Office of Management and Budget Print this document
May 23, 2000

H.R. 4489 - Immigration and Naturalization Service Data
Management Improvement Act of 2000

(Smith (R) Texas)

The Administration supports H.R. 4489. The legislation would replace the entry/exit control requirements of Section 110 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 with a requirement to automate the issuance of existing entry/exit documents beginning in phases on December 31, 2003. The legislation does not impose any new documentary or data collection requirements on any person. H.R. 4489 would permit the automation and integration of the existing INS I-94 travel form issuance process so that, to the extent possible, arrival and departure data are entered and available on a real time basis. The Administration recommends that the deadline for establishment of the proposed task force be changed from six months after the date of enactment to 12 months, in order to allow sufficient time to address applicable requirements under the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

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