for Practitioners STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA 1986 Aggregate Production Quota for Methamphetamine for Conversion STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA 1986 Quotas for Controlled Substances in Schedules I and II STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP Proposed Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA04 Safety Officers' Death Benefits STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA01 Hearing and Appeal Procedures for Justice Assistance Agencies (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA09 The Competition and Peer Review Requirements of Section 225(d) of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA05 Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants - This Is a Notice, OMB Has Expressed an Interest in Reviewing the Guide STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP Attorney General Guidelines on Seized and Forfeited Property STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOJ-OJP Final Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA04 Public Safety Officers Death Benefits STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA01 Hearing and Appeal Procedures (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA08 Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Functions Vested in the Attorney General by the Justice Assistance Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-473) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/27/1985 Consistent with change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA09 Competition and Peer Review Requirements of Section 225(d) of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. 5601, et seq. STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-OJP RIN: 1121-AA08 Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Program (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-CRT RIN: 1190-AA05 Procedures for the Administration of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Proposed Revision of Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-CRT RIN: 1190-AA06 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Federally Conducted Programs and Activities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA32 Income and Eligibility Verification System (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA27 Work Incentive Program for AFDC Recipients Under Title IV of the Social Security Act (Final Rules) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ETA Implementing Amendments to the Trade Act of 1974 by the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/17/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA28 Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program Unemployment Insurance Quality Control Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA35 Single Unit Charge Agreements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA29 Senior Community Service Employment Program (Proposed Rules) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA30 Labor Certification Process for Temporary Piece Rates: (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA48 Labor Certification Process for Temporary Employment of Aliens in Agriculture: Charges for Meals -- 20 CFR Part 655, Subpart C (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA33 Labor Certification Process for the Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA34 Labor Certification Process for Temporary Employment of Alien Workers in Agriculture (20 CFR 655) Montana Adverse Effect Wage Rate: (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ETA Administrative Procedures -- 20 CFR Part 601 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-PWBA Definition of Plan Assets STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-PWBA Airline Employee Protection Program -- 29 CFR Part 220 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ESA Authorizing the Commonwealth of Virginia to Issue Farm Labor Contractor and Employee Certificate of Regulation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ESA Authorizing New Jersey to Issue Farm Labor Contract and Employee Certification of Regulation Pursuant to the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-ESA Procedures for Predetermination of Wage Rates -- 29 CFR Part 1 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/27/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AB18 Revised Lead Standard (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/25/1983 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/20/1985 Returned (reconsider)
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA40 Scaffolds -- 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart L STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/20/1985 Returned (reconsider)
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA57 Stairways and Ladders -- 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart X STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/20/1985 Returned (reconsider)
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA37 Fall Protection -- 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart M STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/20/1985 Returned (reconsider)
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA54 Revision of Mechanical Power Press Standard: to Remove Presence Sensing Device Initiation Prohibition -- 29 CFR 1910.217 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA47 Benzene STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA20 Concrete and Masonry Construction STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA48 Personal Fall Protection Systems -- 29 CFR 1910.128, 129, 130 and 131 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Returned (reconsider)
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA02 Standard for Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/06/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA60 Recordkeeping Requirements for Tests, Inspections, and Maintenance Checks STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/29/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA08 Hazard Communication STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-MSHA RIN: 1219-AA15 Safety Standards for Gassy Metal and Nonmetal Mines STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-MSHA RIN: 1219-AA13 Safety Standards for Roof, Face and Rib Support STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-DM RIN: 1290-AA03 A Disclosure of Information to Credit Report Agencies Administrative Offset, Interest, Penalties and Administrative Costs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-DM RIN: 1291-AA03 Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/07/1985 Consistent with change
DOL-DM RIN: 1290-AA05 Right to Financial Privacy Act -- 29 CFR Part 19 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-DM RIN: 1291-AA04 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Department of Labor Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-DM Standards of Conduct for Federal Sector Labor Organizations and Labor Management Reports STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-DM RIN: 1290-AA04 Salary Offset STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-DM Security Regulations -- 29 CFR Part 14 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-OASAM RIN: 1291-AA14 Uniform Relocation Assistance Common Rulemaking STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOL-OASAM RIN: 1291-AA07 Audit Requirements for Review and Approval STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
STATE Corrections and Amendment to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
STATE-AFA FAR Subparts 15.6 and 32.5 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
STATE-AFA Foreign Service Grievance Board Regulations, 22 CFR Chapter IX STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
STATE-AFA Documentation of Nonimmigrants and Immigrants Under the Immigration and Nationality Act STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
STATE-AFA South Africa and Fair Labor Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
STATE-AFA Nonimmigrant Treaty Traders and Investors STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
STATE-AFA South Africa and Fair Labor Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA15 Construction Differential Subsidy Repayment - Total Repayment Policy STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA16 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 Acquisitions for Federal and Federally-Assisted Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA23 Aviation Antitrust Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/30/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA19 Transfer of CAB Functions to DOT Procedural Rule Revision STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap -- Mass Transit (Revisions to the Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA26 Commercial Space Transportation: Licensing Process for Commercial Space Launch Activities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA20 Technical Amendment to Minority Business Enterprise Rule Suspension and Debarment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AB02 Department of Transportation Acquisition Regulation -- 48 CFR Chapter 12 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/31/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-OST Standard Time Zone Boundary in the State of Indiana STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA05 Public Availability of Information STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/12/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA23 Aviation Antitrust Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AA90 Shared Airline Designator Codes STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB93 Proposed Safety Standards for Existing Self-Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB62 Bridge Lighting and Other Signals (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Regulated Navigation Area, Mile 200.0 to Mile 201.5, Upper Mississippi River STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Regulated Navigation Area, Santa Catalina Island STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB52 Documentation of Vessels STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Radioactive Materials STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA62 Compliance Procedures for Self-Propelled Foreign Flag Vessels Carrying Hazardous Liquids and Bulk Liquefied Gases STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA67 Marine Engineering Regulations for Merchant Vessels -- Acceptance of ASME S, E, A, and H Symbol Stamps for Power and Heating Boilers (46 CFR Subchapter F) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA05 Segregated Ballast, Dedicated Clean Ballast and Crude Oil Washing on Tankships of 20,000 DWT or More But Less Than 40,000 DWT Carrying Oil in Bulk STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB51 Consolidating and Adjusting Optional Simplified Tonnage Measurement Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Recordkeeping/Reporting Requirements for Ships Carrying Bulk Hazardous Materials STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG Deletion of Loran Description, Change in Blink Procedure STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB30 Casualty Reporting Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB96 Oil and Hazardous Substance Discharge Reporting Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB71 Load Line Regulations for Unmanned River Service Dry Cargo Barges STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA29 Inflatable Life Jackets and Hybrid FPD's (CGD 78-174), Proposed Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AC12 Recreational Hybrid PFD's (78-174a) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA04 Licensing of Pilots: Manning of Vessels - Pilots STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/11/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG Marine Safety Reporting Program (MSRP) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA63 Boundary Lines STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Regulated Navigation Area, Isthmus Cove, Santa Catalina Island STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB67 Licensing of Pilots, Manning of Vessels - Pilots STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Marine Safety Reporting Program (MSRP) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB49 Compatibility of Cargoes STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA76 Actions Against Seamen's Licenses, Certificates or Documents STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG MARPOL 73/78 Annex I Reception Facilities (Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Plan Approval, Records, and Operating Manuals for Mobile Response Offshore Drilling Units (MODU's) -- 46 CFR Subchapter 1-a STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA59 Vital System Automation -- 46 CFR Part 62 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA41 Deepwater Port Liability Fund (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA29 Hybrid PFD's (CGD 78-174), Interim Final Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA64 Licensing of Maritime Personnel STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB56 Licensing of Officers and Operators for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AC00 Thermal Protective Aids (CGD 84-069b) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AC06 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 COLREGS Demarcation Lines STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB51 Consolidating and Adjusting Optional Simplified Tonnage Measurement Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Coast Guard Discharge Review Board Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Miscellaneous Changes to 46 CFR Subchapters D, H, I and U STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Private Aids to Navigation STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AA01 Damage Stability and Flooding Protection of Great Lakes Vessels (80-159) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB32 Sailing School Vessel Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AB98 Lifesaving Equipment, Immersion Suits, (CGD 84-069a), 46 CFR Part 160, Subpart 160.071 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG Licensing of Pilots, Annual Physical Examination STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AC12 Hybrid FPD's Carriage Requirements (CGD 780174a), Final Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AC17 Inland Waterways Navigation Regulations, Connecting Waters from Lake Huron to Lake Erie STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Intergovernmental Review of Department of Transportation Programs and Activities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/20/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-FAA Participation by Minority Business Enterprise in Department of Transportation Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/03/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB42 Elimination of Airport Delays - Deviations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/02/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB42 Elimination of Airport Delays - Enforcement of Scheduling Agreements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/02/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA74 Noise Standards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification 14 CFR Part 36 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA13 Revision of Part 91: General Operating and Flight Rules STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB40 Emergency Medical Equipment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB06 Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines, Engine Control Systems STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/28/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB43 Shoulder Harnesses in Normal, Utility and Acrobatic Category Airplanes (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA Notice of Availability of Draft Advisory Circular Extended Range Operations with Two-Engine Airplanes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Ultralight Vehicles, Operating Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Use of Alcohol or Drugs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA16 Submission to Alcohol Tests STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA30 Rotorcraft Regulatory Review Program Notice No. 5 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Special Federal Aviation Regulation - Special Flight Authorization for Noise Restricted Aircraft STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA The Establishment of Rules Pertaining to Airport Radar Service Areas (ARSA), Final Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB23 Improved Flammability Criteria for Materials Used in the Interiors of Airplane Cabins (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/24/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA87 Airplane Cabin Fire Protection STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA99 Issuance and Renewal of Inspection Authorization STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Policy Statement - Ultralights STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/10/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-FAA Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) - Temporary Suspension of Subpart L of Part 93 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA52 Minimum Aeronautical Experience Requirements -- Instrument Rating STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB94 Transponder-On Operation (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA54 Certification: Student Recreational, Recreational, Student Other Than Recreational, and Private Pilots STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB04 Basic VFR Weather Minimums STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Advisory Circular - Extended Range Operations with Two-Engine Airplanes STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA96 Use of X-Ray Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA78 Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 38-2, Certification and Operating Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Single Audit Requirements -- OMB Circular A-128 Implementation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB08 Flight Time Limitations and Rest Requirements (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA08 Two-Way Radio Communications Failure Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Transportation of Federal Air Marshals STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/23/1985 Emergency case
