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November 4, 1997
(House Rules)
H.R. 2358 - Political Freedom in China Act of 1997
(Ros-Lehtinen (R) FL and 14 cosponsors)
Although the Administration strongly supports a robust human rights monitoring
program, it opposes H.R. 2358, which authorizes appropriations to support
increased staffing at the U.S. embassy in Beijing and the China consulates for
the purpose of monitoring political repression in China. The Department of
State actively monitors and reports on the human rights situation in China,
including in the Department's annual human rights report. The Administration
is seriously committed to the advancement of human rights in China and strives
to ensure maximum coverage of China's human rights situation. H.R. 2358,
however, would unnecessarily micromanage Department activities and impair the
Administration's ability to manage resources effectively.