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June 9, 1999

S. 96 - Y2K Act
(McCain (R-AZ) and Frist (R-TN))

The Administration strongly opposes S. 96 as amended with the text of S. 1138. If this amended version of S. 96 were presented to the President in its current form, the President's senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill for reasons noted in the attached April 27, 1999, Statement of Administration Policy on S. 96 and the attached letter to Congressional leadership on Y2K litigation. The Administration, however, strongly supports the revised amendment offered by Senator Kerry, with Senators Robb, Daschle, Reed, Breaux, and Akaka, that makes only a limited number of changes to the underlying bill to encourage -- not discourage -- readiness and ensure that, while deterring frivolous lawsuits, the courthouse door remains open for consumers and small business with legitimate claims. If this amendment were adopted, it would enable the Administration to support enthusiastically passage of the bill.