DOT-FAA Aviation Security: Coordination and Training STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Emergency case
DOT-FAA Mechanical Reliability Reports STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB32 Protective Breathing Equipment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2105-AA49 Certificate Duration in Limited-Entry Markets: Notice Requirements for Carriers Leaving Limited-Entry Markets During a Selection Case -- Procedures and Criteria for Selection STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB03 Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System and Mode S Transponder Requirements in the National Airspace System STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA10 Certification and Operations: Land Airports Serving Certain Air Carriers -- 14 CFR Part 139 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AC01 Carriage of Weapons and Other Dangerous Objects at Washington National Airport and Washington Dulles International Airport (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB44 Type Certification Procedures - Special Class Aircraft STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB36 Transport Category Rotocraft Performance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Locations at Which Special VFR Weather Minimums Do Not Apply STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Abbotsford, British Colombia, Canada Special Airport Traffic Area STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Fuel Requirements for Flight Under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB94 Transponder-On Operation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA42 Foreign Air Carriers and Operators of Certain Large U.S.-Registered Airplanes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Change in Airspace Definition STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB33 Noise Standards for Helicopters in the Normal, Transport, and Restricted Categories -- FAR Part 36 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB96 Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, California, Special Air Traffic Rules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB85 Aviation Insurance Comprehensive Revision of Current War Risk Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA21 Parachute Jumps in Terminal Control Areas STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA72 High Density Traffic Airports Slot Allocation and Transfer Methods STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AB37 Slot Allocation: Initial Withdrawal and Redistribution of Slots STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA Notice of Proposed Policy Regarding Airport Access and Capacity STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA Airport and Operator Security Rules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Delay of Part 125 Applicability of Part 129 Operators (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA Termination of Suspension of Amendment 91-157, Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AA16 Submission to Alcohol Tests STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA84 Splash/Spray Suppression Devices STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB21 Contract Procedures, Advertising for Bids, Noncollusion Affidavit STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/12/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB09 Environmental Impact and Related Procedures, Public Hearings and Location/Design Approval STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/12/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/15/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB09 Navigational Clearances for Bridges STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/16/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA21 Utility Relocations, Adjustments and Reimbursement STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/06/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB19 Supportive Services for Minority, Disadvantaged, and Women Business Enterprises STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/09/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA11 Use and Disposition of Property Previously Acquired by States for Withdrawn Interstate Segments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/09/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA20 Accommodation of Utilities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA Required Contract Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/30/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA15 Design Standards for Highways STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/07/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -- Amendment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA National Standards for Traffic Control Devices, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -- Amendment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB25 Railroad-Highway Projects STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB24 Minimum Levels of Financial Responsibility for Motor Carriers of Passengers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB26 Truck Size and Weight: Revisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB41 Methodology for Attributing Federal Highway Trust Fund Receipts to the States, Policy Statement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/06/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA Emergency Relief STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/23/1985 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB23 Public Lands Highways Funds STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA10 Highway Planning Program Administration STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA Certification of Enforcement of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -- Truck Size and Weight Signs and Other Proposals (Amendment) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB02 Participation in Contract Claim Awards and Settlements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA Public Transportation for Nonurbanized Areas, Rescission of Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB37 Labor and Employment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/13/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB01 Mass Transit and Special Use Highway Projects STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA50 Emergency Relief STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AA81 Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB31 Sampling and Testing of Materials and Construction STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB28 Truck Size and Weight, Interpretation and Policy Statement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB42 Truck Size and Weight, Automobile Transporters STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB29 Federal-Aid Highway Program: State Internal Audit Responsibilities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA RIN: 2125-AB52 Qualification of Drivers, Drugs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA Rules of Practice for Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Proceedings STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA Deletion of Non-Federal-Aid Primary Routes from the National Network for Commercial Motor Vehicles STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA National Standards for Traffic Control Devices, Request for Comments on Proposed Amendments to the Manual on Traffic Control Devices STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FHWA National Standards for Traffic Control Devices, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/25/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FHWA Qualification of Drivers, Handicapped Driver Waiver Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA97 Splash and Spray Suppression Devices (49 CFR Part 584) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/25/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB30 National Minimum Drinking Age STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/15/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA09 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106, Brake Hoses STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB68 Anthropomorphic Test Dummies - Adoption of Hybrid III Test Dummy, 49 CFR Part 572 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB20 Standard No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection - Omnibus Proposed Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA35 Standard 208, Occupant Crash Protection - Comfort and Convenience of Safety Belts STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB09 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106, Brake Hoses, and No. 116, Motor Vehicle Brake Fluids STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/02/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB23 Alcohol Incentive Grant Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB34 Amendments to Tire Safety Marking Location Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA32 Standard No. 204, Steering Column Rearward Displacement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB44 Defect and Noncompliance Reports -- 49 CFR Part 573 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB31 Performance Standards and Criteria for Selection of Covered Vehicles and Replacement Parts - Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act of 1984 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB13 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 206, Door Locks and Door Retention Components STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB41 Standard No. 213, Child Restraint Systems -- Amendment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB37 Type F Headlighting Systems (Optional Compliance) Involving Co-Aiming and Auxiliary Beam -- Proposed Modification STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB39 Proposed Allowance of Three New Bulbs in Replaceable Bulb Headlighting Systems STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB12 Standard No. 121, Air Brake Systems - Timing Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA90 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106, Brake Hoses STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA Brake Burnish Procedures for Heavy Duty Vehicles ( Supplementary Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA13 Standard No. 135, Passenger Car Brake Systems STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB71 Standard No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection - Safety Belts in Heavy Vehicles STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB40 Replacement Bulb Headlamps (Motor Vehicles), Revision Allowing Multiple Lamps or Light Sources STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA Standard No. 101, Controls and Displays STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB72 The Misuse Test in Standard No. 213, Child Restraint Systems -- Amendment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA Standard No. 109 to Delete Size Factor Requirement (New Pneumatic Tires -- Passenger Cars (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA40 Standard No. 218, Motorcycle Helmets STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB73 Procedures for Selection of Covered Vehicles Under the Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act of 1984 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA98 Procedures for Transition to New National Driver Register STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB45 Standard No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection - Response to Petitions for Reconsideration STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA77 Motorcycle Headlamps: Optional Modulating System STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB32 Amendment to Passenger Automobile Average Fuel Economy Standard for Model Year 1986 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/17/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA18 Alternate Location for Front Identification Lamps on Wide Motor Vehicles STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA80 Buckle Force Amendment to Standard No. 213, Child Restraint Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA06 Standard No. 101, Controls and Displays STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB73 Procedures for Selection of Covered Vehicles -- Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act of 1984 (49 CFR Part 542) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/21/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA Proposed Changes in Replaceable Light Source Qualifications STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA35 Standard No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection, Improvement of Seat Belt Assemblies STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA96 Uniform Standards for State Highway Safety Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB83 Motor Vehicle Lamp Test Bulb Rulemaking Proposal STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB70 Standard No. 210 - Lap Belt Anchorages for Child Safety Seats STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB33 Light Truck Fuel Economy Standards for Model Year 1987 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB32 Passenger Automobile Average Fuel Economy Standard, Model Year 1986 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/30/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB31 Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard and Selection of Covered Major Parts - Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act of 1984 (49 CFR Part 541) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB84 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 222, School Bus Passenger Seating and Crash Protection STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA Standard No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection -- Comfort and Convenience of Seat Belts STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA91 Standard No. 103, Windshield Defrosting and Defogging Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AA90 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106, Brake Hoses STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB44 Defect and Noncompliance Reports STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA HB3/HB4 Headlamp Light Sources (Second Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AB81 Petitions for Exemption from the Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/31/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FRA RIN: 2130-AA29 Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FRA RIN: 2130-AA30 Railroad Operating Rules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FRA RIN: 2130-AA31 Freight Car Safety Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FRA RIN: 2130-AA18 Control of Alcohol and Drug Use in Railroad Operations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FRA RIN: 2130-AA28 Railroad Power Brakes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FRA RIN: 2130-AA39 Rear End Marking Device - Passenger Commuter and Freight Trains STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-FTA RIN: 2132-AA15 Buy America Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/07/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-MARAD Notice of Intent to Redesignate Essential Trade Routes --- Notice of Intent -- STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA30 Vessel Obligation Guarantees, Vessel Requirements, United States Construction STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA30 Obligation Guarantees -- 46 CFR Part 298 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA32 Claims Against the Maritime Administration Under the Federal Tort Claims Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-MARAD Requirements for Data Submission to Be Used in the Determination of Fair and Reasonable Rates for the Carriage of Bulk Preference Cargoes (46 CFR Part 382) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA40 Documentation, Transfer or Charter of Vessels STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA18 Elimination of Restrictions on Non-Subsidized Voyages by Subsidized Liner Companies STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA29 Vessel Obligation Guarantees, Vessel Requirements United States Construction STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/17/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA53 Procedures Governing the Evaluation of by U.S. Departments or Agencies of Bids from Subsidized U.S. Vessel Operators for the Carriage of Dry Bulk Preference Cargoes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-MARAD RIN: 2133-AA46 General Procedures for Determining Operating-Differential Subsidy for Liner Vessels STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-MARAD Operating-Differential Subsidy for Bulk Cargo Vessels Engaged in World-Wide Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-MARAD War Risk Insurance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA Transportation of Gas and Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline: Nondestructive Testing -- 49 CFR Part 195 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA44 Shipment of Hazardous Materials, Miscellaneous Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/02/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA76 Packaging and Placarding Requirements for Liquids Toxic by Inhalation (HM-196) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA43 Conversion of Individual Exemptions Into Regulations of General Applicability STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA80 Designation of Testing Laboratories, United Nations Packagings STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/04/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA Coupler Vertical Restraint Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Emergency case
