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House Bills

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
HR1 Working Families Flexibility Act of 1997 03/19/97 House
HR2 Housing Opportunity and Responsibility Act of 1997 04/30/97 House
HR3 Juvenile Crime Control Act of 1997 05/07/97 House
HR5 IDEA Improvement Act of 1997 05/12/97 House
HR28 Rural Multifamily Rental Housing Loan Guarantee Extension Act of 1997 04/08/97 House
HR39 African Elephant Conservation Act 04/23/97 House
HR79 Hoopa Valley Reservation South Boundary Adjustment Act 06/02/97 House
HR111 Dos Palos, California Land Conveyance 04/15/97 House
HR400 21st Century Patent System Improvement Act 04/15/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR408 International Dolphin Conservation Program Act 05/20/97 House
HR437 National Sea Grant College Program Reauthorization Act 06/11/97 House
HR449 Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1997 04/23/97 House
HR478 Flood Prevention and Family Protection Act of 1997 05/02/97 House
HR607 Homeowners Insurance Protection Act 04/16/97 House
HR624 Armored Car Reciprocity Act of 1997 02/26/97 House
HR668 Reinstatement of Airport and Airway Trust Fund Excise Taxes 02/25/97 House
HR672 Copyright and Related Amendments 03/17/97 House
HR680 To authorize the transfer to States of surplus personal property for donation to nonprofit providers of necessaries to impoverished families and individuals. 04/29/97 House
HR748 Prohibition on Financial Transactions with Countries Supporting Terrorism Act of 1997 07/08/97 House
HR757 American Samoan Development Act of 1997 04/09/97 House
HR764 Bankruptcy Amendments of 1997 11/08/97 House
HR765 Shackleford Banks Wild Horses Protection Act 07/14/97 House
HR838 To Require the Adoption of a Management Plan for the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area 11/07/97 House
HR849 Illegal Alien Access to Relocation Assistance 07/08/97 House
HR852 Paperwork Elimination Act of 1997 03/11/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR858 Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery and Economic Stability Act of 1997 07/09/97 House
HR867 Adoption Promotion Act of 1997 04/30/97 House
HR901 American Land Sovereignty Protection Act 09/23/97 House
HR911 Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 05/21/97 House
HR929 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1997 03/19/97 House
HR930 Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1997 04/15/97 House
HR967 Excluding Certain Chinese Officials From the U.S. 11/04/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR968 Nurse AideTraining Waiver 04/08/97 House
HR976 Mississippi Sioux Tribes Judgment Fund Distribution Act of 1997 09/08/97 House
HR1000 Require States to Establish Systems to Prevent Prisoners from Being Considered Part of a Household Participating in the Food Stamp Program 04/08/97 House
HR1003 Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997 04/16/97 Senate
HR1003 Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997 04/10/97 House
HR1048 Welfare Reform Technical Corrections Act of 1997 04/29/97 House
HR1090 Revision of Decisions Based on Clear and Unmistakable Error 04/15/97 House
HR1092 Expanding Enhanced-Use Leases, Renaming Certain Entities, and Codifying Certain Compensation Rates 04/15/97 House
HR1119 National Defense Authorization Act for FY1998 and 1999 06/19/97 House
HR1122 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1997 05/14/97 Senate
HR1122 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1997 03/20/97 House
HR1127 National Monument Fairness Act of 1997 09/30/97 House
HR1226 Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act 04/15/97 House
HR1262 Securities and Exchange Commission Authorization Act of 1997 09/29/97 House
HR1270 Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997 10/24/97 House
HR1271 FAA R&D Authorizations, FYs 98-2000 04/23/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1272 U.S. Fire Administration Authorizations, FYs 98 & 99 04/23/97 House
HR1273 National Science Foundation Authorizations, FYs 98 & 99 04/23/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1274 National Institute of Standards and Technology Authorization Act 04/23/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1275 NASA Authorizations for FYs98 & 99 04/23/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1276 EPA R&D Authorizations, FYs98 & 99 04/23/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1316 Federal Beneficiary Clarification Act 06/24/97 House
HR1342 One-Year Enrollment of Land Covered by Expiring Conservation Reserve Contracts 04/29/97 House
HR1348 Expanded War Crimes Act of 1997 07/28/97 House
HR1370 EXIMBANK Reauthorization 09/30/97 House
HR1377 Savings Are Vital to Everyone's Retirement Act of 1997 05/21/97 House
HR1385 Consolidation, Coordination, and Improvement of U.S. Employment, Training, Literacy, and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs 05/15/97 House
HR1411 FDA Regulatory Modernization Act of 1997 10/07/97 House
HR1420 National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act 06/02/97 House
HR1469 Supplemental Appropriations for Natural Disasters and Overseas Peacekeeping, FY 97 05/15/97 House
HR1469 Supplemental Appropriations for Natural Disasters and Overseas Peacekeeping, FY 97 05/13/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1486 Foreign Policy Reform Act 06/02/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1493 Deportation of Criminal Aliens 11/04/97 House
HR1534 Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 1997 10/21/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR1585 Stamp Out Breast Cancer Act 07/22/97 House
HR1596 Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 1997 07/28/97 House
HR1658 Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act Amendments of 1997 07/08/97 House
HR1661 Trademark Law Treaty Implementation Act 07/21/97 House
