June 28, 2001
Mr. Chairman and
Members of the Subcommittee, I am pleased to be here to discuss with you
the Administration's
Competitive Sourcing Initiative, the Office of Management and Budget's
(OMB) Circular A-76,
the congressionally mandated Commercial Activities Panel being coordinated
by the General
Accounting Office, the implementation of the Federal Activities Inventory
Reform (FAIR) Act
and the proposed Truthfulness, Responsibility, and Accountability in
Contracting (TRAC) Act
(H.R. 721).
If there is one point to
today, it is this Administration's commitment to public-private
competition, or what we
commonly refer to as the Competitive Sourcing Initiative. Without regard to
whether the public
or private sector wins a competition, when a commercial function performed
by the public sector
undergoes competition, that competition results in significant economic
savings to the taxpayer.
Indeed, experience demonstrates that the use of public-private competition
consistently reduces
the cost of public performance by more than 30 percent.
But the dynamics of competition ensure more than just a reduction in
Competition results in better value and improves performance by bringing
viable, responsive,
innovative and cost-effective competitors (public and private) to the
table. We believe that the
Competitive Sourcing Initiative will continue to result in significant
performance improvements.
In the past, service improvements have occurred both when the competition
has resulted in
outsourcing and when the work has been retained in-house. Whether we are
looking to reduce
costs, improve performance, improve accountability, or increase efficiency,
competitive sourcing
has been a key program element.
To expand upon these benefits, the President committed to opening
one-half of the
federal commercial workload listed on the FAIR Act inventories to
competition. Implementing
this initiative, several steps have already been taken. First, budget was
linked to performance
planning through the President's Budget Blueprint and through the
Director's February 14,
2001 memorandum. This guidance was followed by OMB Deputy Director
memorandum to agencies dated March 9, 2001, which requested agencies
to develop
performance plans to implement their A-76 competitive sourcing program,
including resource
and training requirements. For FY 2002, agencies are requested to complete
involving not less than 5 percent of their commercial workload, as listed
on the FAIR Act
inventories. In addition, OMB has requested Federal Register agency
and public
comments regarding the possible extension of competition to existing
Inter-Service Support
Agreements (ISSAs). Agencies have long provided commercial support
services to other
agencies and departments on a reimbursable basis, through ISSAs, without
the benefit of
To assist agencies in meeting the Administration's competitive
sourcing goals, OMB
has undertaken a three-part initiative. First, the plan invigorates the
use of OMB Circular A-76
by introducing positive monetary incentives. Agencies may retain the
savings achieved through
A-76 public-private competitions. Second, OMB will make amendments to the
current A-76
Circular to expand and improve the process. And third, OMB will move
forward with an A-76
streamlining working group that will be working with the congressionally
mandated Commercial
Activities Panel, authorized by Section 832 of the FY 2001 Defense
Authorization Act, and
administered by the General Accounting Office.
Further, OMB has been actively working to ensure the tools and other
resources are in
place to conduct these competitions government-wide. Because the
Department of Defense
(DoD) has extensive recent experience with OMB Circular A-76, OMB is
working to ensure that
DoD's experiences, both positive and negative, can be utilized by the
civilian agencies. For
example, DoD recently issued an on-line OMB Circular A-76 Cost Comparison
Handbook. This
document addresses, in detail, questions that have been raised with regard
to the implementation
of Circular A-76 and the 1996 Revised Supplemental Handbook. DoD also has
made available a
Revised "A-76 Compare Program," which provides automated costing of the
in-house offer and
the conduct of the cost comparison itself.
In the short-term, OMB's A-76 competitive sourcing program will be a
key component
in the Administration's efforts to improve performance, expand efficiency,
accountability and generate savings. The Circular provides an established
policy framework to
determine if and when a commercial activity should be converted to or from
in-house, contract or
ISSA performance. The Circular also provides detailed guidance for the
calculation of the
in-house offer for comparison with the private sector, recognizing that
federal accounting and
budget procedures do not now enable a direct comparison of private sector
costs with those of
federal agencies. Special rules are required to ensure a level playing
field and to ensure that the
interests of all the parties are protected. This process has resulted in
significant performance
improvements and in significant economic savings and, while the magnitude
of these savings has
been challenged, we are not aware of any study that has disputed their
OMB, however, is not blind to the fact that in many respects the
A-76 process has
become difficult to implement. It no longer satisfies the agencies or
those who represent the
interested parties, public or private. Rather than encourage competition,
A-76 is often perceived
as an impediment to the evaluation of public and private alternatives. The
process takes too
long -- in some cases 3-4 years to define what federal employees are
doing. The process is
not trusted and numerous GAO reports have found weaknesses in the current
structure and its
application. Solicitations have not been adhered to by the government,
source selection panels
have been challenged and best value evaluations have been found wanting.