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA70 Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline, Ovality of Field Bends in Steel Pipe STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/23/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA77 Exceptions for Specified Quantities of Radioactive Materials STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA60 Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline: Regulation of Intrastate Pipelines STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA75 Tritium and Carbon-14, Low Specific Activity Radioactive Materials Transported for Disposal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA77 Exceptions for Specified Quantities of Radioactive Materials STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Emergency case
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA87 Transportation of Hazardous Materials Between Canada and the United States STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA Implementation of the ICAO Technical Instructions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA58 Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline: Recordkeeping and Accident Reporting STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA Magnetized Material STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA59 Transportation of Gas or Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline: Nondestructive Testing STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/27/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA42 Requirements for Cargo Tanks STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA65 Cylinder Retester Identification Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA35 Placarding of Empty Tank Cars STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA Editorial Corrections and Clarifications STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA76 Packaging and Placarding Requirements for Liquids Toxic by Inhalation (HM-196) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/03/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA27 Radiation Level Limits for Exclusive Use Shipments of Radioactive Materials STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA87 Transportation of Hazardous Materials Between Canada and the United States STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA69 Transportation of Gas or Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline, Welding Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA94 Transportation of Gas or Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline, Updating Steel Line Pipe Specifications STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA71 Gas Pipeline Damage Prevention Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AB09 Implementation of the ICAO Technical Instructions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA60 Transportation of Hazardous Liquids, Gathering Lines in Rural Areas STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-RSPA RIN: 2137-AA42 Requirements for Cargo Tanks, Corrections and Clarifications STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
DOT-BTSA RIN: 2137-AA96 Report of Financial and Operating Statistics for Large Certificated Air Carriers STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent with change
DOT-BTSA RIN: 2137-AA95 Passenger Origin-Destination Survey STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent with change
TREAS-DO Final Revenue Sharing Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/18/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/1985 Consistent with change
TREAS-DO RIN: 1505-AA10 Casino Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-DO RIN: 1505-AA13 Reporting of International Capital and Foreign Currency Transactions and Holdings, Transfers of Credit, and Export of Coin and Currency STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-DO RIN: 1505-AA05 Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act -- Amendments to Implementing Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-ORS RIN: 1507-AA11 Conform the Revenue Sharing Regulations to the Requirements of the Single Audit Act of 1984 (P.l. 98-502) -- Interim Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-ORS Revenue Sharing Administrative Hearing Regulation Revision STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-FMS RIN: 1510-AA06 The Management of Federal Agency Receipts and Operation of the Cash Management Improvements Fund STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Consistent with change
TREAS-FMS Allocation of Responsibilities and Liabilities Under Letter of -- Treasury Financial Communications System STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-FMS RIN: 1510-AA06 Management of Federal Agency Receipts and Operation of the Cash Management Improvements Fund STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent with change
TREAS-FMS RIN: 1510-AA10 Federal Payments Made Through Financial Institutions by the Automated Clearinghouse Method STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-BPD Waiver of Late Charges STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA46 Minimum Capital Requirements, Issuance of Directives STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/01/1985 Consistent with change
TREAS-OCC Changes in Equity Capital and Subordinated Debt STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA51 Change in Bank Control: Rules, Policies and Procedures for Corporate Activities -- 12 CFR Part 5 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC Independent Outside Audit Requirements for New Banks STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA56 Charitable Foundations and Charitable Contributions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA23 Application to Invest in a Bank Service Corporation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA07 Required Notification to Nominate Bank Directors STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC Interpretive Rulings: Accounts Without Service Charges STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA17 National Bankers' Banks: Rules, Policies and Procedures for Corporate Activities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA12 Reports of Suspected Crimes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/31/1985 Consistent with change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA06 Securities Exchange Act Disclosure Rules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC Facilitating Shareholder Communications STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA55 Description of Office Procedures, Public Information, Staff No-Objection Position -- 12 CFR Part 4 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA44 Disclosure of Financial and Other Information by National Banks STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
TREAS-OCC RIN: 1557-AA51 Change in Bank Control -- 12 CFR Part 5.50 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Treatment of Champva Beneficiaries in Non-VA Health Care Facilities, at VA Expense STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/15/1983 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Returned (reconsider)
VA RIN: 2900-AA99 Loan Guaranty: to Authorize the Guaranty of Certain Manufactured Home Loans Under 38 USC 1810 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Procedure Where Violation of Penal Stautes Is Involved -- 38 CFR Paragraph 14.560 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/24/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB36 Loan Guaranty: Increase in Loan Fee for Housing Loans STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent with change
VA Loan Guaranty: Amendments to the Condominium Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent with change
VA Emergency Outpatient Dental Treatment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/09/1985 Consistent with change
VA Veterans' Education, Equal Opportunity Laws STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/23/1985 Withdrawn by agency
VA Inventions by VA Employees As Co-Inventors STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB04 National Service Life Insurance, Servicemen's Group Life Insurance and Veterans' Group Life Insurance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA State Home Per Diem Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB66 Incompetents-Estates Over $1500 and Hospitalized STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AA89 Loan Guaranty: Redefinition of the Term 'Lender' STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB74 Loan Guaranty: Specially Adapted Housing Assistance Computation of Cost STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB44 Veterans Education, Technical Adjustments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB68 Veterans Education, Rate Increase STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Withdrawn by agency
VA Adult Day Health Care STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB37 Dependents' Education, Time Limits for Processing Claims STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB64 Adjudication of Claims Based on Exposure to Dioxin or Ionizing Radiation STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/18/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB72 Veterans Education, Monthly Rates for High School Students Under VEAP STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB68 Veterans Education, Rate Increase STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/04/1985 Consistent with change
VA Cost-of-Living Adjustments: Pension and Parents' DIC STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Headstone or Marker Allowance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB42 Veterans' Education, Effective Date for Course Approvals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Veterans Education, Measurement of Courses STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB38 Veterans Education, Special Restorative Training STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Readjustment Counseling STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Withdrawn by agency
VA Procedure Where Violation of Penal Statutes Is Involved -- 38 CFR Paragraph 14.560 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB46 Effective Dates of Pension Awards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB73 Veterans Education, Suspension of Right to Enroll in VEAP STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB39 Veterans Education, Eligibility STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Single Audit Act of 1984 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent with change
VA Medical Care for Veterans Receiving Vocational Training Under Chapter 15 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Withdrawn by agency
VA RIN: 2900-AB35 Loan Guaranty: Extension of Reporting Time for Defaulted Vendee Loans STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Basic Eligibility for Loan Guaranty Benefits STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Medical Benefits STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/12/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB40 Veterans Education, Reports of Unsatisfactory Progress STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB54 Temporary Program for Trial Work Periods and Vocational Rehabilitation for Certain Veterans with Total Disability Ratings STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/15/1985 Consistent with change
VA State Home Per Diem Rates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB95 Veterans Education, Waiver of Two-Year Operation Requirement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AC02 Frequency of Payment of Improved Pension STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB65 Temporary Programs of Vocational Training STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/17/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AA21 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Emergency Job Training, Appellate Rights for Employers STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/31/1985 Returned (reconsider)
VA RIN: 2900-AB44 Veterans Education, Cancellation of Unnecessary Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB64 Adjudication of Claims Based on Exposure to Dioxin or Ionizing Radiation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent with change
VA Headstone or Marker Allowance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Veterans Education, Effect of Peacetime GI Bill on Vietnam Era GI Bill STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/05/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB43 Veterans Education, Eligibility for the Post-Vietnam Era Educational Assistance Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB33 Waiver of Overpayments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB97 Increase in Subsistence Allowance Paid Under 38 USC Chapter 31 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AA01 Veterans' Education, Educational Assistance Test Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/28/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB90 Veterans Education, Measurement of College Degree Courses STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB91 Veterans' Education, Entitlement Charges STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB42 Veterans Education, Retroactive Approval of Courses STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB94 Veterans' Education, Limit on Reimbursement of Wages Under the Emergency Veterans' Job Training Act STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/30/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB66 Incompetent - Estate Over $1,500 and Hospitalized STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AC07 Veterans Education, Equal Opportunity Laws STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB88 Rules of Practice STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB65 Temporary Programs of Vocational Training STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA Basic Eligibility for Loan Guaranty Benefits STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AC02 Frequency of Payment of Improved Pension STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AB60 Medical Care for Veterans Receiving Vocational Training Under 38 USC, Chapter 15 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/21/1985 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AB73 Veterans Education, Right to Initially Enroll in VEAP Suspended STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AC13 Veterans Education, Nonmatriculated Students STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
ACTION RIN: 3001-AA08 Grants and Contracts -- Denial of Application for Refunding STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
ACTION RIN: 3001-AA08 Grants and Contracts -- Denial of Application for Refunding STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/20/1985 Withdrawn by agency
ACHP RIN: 3010-AA00 Protection of Historic Properties, Proposed Revision of Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/07/1985 Consistent with change
ADF Availability of Records STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
ADF Employee Responsibilities and Conduct STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
AID AID Acquisition Regulation Subpart 716.5, Source Selection Appendix F, Use of Collaborative Assitance Method for AID Direct Contracts for Technical.... STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
AID RIN: 0412-AA08 Suspension, Debarment and Ineligibility, 22 CFR Part 208 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
AID RIN: 0412-AA09 Collection of Claims, 22 CFR Part 213 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/07/1985 Consistent with change
AID RIN: 0412-AA08 Debarment, Suspension and Ineligibility, 22 CFR Part 208 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
AID RIN: 0412-AA09 Collection of Claims, 22 CFR Part 213 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
CPBSH Suitability of Commodities and Services on the Procurement List STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/07/1985 Consistent with change
