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October 6, 1998

H.R. 4259 - Haskell Indian Nations University and Southwestern
Indian Polytechnic Institute Administrative Systems Act of 1998

(Snowbarger (R) KS and two cosponsors)

Although the Administration believes that additional personnel management flexibility is appropriate for the Haskell Indian Nations University and Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute, the Administration opposes H.R. 4259. The bill would provide these federally owned and operated universities with special authority to implement five-year personnel management demonstration projects. In particular, the Administration objects to the demonstration projects authorized in H.R. 4259 because they would:
  • Exempt these universities from laws covering Federal employees' leave and benefits, which could have a very real adverse impact on the universities' employees and would set a bad precedent for the development of similar initiatives for other Federal entities.

  • Reduce the Office of Personnel Management's important role in the development, management, and oversight of demonstration projects to that of a consultant.

The Administration will work with Congress to find a suitable means of addressing the concerns that prompted this legislation.