Because agencies
must collect and realign cost data that has no relationship to ongoing
agency operational costs or
budgets, a program that was intended to be a transparent cost comparison
process is no longer
viewed in those terms. What was designed to provide reasonable estimates
of cost on a level
playing field has, in many respects, become so rigid in an effort to
extract exactness that the
process itself has become a costly barrier to competition. Even when
significant opportunities
exist for performance improvements and savings, encouraging agencies to
undertake a one-time
public-private cost comparison has been difficult at best.
In the long-term, OMB anticipates vastly simplifying this cumbersome
process by
replacing the complex and artificial A-76 cost requirements with a budgeted
measure of full
agency costs. We have taken several steps to implement needed changes.
The President outlined
in the FY 2002 Budget Blueprint a comprehensive management agenda designed
to achieve
performance oriented and measurable government. This agenda builds on
existing laws such as
the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), the Government
Management Reform
Act (GMRA) and the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act (FAIR) and seeks
to integrate
performance and accountability with the allocation of budgetary resources.
The Director has determined that OMB should pursue administrative
and legislative
actions designed to fully integrate performance measurement and budgeting
to include:
(1) identifying high quality outcome measures, accurately monitoring
the performance of
programs, and integrating this presentation with associated cost;
(2) implementing changes
to create a market based government, of which this initiative is a part -
to open the government's
activities to more competition, and to require agencies to budget for costs
in a way that will
simplify cost comparisons for A-76 competition, and; (3) fully
integrating financial
(finance, budget, and cost), program, and oversight information processes.
With full cost
budgeting, the agency's budget costs will substitute for the complex A-76
cost comparison
requirements, on a routine basis.
We do not believe that public-private competitions should be
one-time events nor
should they be conducted only when the function is being performed
in-house. To ensure that
the taxpayer continues to receive the best deal and the best value, we need
to periodically
reexamine our decisions to outsource, to retain functions in-house or to
use cross-servicing
agreements. At the government's discretion, competition should be used on
a recurring basis to
review the situation and to determine who can best provide required
We are, however, opposed to unfair competition and to competition
requirements that
place unnecessary burdens on the agencies. During the last decade,
Congress carefully built a
legislative path to strengthen the framework for financial management and
measurement. The President has called for the government to be
accountable, so citizens can
judge our performance. As responsible stewards, we must do more to show
how funding levels
relate to performance levels and how daily business decisions to perform
work with federal or
non-federal employees bears on that performance. Better linkage between
requirements, costs and performance will be an every-day priority of this
Department and agency heads have been directed that FY 2002 performance
plans, include
performance goals for Presidential initiatives and for government-wide and
reform proposals.
The "Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998," Public Law
105-270 (the FAIR
Act), requires federal agencies to prepare and submit to OMB, by June 30 of
each year,
inventories of the commercial activities performed by federal employees.
OMB is required to
review each agency's inventory and consult with the agency regarding
content. Upon completion
of this review and consultation, the agency head must transmit a copy of
the inventory to the
Congress and make the inventory publicly available. The FAIR Act then
establishes a two-step
administrative challenge and appeals process under which an interested
party may challenge the
omission or the inclusion of a particular activity on the inventory. After
requesting public
comment, OMB issued government-wide guidance for implementing the Act on
June 24, 1999
(64 Fed. Reg. 33927). Relying on this guidance, agencies developed and
issued FAIR Act
inventories for 1999, and responded to the first round of challenges and
OMB and the agencies learned a number of lessons from the 1999
experience. We also
received recommendations from agencies and interested members of the public
on how the FAIR
Act process could be improved. As a result, OMB developed revised FAIR Act
applicable to June 2000 submissions. For example, OMB directed agencies to
use a standard
format to make the inventories within and across different agencies easier
to understand and
compare. OMB also expanded the number of function codes that the agencies
could use to
describe commercial activities. Reflecting comments received from the
agencies and from
industry, the expanded codes more accurately capture the commercial
activities being performed
by the agencies with the aim of increasing agency and public understanding.