CEQ RIN: 0331-AA01 Incomplete or Unavailable Information STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA Revision to 40 CFR Parts 66 and 67 to Conform to Decision in 'duquesne Light Co. V. Epa,' 698 F.2d 457 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA Technical Modifications in Section 120 Penalty Model STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OECA Public Information -- 40 CFR Part 2 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OECA RIN: 2090-AA08 Judicial Review Under EPA-Administered Statutes, 'races to the Courthouse' STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OECA Administration of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act with Respect to Federal Contracts, Grants and Loans -- 40 CFR Part 15 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-ARM RIN: 2030-AA04 General Regulation for Assistance Programs -- 40 CFR Part 30 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-ARM EPA Acquisition Regulation - Subpart 1515.6 Source Selection STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/16/1985 Returned (improper)
EPA-ARM EPA Acquisition Regulation - Implementation of Competition in Contracting Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/03/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-ARM Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-ARM Procurement Under Assistance Agreements (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-ARM Procurement Under Assistance Agreements (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-ARM General Regulation for Assistance Programs, Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA27 Proposed BPT and BAT Effluent Limitations -- Nonferrous Metals Standards for New and Existing Sources for the Nonferrous STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/19/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category, Alternative Effluent Limitations (Central Treatment) -- 40 CFR Part 420 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA72 Ocean Incineration Regulation STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA48 Oil Discharge -- 40 CFR Part 110 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER Ocean Dumping Regulations -- 40 CFR Parts 220 - 228 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-WATER General Pretreatment Regulations - Revision of Appendix D STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/28/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA46 'Interference' and 'Pass Through' Definitions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/05/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of Idaho STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA79 NPDES Permit Regulations: Modification of Application Deadline and Testing Requirements for Stormwater Point Sources (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA12 Proposed New Source Performance Standards, Best Available Technology Economically Available, and Best Conventional Pollutant Technology Effluent Limitations Guidelines For.... STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/11/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA80 Percent Removal Requirements of the Secondary Treatment Regulations (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA56 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Flouride RMCL's (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/26/1985 Returned (reconsider)
EPA-WATER Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Petroleum Refining Point Source Category STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/06/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA53 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations - Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Inorganic Chemicals and Microorganisms, RMCL's (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER Copper Forming Point Source Category -- 40 CFR Part 468 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA73 Proposed State Sludge Management Program Regulations (40 CFR Part 501) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/06/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA67 Noncompliance for the NPDES Program (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER Porcelain Enameling Point Source Category, Amendments to BPT and BAT Effluent Limitations for Existing Sources and Pretreatment Standards -- 40 CFR Part 466 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER Fundamentally Different Factors Variance Provision 06/24 - 07/03/85 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/27/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA32 Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders Point Source Category -- 40 CFR Part 471 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/11/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA53 National Revised Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Volatile Organic Chemicals Recommended Maximum Contaminant Levels (RMCL's) Promulgation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA55 National Revised Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Volatile Organic Chemical Maximum Contaminant (MCL's) Proposals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA79 Application for Permit to Discharge Wastewater and Associated Regulations (Stormwater Point Sources) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA27 Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Phase Ii Point Source Category -- 40 CFR Part 421 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA66 Coal Mining Point Source Category, Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER Construction Grant Regulation, Maximum Allowable Project Cost 40 CFR Part 35, Subpart 1 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA18 Final BAT Effluent Limitations, New Source Performance Standards and Pretreatment Standards for New and Existing Sources for the Pesticide Point Source Category STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER Grants for Construction of Treatment Works STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA65 Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards -- Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source Category, Gold Placer Mine Subcategory STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA20 Metal Molding and Casting (Foundries) Point Source Category Effluent Regulations -- 40 CFR Part 464 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA95 Battery Manufacturing Point Source Category, BAT Effluent Limitations for Existing Sources -- 40 CFR Part 461 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER 301(k) Compliance Extensions for Innovative Technology (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA56 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations -- Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level (RMCL) for Fluoride (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Deadline case
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA56 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Proposed Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for Fluoride STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Deadline case
EPA-WATER Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of Kentucky STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Information Requirements for Facilities Petitioning for Hazardous Waste Delisting, Amendments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA46 Superfund Notification Requirements and Reportable Quantity Adjustments (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/11/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/05/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB48 Superfund Reportable Quantity Adjustments (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/12/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/14/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/18/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB23 Interim Codification Rule: Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/07/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-SWER The National Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency Plan: National Priorities List (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Identification and Listing of Linuron and Bromacil Production Wastes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB00 Standards for Owners and Operators of Waste Facilities: Closure/Post-Closure Care, Cost Estimates and Financial Responsibility (Revision) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AC60 Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste. Methyl Bromide Wastes. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RCRA Hazardous Waste Regulation: Commercial Chemical Products Composed of Mixture of Active Ingredients (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA48 CERCLA (Superfund) Natural Resource Claims Procedures and CERCLA Arbitration Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/27/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA68 Guideline for Federal Procurement of Paper and Paper Products Containing Recovered Materials STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/15/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Guidance for Feasibility Studies Under CERCLA STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Regulation of Certain Solvent Mixtures As Hazardous Waste STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Part 265 Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/02/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan: the National Priorities List, Amendment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/26/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA57 Part B Application, Reporting, and Recordkeeping Requirements for Hazardous Waste Tanks STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/12/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Liquids in Landfills - Definition of Liquid Test Hazardous Waste Management System, Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Final Codification Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA97 Schedule for Land Disposal Prohibition Determinations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB14 Notification Requirements for Underground Storage Tanks Containing Regulated Substances STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB11 State Hazardous Waste Programs, Procedures for Approving Revisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Identification and Listing of Four Spent Solvents and the Still Bottoms from Their Recovery STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Final National Priorities List - Addition of Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Site STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Wastes/(Final Exclusions) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan -- Section 300.66(b)(4) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA59 Generators of 100 - 1000 Kg/Mo of Hazardous Waste -- Small Quantity Generators (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/11/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Permit Applicants' Guidance Manual for Exposure Information Requirements Under Rcra Section 3019 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Request for Data and Comments Regarding Scope of the Listing for Spent Pickle Liquor from Steel Finishing Operations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Reclassification of Residues Derived from Incineration or Thermal Treatment of Certain Dioxin-Containing Wastes As Hazardous Waste STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Proposed Codification Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/19/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB47 RCRA Liability Insurance (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB56 RCRA Hazardous Waste Part 261: Remove Iron Dextran from the Commercial Chemical Products List and Appendix VIII (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Enforcement Policy on Loss of Interim Status Provision STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan: the National Priorities List (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA99 Proposed Reinterpretation of Mining Waste Exclusion (Smelting/Refining) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA00 Used Oil: Listing and Management Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB64 Proposed State Authorization Codification Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Dinitroluene, Toluenediamine, and Toluene Diisocyanate Production Wastes STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Tentative Denial of Petition to Amend EPA's Listing of Certain Dioxin-Containing Wastes As Acutely Hazardous STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AC17 Used Oil: Listing STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB00 Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Rcra Permit Writers' Guidance Manual for the Location of Hazardous Waste Land Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities--Phase II Criteria for a Vulnerable Hydrogeology STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/19/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-SWER Draft Guidance on Implementation of the Minimum Technological Requirements of HSWA of 1984 -- Liners and Leachate Collection Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Alkyl Lead Production Wastes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA74 Administrative Controls for Blending and Burning of Hazardous Waste and Used Oil Fuels STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB14 Notification Requirements for Underground Storage Tanks Containing Regulated Substances STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA48 CERCLA (Superfund) Natural Resource Claims Procedures and CERCLA Arbitration Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/29/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Diphenylamine Production Wastes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Solvent Mixtures (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Notice of Intent to Delete Sites from the National Priorities List, Request for Comments FRL No. 2925-2 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER Hazardous Waste Management System: Notice of Supplement to Preamble to Final Codification Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/31/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AA85 Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste/Listing Wastes from the Production of Ethylene Dibromide STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AB52 Guideline for Federal Procurement of Asphalt Materials Containing Ground Tire Rubber STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Proposed Program for Implementing Revised Particulate Matter Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/01/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR SIP: NPR Illinois Ozone STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA54 Importation of Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Engines STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/18/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Ohio VOC Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA64 Reaffirmation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Dioxide STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB21 Standard of Performance for New Stationary Sources -- Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS: Innovative Technology Waiver for Kraft Pulp Mills STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB47 Ambient Air Quality Surveillance -- 40 CFR Part 58 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA47 NESHAPS: Radionuclide Emissions from DOE Facilities, NRC Licensed and Non-DOE Federal Facilities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/16/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR SIP: Cleveland, Ohio Carbon Monoxide STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Pennsylvania Revisions (AM600/601/602/603PA) -- Approval STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Merced County and San Francisco Bay, California Air Pollution Control Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA56 Nonconformance Penalties for Heavy-Duty Engines, Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Light-Duty Trucks STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR SIP: Lake County, Indiana TSP NPR STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Idaho Part 52 -- Approval STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR SIP: Oregon Federal Assistance Limitation -- Part 52 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Florida Lead STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Tennessee PSD Rules -- Partial Approval STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB60 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, Gasoline Lead Content (Proposed Lead Ban) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/26/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB50 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, Gasoline Lead Content -- Lead Phasedown STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/26/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB62 NESHAPS: Radon-222 Emissions from Underground Uranium Mines STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/13/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR SIP: Bernalillo County, New Mexico 1982 Carbon Monoxide Plan -- Disapproval of the Inspection/Maintenance Portion STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/19/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Michigan -- Saginaw Mallabe Iron Plant (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Amendments to 40 CFR Part 60 to Include Alternative Performance Specification Test Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA52 NOX Emission Standards for Light-Duty Trucks and Heavy-Duty Engines and Particulate Emissions for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Senco Products -- Disapproval (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Illinois TSP for Sours Grain STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/26/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR SIP: Illinois TSP for Iron and Steel Sources STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Assessment of Chromium As a Potentially Toxic Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB26 Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, Equipment Leaks of VOC from Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR NSPS: Petroleum Refineries, Volatile Organic Liquid Storage, National Emissions Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS: Compliance Bubbles (Policy Statement) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB38 NSPS: Portland Cement Industry STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Indiana: RACT I and RACT II VOC Regulations for St. Joseph/Elkhart (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Addition of Method 7B to Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB61 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives -- Banking of Lead Rights STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS: Surface Coating of Metal Furniture -- Revision STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Assessment of Carbon Tetrachloride As Potentially Toxic Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/10/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Addition of Alternative Procedures to Method 1 of Appendix A or 40 CFR Part 60 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB62 NESHAPS: Radon-222 Emissions from Underground Uranium Mines STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Withdrawal of Amendment to Method 9 of Appendix A (40 CFR Part 60) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS: Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/16/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Amendments to Subparts D, DA, DB and J, Addition of Method 5B and Method 5F to Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB20 Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce: Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls: Medium and Heavy Trucks (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB88 NSPS: Magnetic Tape Manufacturing Industry -- ICR No. 1135 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB11 NSPS: Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants (ICR-1084) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS; Polymer Manufacturing Industry, ICR No. 1150 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/11/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Ventura County PSD and NSR Rules (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Nebraska Revision STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Illinois Total Suspended Particulates (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Michigan Fugitive Dust Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Disapproval of Three VOC Extended Compliance Schedules: Arvey Corporation, Moore American Graphics, and Meyercord STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS: Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generating Units, Sulfur Dioxide Compliance Requirements for Subpart D -- Revision STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/19/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Withdrawal of Proposed Amendments to Subpart Bb, Paragraph 60.284 of 40 CFR Part 60, to Add an Alternative Monitoring Procedure STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB19 Fuel Economy Test Procedures, CAFE Adjustments to Compensate for Changes in 1975 Test Procedure -- FRL No. 2839-5 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB86 CAFE Adjustments for Light-Duty Trucks STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB30 Stack Height Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/26/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR State Implementation Plans for Visibility New Source Review and Monitoring Strategy STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS: Appendix B, Performance Specifications for Continuous Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide Emissions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Colorado PSD Program -- Partial Approval STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AC02 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Applicability to Motorcycles and Alternate Labeling Language for All Motor Vehicles STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA79 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants -- Amendments to General Provisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Notice of Intent to List Ethylene Oxide As a Hazardous Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Assessment of Ethylene Dichloride As a Potentially Toxic Air Pollutant (1, 2-Dichloroethane) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/11/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Notice of Intent to List Chloroform As a Hazardous Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA63 Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/04/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB27 NSPS: Onshore Natural Gas Processing/SO2 Reporting and Recordkeeping -- ICR 1087 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/21/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Assessment of 1,3-Butadiene As a Potentially Toxic Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA56 Non-Conformance Penalties for Heavy-Duty Engines and Heavy-Duty Vehicles STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Stack Height Emissions Balancing Policy Proposal STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/20/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR NSPS: Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations Innovative Technology Waivers for Four Plants STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB65 Non-Conformance Penalties for Heavy-Duty Engines and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Including Light-Duty Trucks (Phase II) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/21/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA03 Environmental Standards for Spent Nuclear Fuel, High-Level and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Michigan Fugitive Dust Regulations -- Disapproval STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/01/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Iowa New Source Review Regulations -- Approval (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA36 NSPS: Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Regenerators -- ICR No. 1164 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR SIP: Maricopa County, Arizona Carbon Monoxide Plan (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Pima County, Arizona CO and TSP Plan (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Pima County, Arizona -- Disapproval (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Idaho -- Part 52 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: North Carolina Malfunction Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA38 Assessment of Cadmium As a Potentially Toxic Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Proposed Amendment to Opacity Provisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB42 Amendment to Opacity Provisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NFR Disapproval of the Illinois New Source Review Rule, Approval of the Public Participation Provisions for New Sources STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Revisions to 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, to Add Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures to Methods 5A, 5D, 6A, 6B, and 20 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP for Champion International Corporation's Dairy Pak Division, Disapproval (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Assessment of Perchloroethylene As a Potentially Toxic Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/17/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Assessment of Trichloroethylene As a Potentially Toxic Air Pollutant STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB66 NSPS: Surface Coating of Plastics Parts for Business Machines -- ICR No. 1093 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Ohio, Van Leer Containers -- Disapproval (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Kentucky Part D TSP STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Butler County S02 Rules (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives Gasoline Lead Content STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Porter County, Indiana TSP NPR STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Florida Lead STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Summit County, Ohio Sulfur Dioxide Rules for PPG (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Disapproval of Part D for CO and TSP (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Pima County, Arizona NSR/PSD Rules (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NSPS: Flare Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Wyoming Visibility STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Citizen's Gas and Coke TSP SIP Revision STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Pima County, Arizona Carbon Monoxide (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Maricopa County, Arizona Carbon Monoxide (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Pima County, Arizona Carbon Monoxide and Total Suspended Particulate Plans -- Disapproval (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AA72 NSPS: Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Florida 111(D) Plan for TRS STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/03/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR NFR Illinois for TSP (Sours Grain) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR NPR for Federal Funding Limitations, Indiana Inspection/Maintenance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: NFR Illinois Plan for TSP (Coke Oven Pushing) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Exemption for Intermittent Control Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR Amendment of Noise Emission Regulations for (A) Medium and Heavy Trucks and (B) Interstate Motor Carriers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB65 Non-Conformance Penalties for Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/19/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AR Indiana VOC RACT I and II Rules (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR SIP: Rapid City South Dakota New Source Review Regulations for Nonattainment Area and Construction Moratorium for Major Particulate Sources STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR State Implementation Plans for Visibility New Source Review and Visibility Monitoring Strategy STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA36 Site Limited/Low Volume PMN Exemption STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1983 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/15/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS Asbestos Ban Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-OPPTS Availability of Guidance Document on Section 4 (F) of Tsca STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/09/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/03/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS Asbestos: Proposed Mining and Import Restrictions (Asbestos Phase-Down Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA57 Special Review Criteria and Procedures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA99 Partial Updating of TSCA Inventory Data Base Production and Site Report STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/31/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS TSCA Section 5(a) Significant New Use Rule for Manufacturers of 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-Chlorobenzenamine) (MBOCA) -- Proposed Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Proposed Determination of Significant New Use - Methylphenol BIS (Substituted Alkyl - P-84-417) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Determination of Significant New Use (P-84-105, P-84-106, P-84-107) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Proposed Significant New Use Rule for PMN's P-84-176, P-84-180, P-84-161, P-84-182, P-81-183 and P-84-184, FRL No. 2737-1 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Schradan: Proposed Revocation of Tolerance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Aldrin and Dieldrin: Proposed Revocation of Tolerances STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Terpene Polychlorinates: Proposed Revocation of Tolerance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS DDT and TDE: Proposed Revocation of Food Additive Regulation STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS DDT and TDE: Proposed Revocation of Tolerances STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane: Proposed Revocation of Tolerances STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane: Proposed Revocation of Food Additive Regulation STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB33 Docketing and Public Participation Procedures -- Pesticide Registration Standard STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Dodecachloro-Octahydro-1,3,4-Metheno-2h-Cyclobuta(cd) Pentalene: Proposed Revocation of Tolerances STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA41 Exemption of Federal and State Agencies for Use of Pesticides Under Emergency Conditions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB33 Docketing and Public Participation Procedures -- Pesticide Registration Standard STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/06/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS TSCA Section 8(a) Amending the Preliminary Assessment Information Rule, Manufacturer Reporting -- by Adding a Chemical Recommended in the 14th ITC Report (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS TSCA Section 8(d) Amending the Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule by Adding a Chemical Recommended in the 14th ITC Report (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB12 Policy Regarding Submission of Information Under Section 6(a) (2) of FIFRA STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Addition of Urea-Formaldehyde Resins to the Reporting Provisions at 40 CFR Parts 712 and 716 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Bisphenol A: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Ethyltoluenes, Trimethylbenzenes and C 9 Hydrocarbon Fraction (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB30 Test Rule Development and Exemption Procedures (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/03/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS Diethylenetriamine STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Diethylenetriamine: Final Phase I Test Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA70 PCB Manufacture, Processing, Distribution in Commerce and Use Prohibitions Use in Electrical Transformers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Ethyl 4,4'-Dichlorobenzilate: Proposed Revocation of Tolerances STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Chlorodane: Proposed Revocation of Tolerances (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Proposed Significant New Use Rule for 11-Aminoundecanoic Acid and Methyl N-Butyl Ketone FRL No. 2843-3 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/24/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB24 Asbestos Abatement Worker Protection Rule (2840-9) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Heptachlor: Proposed Revocation of Tolerance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Pirimicarb: Proposed Revocation of Tolerance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/16/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-OPPTS Add Vinyl Acetate to the Section 8(d) Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Submission of Pesticide Data, Flagging of Studies for Early Review STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB19 Product Performance Requirements for Vertebrate Control Products STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Response to Ward Transformer Petition for Exemption (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA46 Tolerance Processing Fees (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane: Proposed Test Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Final Significant New Use Rule for P-83-822 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Proposed Significant New Use Rule for Pmn 84-274 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Proposed Significant New Use Rule for Pmn 83-1085 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA98 The Preliminary Assessment Information Rule to Require Automatic Reporting of ITC Non-Designates -- Amendment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Amendment to the Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule to Require Automatic Reporting on ITC Non-Designates STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Biphenyl (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA76 Suspend the Operation of the Model Section 8(d) Health and Safety Data Rule's Sunset Provision (Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB35 Remove Substances from the Section 8(d) Health and Safety Data Rule (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB35 Section 8(d) Health and Safety Data Rule -- Proposed Revisions STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS Benzyl Butyl Phthalate: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS 2-Methoxyethanol, 2-Methoxyethanol Acetate, 2-Ethoxyethanol, 2-Ethoxyethanol Acetate, Partial Ban and Referral for Additional Actions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-OPPTS Revocation of 2,4-Dichlorophenyl