Other OMB
initiatives for the 2000 FAIR Act process included using the Internet to
make the agencies'
inventories more easily accessible to the public. Finally, OMB directed
each agency to include a
summary of the agency's review process, referred to as the "Management
For the 2001 FAIR Act inventories, agencies have been requested to
submit inventories
in the formats and in accordance with the guidance issued for the 2000 FAIR
Act submissions.
In addition, agencies were requested to submit a separate report that lists
the agency's civilian
inherently governmental positions. This report will be used as a part of
OMB's statutory review
and consultation process, but it will not be released as a part of the FAIR
Act inventory, nor will
it be subject to the FAIR Act's administrative challenge and appeal
Certainly, the most contentious issue surrounding the development of
the FAIR Act
inventory is the decision as to what is or is not inherently governmental,
by agency, location and
function. OMB has requested that the agencies supply a list of inherently
governmental positions
to meet OMB's statutory review and consultation obligations. Therefore,
OMB considers the
request a part of our commitment to improve the quality of the inventories
under the Act.
The Administration supports competition, public accountability, the
efficient delivery
of services, and the development of reasonable cost savings estimates.
There is no aspect of the
proposed TRAC Act that would contribute to competition, efficiency or
accountability. Indeed,
the proposed legislation would put at risk the Federal government's ability
to acquire needed
support services in both the short and long term. The Administration is
strongly opposed to its
The proposed TRAC Act relies on several false premises:
- TRAC would find there has been a major increase in service contracting
(relying on private
contractors to provide services to the Federal Government) since 1993.
While service
contracting does appear to be rising in absolute terms, a comparison of
data after adjustment for
inflation shows that the amount of service contracting has remained
relatively stable since 1993.
- TRAC would find there are no reliable and comprehensive reporting
systems in place to
determine whether service contracting has achieved measurable cost savings
or improved
services for taxpayers. The General Accounting Office, the Center for
Naval Analysis and others
have consistently found that A-76 cost comparisons generate between 20 and
35 percent savings
even when the functions are retained in-house. There is no argument
regarding the existence of
these savings, only their magnitude over the long term.
- TRAC would find federal employees are being replaced by contractor
employees without
even knowing with certainty if the result is reduced costs or improved
services. This statement is
simply not true. Conversions that occur without a cost comparison must be
justified by the
contracting officer and must result in reasonable contract prices or a
significant quality
improvement or both.
In an effort to correct these and other misleading premises, TRAC
would freeze all
currently contracted activities to determine if they could be performed
more cost effectively by
the public sector, and would require an entirely new set of financial and
other reporting systems
that would not contribute to the government's ability to administer
contracts, improve
performance or enhance accountability. By suspending all facilities and
operations contracts
including, for example, all federal scientific and criminal lab contracts,
many of the primary
functions of government would be seriously affected - constituting a
serious threat to our national
defense. Even Medicare would not be able to issue payments since this is
performed by contract.
TRAC also would require public-private competitions for all future
contracts, including the
exercise of all options, extensions, and renewals by any contracting
officer. We estimate that
TRAC would affect over 230,000 contract actions involving contracts over
$25,000 totaling
$100.3 billion in 2000 -- an untenable outcome.
As a group, federal employees are some of the nation's most highly
trained and
dedicated employees. OMB recognizes that, in many respects, we are
reorganizing the way they and the Federal Government conduct business.
Working with the
Congress, we seek to develop comprehensive performance and cost data that
will lead federal
agencies to reconsider how they accomplish their missions - to get the best
bang for the buck.
Circular A-76 has room for improvement, but, for now, it will remain a key
component of our
effort to increase performance and realize savings. There is no question
that savings are being
generated by A-76 competitions. This initiative, however, does not ignore
the challenges of the
A-76 process: the competitions take too long, are administratively
burdensome and are viewed
with suspicion. Fundamental changes will be made to our budget systems and
to the A-76
process to better reflect the true costs to taxpayers.
Competition has made the American economy the envy of the world. We
support the
provision of government services by those best able to do so, whether in
the private sector or
within the government.
Mr. Chairman, that concludes my prepared statement. I would be
pleased to respond to
any questions that you might have.
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