P-Nitrophenyl Ether Tolerances 8/21-8/30/85 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS TSCA Section 8(d) Rule for 33 Substances Subject to the 1984 RCRA Amendments (Proposed) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Guidance for Petitioning the EPA Under TSCA Section 21 FRL No. 2882-6 (Notice) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA86 TSCA Section 8(c) Rule Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Pentabromoethylbenzene: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/29/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS Cumene: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole: Proposed Test Rule, FRL 2906-9 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane: FRL 2905-5 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Anthraquinone: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Fluoroalkenes: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Final Significant New Use and Section 8(a) Information Gathering Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB33 Pesticide Registration Standards: Docketing and Public Participation Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Hydroquinone: Testing Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Hydroquinone: Proposed Testing Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS TSCA Section 8(a) Reporting Rule for Manufacturers, Importers, Processors of P-TBBA, P-TBT and P-TBB (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Propylene Oxide, Testing Requirements and Propylene Oxide, Proposed Testing Standard STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA57 Special Reviews of Pesticides: Criteria and Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/14/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AB21 Dibenzo-P Dioxins/Dibenzofuras Testing and Reporting Requirements STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Chlorinated Benzenes: Proposed Test Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Mesityl Oxide: Final Test Rule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Mesityl Oxide: Proposed Test Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS 1,1,1 Trichloroethane: Final Test Standards and Reporting Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Proposed Significant New Use Rule for P-84-7 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS Tsca Test Guideline Revisions (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/12/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS Unsubstituted Phenylenediamines: Proposed Test Rule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/10/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS TSCA Section 8(D) Amendment of Vinyl Acetate STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AA41 Exemption of Federal and State Agencies for Use of Pesticides Under Emergency Conditions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AdmO RIN: 2020-AA05 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in the Environmental Protection Agency's Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/11/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AdmO RIN: 2090-AA04 Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act for the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Construction Grants, and Related Sections -- Subpart E STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent with change
EPA-AdmO Submittal of Certain Business Information Subject to the Freedom of Information Act, Amendments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
EEOC Apprenticeship Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/05/1985 Returned (reconsider)
EEOC Substantive Regulations Implementing Section 4(g) of the ADEA, 29 USC, 623(g) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
EEOC Local Union EEO-3 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent with change
EEOC RIN: 3046-AA28 Waivers Under Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/26/1985 Consistent with change
EEOC Substantive Regulations Implementing Section 4(g) of the ADEA, 29 USC Para. 623(g) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/24/1985 Withdrawn by agency
EEOC RIN: 3046-AA19 Rescission of Substantive Regulations on Health Insurance Benefits for Employees Age 65 to 69 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/11/1985 Exempt from EO Review
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA81 Crime Insurance Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA80 Riot Reinsurance Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA24 Coastal Barrier Resources Act STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA20 Settlement and Payment of Claims to Employees for Damage or Loss, Personal Property STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA11 Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA57 National Flood Insurance Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent with change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA60 Flood Insurance Program: Assistance to Private Sector Property Insurers STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA81 Crime Insurance Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA80 Riot Reinsurance -- Removal of 44 Parts 55, 56, and 57 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA Changes to FOIA and Privacy Act Fee Schedules STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA62 National Flood Insurance Program - Insurance Coverage and Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA69 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA65 Duplication of Benefits STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA66 Civil Defense - State and Local Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMA) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA73 Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Fee Schedules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA71 FEMA Acquisition Regulation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA91 Disaster Assistance - Subpart H - Project Administration STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA87 Federal Disaster Assistance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA82 Federally-Assisted Construction STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA92 Disaster Assistance -- Reimbursement of Other Federal Agencies STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA93 Disaster Assistance Fire Suppression Assistance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA57 National Flood Insurance Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA24 Disaster Assistance - Implementation of Coastal Barrier Resources Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA89 Disaster Assistance - the Declaration Process, Public Assistance, Project Administration STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/21/1985 Withdrawn by agency
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA86 Temporary Housing Assistance STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AA93 Fire Suppression Assistance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Records and Forms Management Responsibilities (Control No. 84-30) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Returned (reconsider)
GSA Preservation and Protection and Access to the Presidential Historical Materials of the Nixon Administration (Control No. 84-34) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Data Communication Systems and Services (Control No. 84-48) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Management Information Processing Resources (Control No. 84-47) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA ADP Resources Utilization and Reporting (Control No. 84-46) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Changes to Federal ADP Acquisition Regulations, Control No. 84-45 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Agency Requests for Delegations of Procurement Authority for the Acquisition of Adp Equipment and Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Telecommunications Acquisitions (Control No. 84-43) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Federal Hardware, Software and Telecommunications Standards (Control No. 84-42) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Teleprocessing Services Program (TSP) Changes, Control No. 84-41 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Establishing Integrated Provisions for the Federal Information Resources Management Regulation (FIRMR) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA90 Amendment of the FIRMR to Revise ADP Performance Validation Provisions (Project 84.80t) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/15/1985 Returned (improper)
GSA Updating of Publication Procedures STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/31/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB12 Transportation Claims Not Payable by Agencies (Control No. 85-2) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB73 FPMR Temporary Regulation A: Civilian Executive Agency Aircraft System (AIS) -- Control No. 85-3 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Records Management (Control No. 85-4) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB60 Triennial Review of Agency Administration and Operation of Information Resources Management Activities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/04/1985 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB63 Use of Carrier Contractors for Express Small Package Transportation, FPMR Temporary Regulation A-23, Supplement 1 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (Control No. 85-7) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB74 Changes to Federal Travel Regulations (FPMR 101-7), (GSA Bulletin FPMR A-40, Supplement 13) -- Control No. 85-8 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA90 Amendment of the FIRNR to Revise ADP Performance Validation Provisions (Project 84.80a) (Control No. 85-9) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent with change
GSA Privacy Act (Control No. 85-11) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Amendment of the FIRMR to Implement Public Laws 98-369 and 98-577 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/25/1985 Consistent with change
GSA General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AC06 Federal Property Management Regulations, Temporary Regulation D-69, Supplement No. 3 (Control No. 85-15) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Federal Property Management Regulations - Temporary Regulation D-71, Work Space Management Reform (Control No. 85-16) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/18/1985 Consistent with change
GSA Federal Property Management Regulations, Federal Building Fund, Reimbursable Services (Control No. 85-17) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB00 FPMR Part 101-38; Motor Equipment Management and Interagency Motor Vehicle Pools, 101-39 (Control No. 85-18) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Changes to FPMR Part 101-40: Transportation and Motor Vehicles -- Control No. 85-19 (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA74 Administrative Offset and Interest Assessment on Transportation Related Claims (Control No. 85-20) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AC02 Changes to Federal Travel Regulations, FPMR 101-7, GSA Bulletin FPMR A-40, Supplement 14 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR) Federal Building Fund, Reimbursable Services (Control No. 85-22) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Transportation Disbursement Procedures (Control No. 85-23) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Federal Telecommunication Standard FED-STD 1028 (Control No. 85-25) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR), Chapter 5 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Federal Property Management Regulations - Temporary Regulation D-68 - Assignment and Utilization Space (Control No. 85-27) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB50 Federal Property Management Regulations: Temporary Regulation D-70, Government Work Space Management Reforms (Control No. 85-26 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/10/1985 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB98 Use of Cash (Control No. 85-28) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Obsolescence, Exchange/Sale, and Reuse of Federal Automatic Data Processing Equipment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/31/1985 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA00 Nondiscrimination in Federal Financial Assistance Programs -- 41 CFR 101-8.7 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Acquisition of Systems Furniture, FPMR Temporary Regulation E (Control No. 85-31) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA04 Revise Standard Form 1103 and Standard Form 1109, Change Sequence of Standard Form 1103-a and Standard Form 1109-A, Amend Terms and Conditions Section of Standard Forms 1103, and 1203 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA19 Removal from Chapter 101 of Subchapter F, ADP and Telecommunications (Control No. 85-34) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs -- Control No. 85-35 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (Control No. 85-36) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/06/1985 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA90 Revision of FIRMR ADP Performance Validation Provisions (Project 84.80a) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Notice of Adoption of Standard: Federal Telecommunication Standard (FED-STD) 1033 (Control No. 85-38) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent with change
GSA GSA Board of Contract Appeals Rules of Procedure (Control No. 85-39) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/15/1985 Consistent with change
GSA Subchapter H -- Utilization and Disposal (Control No. 85-40) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Subchapter E -- Supply and Procurement, Section 101-26.310 (Control No. 85-29) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Adp and Telecommunications -- 41 CFR Chapter 101, Subchapter F (Control No. 85-45) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB61 Establishing Integrated Records Management Provisions for the Federal Information Resources Management Regulation (Control No. 85-44) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/25/1985 Consistent with change
GSA Patents -- 41 CFR Chapter 101, Part 4 Removal (Control No. 85-41) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AC21 Reduce Number of Copies in the Standard Form 1203 Set, U.S. Government Bill of Lading--Privately Owned Personal Property STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Interim Federal Telecommunications Standard RS 449 (Control No. 85-42) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AC20 Submission of Commercial Bills of Lading Covering Transportation Services Under Cost Reimbursement-Type Contracts for Audit STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB70 Holding Agency (Control No. 85-48) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Change to Federal Property Management Regulations, Subchapter H -- Utilization and Disposal (FPMR Part 101-46) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA FPMR Temporary Regulation A-24, Supplement 1: Use of Travel Agents and Travel Management Centers (TMC) by Federal Executive Agencies (Control No. 85-46) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Removal from Chapter 101 of Subchapter B, Archives and Records (Control No. 85-50) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Implementation of Public Laws 98-369 and 98-577 Regarding Competition in the Acquisition of Information Resources and Codification of Temporary Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB11 Revision of U.S. Government Transportation Request, Standard Form 1169 (Control No. 85-52) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Change to Federal Property Management Regulations, Subchapter H -- Utilization and Disposal (FPMR Parts 101-43, and 101-45) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB45 Collection of Claims Owed the United States -- 41 CFR 105-55 (Control No. 85-54) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AC44 General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) Control No. 85-55 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AC13 Implementation of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), Federal Telecommunications Standards (FED-STDs), and Joint FIPS/FED-STDs in the FIRMR (Control No. 85-56) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent with change
GSA Notice for Comment on Proposed Standard, FED-STD 1006 (Control No. 85-57) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA ADM 7900.4A, GSA Regulations Implementing the Privacy Act of 1974 (Control No. 85-58) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/07/1985 Consistent with change
GSA Revision to Fpmr Subchapter H - Utilization and Disposal Part 101-45, Sale, Abandonment or Destruction of Personal Property (Control 85-59) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Federal Property Management Regulations, Temporary 4 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB99 Changes to the Federal Travel Regulations (FPMR 101-7), (GSA Bulletin FPMR a-40, Supplement 15) -- Control No. 85-61 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA GSA Board of Contract Appeals ADP Protests (Control No. 85-62) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA FPMR Temporary Regulation A-25, Supplement 1: Travel and Transportation Expense Payment System Using Contractor-Issued Charge Cards, and Travellers Checks STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Supply and Procurement, Revision -- 41 CFR Subchapter E STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Use of Contract Airline Service Between Selected City-Pairs, Frmr Temporary Regulation a-22, Supplement 4 (Control No. 85-65) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AA74 Notice of Interest Assessment - Standard Form 1170, Redemption of Unused Tickets (Control No. 85-67) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Use of Carrier Contractors for Express Small Package Transportation, FPMR Temporary Regulation A-23, Supplement 2 (Control No. 85-66) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA RIN: 3090-AB12 Administrative Offset and Interest Assessment on Transportation Related Claims (Control No. 85-68) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Requests for Waivers (Control No. 85-69) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA Subchapter H -- Utilization and Disposal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AC34 General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR), Termination for Convenience of Government and Termination Liabilities (Control No. 85-71) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA FED-STD 1065 'Telecommunications Facsimile Coding Schemes and Coding Control Functions for Group 5 Facsimile Apparatus' STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
GSA FED-STD 1070 -- Optical Fiber STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA22 Claims Collection and Off-Set Standards -- 14 CFR Part 1261, Subparts 5, and 6 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA28 NASA Astronaut Candidate Recruitment and Selection Program -- 14 CFR Part 1214, Subpart 11 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA NASA FAR Supplement Subpart 18-32.5, Progress Payments Based on Costs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent with change
NASA NASA FAR Supplement Subpart 18-15.6, Source Selection STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent with change
NASA NASA FAR Supplement 85-1, Protests, Disputes and Appeals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent with change
NASA NASA FAR Supplement Directive 85-2, Competition in Contracting STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent with change
NASA NASA Handbook NHB 5103.6a, Source Evaluation Board Manual STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/02/1985 Consistent with change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA01 Space Transportation System, Reimbursement for Spacelab Services -- 14 CFR Part 1214, Subpart 8 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA26 Statement of Organization and General Information -- 14 CFR Part 1201 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA02 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Programs and Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance -- 14 CFR Part 1252 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/27/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA Protection of Human and Animal Research Subjects -- 14 CFR Part 1217 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/09/1985 Returned (reconsider)
NASA RIN: 2700-AA32 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs -- 14 CFR Part 1204a STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA Proposed Addition to NASA FAR Supplement in Modification of FAR Subparts 32.5 and 52 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA Proposed Addition to NASA FAR Supplement in Further Implementation of FAR Subpart 32.5 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Consistent with change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA36 Proposed Change to NASA FAR Supplement Subpart 15.6 and SEB Manual STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA Proposed Change to NASA FAR Supplement Pertaining to Acquisition of ADPE STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA Proposed Change to NASA FAR Supplement Subpart 18-33.1 in Implementation of FAC 84-9 and CICA STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA Space Transportation System, Reimbursement for Spacelab Services -- 14 CFR Part 1214, Subpart 8 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA27 Employees' Personal Property Claims -- 14 CFR Part 1261, Subpart 1 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA43 Awards for Scientific and Technical Contributions -- 14 CFR Part 1240, Subpart 1 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA41 Awards for Reported Scientific and Technical Contributions: NASA and Contractor Employees -- 14 CFR Part 1240, Subpart 2 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA44 Inventions and Contribution Board -- 14 CFR Part 1209, Subpart 4 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA46 Use of NASA Airfield Facilities by Aircraft Not Operated for the Benefit of the Federal Government -- 14 CFR Part 1204, Subpart 14 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA RIN: 2700-AA42 Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Agency Proceedings -- 14 CFR Part 1262 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
NASA NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA01 Establishment of NARA Regulations in Title 36, Chapter Xii STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA00 Establishment of NARA Regulations Relating to Records Management STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA05 NARA Privacy Act, FOIA, and Official Seal Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA00 Establishment of NARA Regulations Relating to Records Management STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA05 NARA Privacy Act, FOIA, and Official Seal Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA Price Increases to ACFR Publications STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA03 NARA Fee Schedule STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA03 NARA Fee Schedule STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA19 Use of NARA Research Rooms STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
IMLS Proposed Guidelines and Standards for Fiscal Year 1985 Conservation Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
IMLS Final Guidelines and Standards for FY 1985 Conservation Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
IMLS Justification of Information Collection in IMS General Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/16/1985 Returned (improper)
IMLS Museum Assessment and General Operating Support Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent w/no change
NAVAJO Commission Operations and Relocation Procedures, Notice of Final Date for Voluntary Relocation Application (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
NAVAJO Commission Operations and Relocation Procedures, Notice of Final Date for Voluntary Relocation Application (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/19/1985 Consistent with change
OPM Employment Practices STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/27/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/10/1985 Returned (reconsider)
OPM RIN: 3206-AB14 Conform to Recent Legislation on Public Financial Disclosure, Conflicts of Interest and Standards of Conduct for Federal Employees (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AA04 Freedom of Information Act Implementing Regulations (Update and Reorganization) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC48 Absence and Leave: Annual Leave to Allow an Increased Time Period in Which to Use Restored Annual Leave Because of an Extended Exigency -- 5 CFR Part 630, Subpart C (Interim Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC32 Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AA10 Retention of Senior Executive Service Provisions by Career Appointees Given Presidential Appointments STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB39 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program -- 5 CFR Part 890 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent with change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB36 Basic Life Insurance, Standard Optional Life Insurance, Additional Optional Life Insurance and Family Optional Life Insurance -- 5 CFR Parts 870, 871, 872, and 873 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB31 Performance Management and Recognition System Regulations -- 5 CFR Parts 293, 430, 530, 531, 536, 540, 595, and 771 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent with change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC47 Remove References to DC Government Employees -- 5 CFR Part 630 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC31 Establishing an Employee Medical File System for Maintenance of Federal Civilian Employee Medical Records (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/12/1985 Consistent with change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB82 Assignment of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance by Federal Judges STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Excepted Service -- 5 CFR Part 213 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB11 Federal Employees' Health and Counseling Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB26 Veterans Readjustment Appointments Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/19/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AA19 Reemployment Rights After Service in the Panama Canal Commission STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB90 Temporary Reemployment of Retired Administrative Law Judges STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB81 Basic Life Insurance, Standard Optional Life Insurance, Additional Optional Life Insurance, and Family Optional Life Insurance -- 5 CFR Parts 870, 871, 872, and 873 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC42 Final Salary Offset Regulations, Amendment (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB75 Civil Service Retirement (CSR): Implement Civil Service Spouse Spouse Equity Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-615) -- 5 CFR Part 831 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC60 Grade and Pay Retention -- 5 CFR Part 536 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB32 Special Salary Rates for Recruitment and Retention -- Revision STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Grade and Pay Retention STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB89 Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) Program: Implement Amendments to FEHB Law Under the Civil Service Spouse Equity Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-615) -- 5 CFR Part 890 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB81 Basic Life Insurance, Standard Optional Life Insurance, Additional Optional Life Insurance and Family Optional Life Insurance -- 5 CFR Parts 870, 871, 872, and 873 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Agency Administrative Grievance Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM The Federal Wage System Non-Appropriated Usage Fund Schedule (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC68 The Federal Wage System Appropriated Fund Schedules (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC48 Use of Leave Restored Due to Extended Exigencies of Public Business STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC58 Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Services Personnel for Contributions to Private Voluntary Organizations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/19/1985 Consistent with change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB13 Post Employment Conflict of Interest: Designation of Certain Positions and Agencies STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AA59 Motor Vehicle Operators -- 5 CFR Part 930, Subpart A (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AA71 Overseas Limited Appointments (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC25 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program -- Reserve Management (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/21/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/05/1985 Consistent with change
OPM Promotion and Internal Placement STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Returned (reconsider)
OPM RIN: 3206-AC61 Elimination of the Age-50 Restriction for Cancellation of FEGLI Waivers STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AA94 Civil Service Retirement Debt Collection Procedures (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/21/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB32 Special Salary Rates for Recruitment and Retention -- Revision STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent with change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC68 The Federal Wage System (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/16/1985 Withdrawn by agency
OPM RIN: 3206-AB31 Performance Management and Recognition System Regulations -- 5 CFR Parts 293, 430, 530, 531, 540, and 771 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC70 Pay Administration Under the Fair Labor Standards Act: Exemptions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC69 Reduction in Force STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC62 Performance Management System Regulations (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC83 The Federal Wage System (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM 5 CFR Part 540 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB20 Performance Awards in the Senior Executive Service STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent with change
OPM The Federal Wage System (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC32 Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Foreign Area Schedules (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/19/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC59 Adjustments to Special Salary Rate Schedules (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB34 Nonforeign Areas Cost-of-Living Allowances and Post Differentials STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC66 Basic Life Insurance, Standard Optional Life Insurance, Additional Optional Life Insurance, Family Optional Life Insurance and Federal Employees Health Benefits Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB26 Veterans Readjustment Appointments Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Voting Rights Program: Appendix A, New Mexico STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC80 Within-Grade Increases and Grade and Pay Retention -- 5 CFR Parts 531, and 536 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Proposed Rates -- Pharmacist, GS-660-7/9/11 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AB63 Recredit of Sick Leave for Employee-Dependents of Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel Overseas STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Proposed Rates -- Medical Machine Technician, GS-649-5/6 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Proposed Rates -- Police Officer, GS-083-4/5/7 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Proposed Rates for Agricultural Commodity Graders (5 CFR 530) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC64 Salary Offset Regulations Amendment (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Proposed Rates for Computer Scientists STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Proposed Rates for Inhalation Therapy Technicians STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AA18 Reemployment Rights for SES -- 5 CFR Part 352 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM 5 CFR Part 540 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Final Adjustments to Special Salary Rate Schedules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Notice of Proposed Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM Reemployment Rights -- 5 CFR Part 352 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AC69 Reduction in Force (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
OSTP Proposed Model Policy for Protection of Human Subjects, Request for Public Comment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/17/1985 Withdrawn by agency
OSTP RIN: 0579-AA16 Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/09/1985 Consistent with change
TRADEREP Regulations to Establish Procedures for the Bringing of Petitions for Action Under a Special Safeguard Provision of the Nairobi Protocol and As Related to Sec. 166 Of...... STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA Inspection and Registration of Vessels for the Panama Canal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA Air Navigation, Judiciary STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA RIN: 3207-AA07 Arriving and Departing Vessels, Revision STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/26/1985 Consistent with change
PANAMA RIN: 3207-AA09 Collection by Salary Offset from Federal Employees Indebted to the U.S. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA RIN: 3207-AA07 Arriving and Departing Vessels, Revision STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA RIN: 3207-AA09 Collection by Salary Offset from Federal Employees Indebted to the U.S. STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/12/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA Tolls for Use of Canal STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA RIN: 3207-AA11 Organization of Panama Canal Commission, Health, Sanitation and Quarantine STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
PANAMA Tolls for Use of Canal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent w/no change
PADC RIN: 3208-AA05 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
PADC RIN: 3208-AA02 Restrictions on the Placement and Maintenance of Newspaper Vending Machines STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/03/1985 Returned (reconsider)
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA29 Payment of Premiums STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Valuation of Plan Assets STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/13/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Notice and Collection of Withdrawal Liability, Interest Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC The Effect of the Deficit Reduction Act on the Withdrawal Liability Provisions of MPPAA STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/07/1985 Withdrawn by agency
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA07 Powers and Duties of Plan Sponsor of Plan Terminated by Mass Withdrawal: Notices of Benefit Reductions and Suspensions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/28/1985 Consistent with change
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA09 Notice of Solvency STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/15/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA29 Payment of Premiums STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent with change
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA25 Determination of Plan Sufficiency and Termination of Sufficient Plans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Valuation of Plan Benefits in Non-Multiemployer Plans STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Withdrawn by agency
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA21 Allocating Unfunded Vested Benefits STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/02/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/21/1985 Consistent with change
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA00 Notice of Intent to Terminate for Non-Multiemployer Pension Plans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/03/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Rules for Administrative Review of Agency Decisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA05 Definitions, Arbitration of Disputes in Multiemployer Plans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Valuation of Plan Benefits in Non-Multiemployer Plans STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Valuation of Plan Benefits in Non-Multiemployer Plans STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/05/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Reduction or Waiver of Complete Withdrawal Liability STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Redetermination of Withdrawal Liability Upon Mass Withdrawal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/23/1985 Consistent with change
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA31 Non-Statutory Allocation Methods Not Requiring PBGC Approval STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
PBGC Valuation of Plan Assets and Plan Benefits Following Mass Withdrawal STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/11/1985 Consistent with change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA23 Waiver of Interest, Penalties, and Collection Costs With Respect to Collection of Certain Debts STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/13/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA20 Contributions Under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 01/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA14 Evidence Required for Payment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Withdrawn by agency
RRB RIN: 3220-AA17 Primary Insurance Amount Determinations -- Computing Supplemental Annuities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/04/1985 Consistent with change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA10 Special Procedures for Handling Requests for Business Information STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/21/1985 Consistent with change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA38 Appeals Procedure Under the Railroad Retirement and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Acts STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/1985 Consistent with change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA21 Garnishment Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA38 Appeals Procedure Under the Railroad Retirement and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Acts STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA24 Reduction in Benefits Under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent with change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA10 Special Procedures for Handling Requests for Business Information STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/12/1985 Consistent with change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA33 Waiver of Interest, Penalties, and Collection Costs With Respect to Collection of Certain Debts STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA37 Regulation to Provide for General and Specific Exemptions for Systems of Records Under the Privacy Act STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA19 Railroad Retirement Annuities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 08/17/1985 Consistent with change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA46 Reopening of Decisions Regarding Railroad Retirement Annuities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/14/1985 Consistent w/no change
RRB RIN: 3220-AA18 Lump-Sum Payments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/17/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSS Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Selective Service Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/06/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSS Privacy Act, 1974, Annual Publication of Notice of Systems of Records STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSS Matching Program to Identify Registration Violators STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSS Selective Service Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development Assistance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/23/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/26/1985 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA65 Business Loan Policy STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA55 Small Business Size Standards STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA49 Small Business Size Standards -- Engineering Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/10/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA22 Small Business Size Standards (Timber Sales) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA61 Business Loans, Secondary Market Substantive Rules STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 04/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA63 Business Loans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/11/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA03 Certificate of Competency Program: Small Business Non-Responsibility Referrals to SBA STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 03/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA97 Amendment to Loans to State and Local Development Companies STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/12/1985 Returned (reconsider)
SBA RIN: 3245-AB00 Size Standard for Tuna Fishing Industry STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/28/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/30/1985 Returned (reconsider)
SBA RIN: 3245-AA64 Small Business Size Standards, Wholesale Trade Size Standard STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/18/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA Small Business Size Standard STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/22/1985 Returned (reconsider)
SBA RIN: 3245-AA92 Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting Requirements for Small Business Companies, Appendices A, B and C STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 06/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA29 Small Business Size Standard, Definition of Small Business for Dredging Activities STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/01/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AB04 Small Business Size Standards, Engineering, Architectural and Surveying Services STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/29/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA20 Surety Bond Guarantee Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/01/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA91 Nondiscrimination in Financial Assistance Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 10/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA99 Business Loans, Interest Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AA93 Pollution Control STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/12/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA79 Presumptive Disability and Presumptive Blindness Categories of Impairments-Aids STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/16/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA Medical Support Enforcement STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/29/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/03/1985 Consistent with change
SSA Permanent Residence in the United States Under Color of Law STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/23/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/12/1985 Withdrawn by agency
SSA RIN: 0960-AA93 20 CFR 404, Subpart P, Listing of Impairments -- Mental Disorders STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/25/1985 Consistent with change
SSA Revised Medical Criteria for the Determination of Disability -- 20 CFR 404, Subpart P STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/31/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/17/1985 Withdrawn by agency
SSA RIN: 0960-AA05 Mandatory Passalong of Federal Supplemental Security Income Benefit Increases to Recipients of State Supplementary Payments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/14/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB39 Multiple Impairments -- 20 CFR 404, Subpart P and 20 CFR 416, Subpart 1 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/1984 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 02/19/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA85 General Assistance and Public Assistance Programs, Quality Control System, Redefining the Term 'Permissible State Practice' As Quality Control Evaluative Criterion STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/07/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA78 Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled, Changes of Time or Place of Hearings Before Administrative Law Judge STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/13/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AC17 Exclusion of Support and Maintenance Assistance -- 20 CFR Part 416, Subparts K and L STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA71 Disregard of Support and Maintenance Assistance - 45 CFR Part 233 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/15/1985 Consistent with change
SSA 20 CFR Part 404, Subparts C, D, and E, 20 CFR Part 416, Subpart D STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/19/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB25 Standard of Review for Termination of Disability Benefits -- 20 CFR Part 404 and 20 CFR Part 416 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/23/1985 Consistent with change
SSA Implementation of Child Support Enforcement Amendments of 1984 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/01/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA27 Retrospective Monthly Accounting Eligibility, Amount of Benefits, Payment of Benefits, Over Payments and Underpayments, Reports Required, Income, Etc. -- 20 CFR Part 416 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/08/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA29 Adjustment of Federal Share for Uncashed and Cancelled Checks STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/27/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB21 Frequency and Notice of Continuing Eligibility Review -- 20 CFR Part 404 and 20 CFR Part 416 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/07/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA83 Grants to States for Public Assistance Programs, Reporting the Federal Share for Child Support Collections by States STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/08/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 07/26/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA41 Revised Medical Criteria for the Determination of Disability -- 20 CFR 404, Subpart P STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA75 Resource Limits for Conditional SSI Payments - Regulations No. 16 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA15 Availability of Information and Records to the Public, Fees for Providing Information and Records, Procedures and Appeals STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 06/28/1985 Consistent with change
SSA 20 CFR Part 416, Subparts B,C,D,M and R STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/23/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/27/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB02 Treatment of Assigned Support Payments Received Directly and Retained by AFDC Applicants or Recipients STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 06/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/02/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA Standards for Consultative Examinations and Existing Medical Medical Evidence-- 20 CFR Parts 404 and 416 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Withdrawn by agency
SSA RIN: 0960-AB20 Personal Appearance Demonstration Projects STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA49 Disability Hearings at the Reconsideration Level STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/03/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/20/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA92 Resources and Exclusions, the Automobile, Property Essential to Self-Support STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 10/16/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB23 Resources and Exclusions, Increase in Resource Limitations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 09/20/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA63 Coverage of Employees of Private Nonprofit Organizations, Coverage of Employees of Churches and Church-Controlled Organizations, Coverage of Certain Work, Etc. -- 20 CFR Part 404 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/30/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB11 Resources and Exclusions, Exclusion of Underpayments from Resources STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB35 Continuation of Benefits and Eligibility for Certain Severely Impaired Recipients Who Work STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/26/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/05/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA93 Listing of Impairments, Mental Disorders -- 20 CFR 404, Subpart P STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 08/20/1985 Consistent with change
SSA Revision of Child Support Enforcement Program Audit Regulations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 08/30/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 09/25/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB25 Standard of Review for Termination of Disability Benefits, Revised Rules for Certain Medical Cessation Cases -- 20 CFR Part 404 and 20 CFR Part 416 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/17/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/06/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA61 Payment of Certain Travel Expenses STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 09/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/31/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB81 Unlimited Reopening for Insured Status STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/25/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/04/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA65 Pension Offset -- 20 CFR, Subpart E STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/07/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB88 Extension Agreements -- 20 CFR, Subpart M STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/13/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB84 Filing of Applications and Other Forms -- Withdrawal of an Application STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AA70 Residents of Public Emergency Shelters for the Homeless -- 20 CFR Part 416 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/13/1985 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB31 Qualifications of Medical Professional Evaluating Medical Impairments -- 20 CFR Parts 404 and 416 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/09/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 12/09/1985 Consistent with change
USIA RIN: 3116-AA02 World-Wide Free Flow (Export-Import) of Audio-Visual Materials STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 05/30/1985 Consistent w/no change
USIA RIN: 3116-AA01 Teenager Exchange - Visitor Programs -- 22 CFR Part 514 (Interim Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 07/15/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 07/24/1985 Consistent w/no change
USIA RIN: 3116-AA01 Exchange Visitor Program -- 22 CFR Part 514 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/14/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/22/1985 Consistent w/no change
USIA 22 CFR Part 514 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 11/25/1985 Consistent w/no change
USIA RIN: 3116-AA01 Exchange Visitor Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/16/1985 LEGAL DEADLINE: Yes COMPLETED: 12/23/1985 Withdrawn by agency