HR1683 Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offenders Registration Improvements Act 09/23/97 House
HR1702 Commercial Space Act of 1997 11/04/97 House
HR1703 Department of Veterans Affairs Employment Discrimination Resolution and Adjudication Act 10/06/97 House
HR1757 A bill to consolidate international affairs agencies 06/04/97 House
HR1775 Intelligence Authorization Act of FY 1998 07/09/97 House
HR1836 Federal Employees Health Care Protection Act of 1997 11/04/97 House
HR1842 Termination of American Heritage Rivers Initiative 11/07/97 House
HR1847 Telemarketing Fraud Prevention Act of 1997 07/08/97 House
HR1853 Carl D. Perkins Vocational-Technical Education Act Amendments of 1997 07/17/97 House
HR1903 Computer Security Enhancement Act 09/15/97 House
HR1962 Presidential and Executive Office Accountability Act of 1997 10/21/97 House
HR2003 Budget Enforcement Act of 1997 07/23/97 House
HR2005 Clarify Application of the "Death on the High Seas Act" 07/28/97 House
HR2007 To amend the Act that authorized the Canadian River reclamation project, Texas, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to allow use of the project distribution system to transport water from sources other than the project. 09/29/97 House
HR2016 Military Construction Appropriations, FY 1998 07/22/97 Senate
HR2016 Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1998 07/08/97 House
HR2027 Canadian Border Boat Landing Permit Regulations 09/23/97 House
HR2107 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 09/11/97 Senate
HR2107 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY1998 07/10/97 House
HR2107 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY1998 07/09/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2158 VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/15/97 House
HR2158 VA, HUD, and Independent Agenices Appropriations, FY 1998 07/14/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2159 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations, FY 1998 07/23/97 House
HR2159 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations, FY 1998 07/15/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2160 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/16/97 House
HR2169 Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/28/97 Senate
HR2169 Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/23/97 House
HR2169 Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/17/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2203 Energy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 1998 07/24/97 House
HR2203 Energy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 1998 07/23/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2206 Veterans' Health Programs Improvement Act of 1997 10/06/97 House
HR2233 Coral Reef Conservation Act of 1997 09/29/97 House
HR2247 Amtrak Reform and Privatization Act of 1997 10/21/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2261 Small Business Assistance Programs Reauthorization Amendments Acts of 1997 09/23/97 House
HR2264 Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 09/04/97 House
HR2264 Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/28/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2266 Defense Appropriations, FY 1998 07/29/97 House
HR2266 Defense Appropriations, FY 1998 07/28/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2267 Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 09/24/97 House
HR2267 Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 09/05/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2343 Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board Abolishment Act 09/23/97 House
HR2358 Political Freedom in China Act of 1997 11/04/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2367 Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 1997 10/28/97 House
HR2378 Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations, FY1998 09/17/97 House
HR2386 U. S.-Taiwan Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation Act 11/04/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2464 To Exempt Internationally Adopted Children Under Age 10 from the Immunization Requirement 10/21/97 House
HR2472 To extend certain programs under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. 09/29/97 House
HR2493 Forage Improvement Act of 1997 10/29/97 House
HR2513 Restoration and Modification of Two Provisions of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 11/13/97 Senate
HR2513 Restoration and Modification of Two Provisions of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 11/08/97 House
HR2535 Emergency Student Loan Consolidation Act of 1997 10/21/97 House
HR2570 Forced Abortion Condemnation Act 11/04/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2571 To Authorize Major Medical Facility Projects and Major Medical Facility Leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs for FY 1998 10/06/97 House
HR2605 Communist China Subsidy Reduction Act of 1997 11/04/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2607 District of Columbia Appropriations, FY1998 10/08/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2610 National Narcotics Leadership Act of 1997 11/08/97 Senate
HR2610 National Narcotics Leadership Act of 1997 10/21/97 House
HR2614 Reading Excellence Act 11/07/97 House
HR2616 Charter Schools Expansion 10/23/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2616 Charter Schools Expansion 10/30/97 House
HR2624 Disapproving the Cancellations Transmitted by the President on October 6, 1997, Regarding Public Law 105-45 (FY 98 Military Construction Appropriations Act) 11/08/97 Senate
HR2644 United States-Caribbean Trade Partnership Act 11/03/97 House
HR2646 Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools 10/21/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2647 Denial of Normal Commercial Status to the Chinese People's Liberation Army 11/04/97 House Rules Ctte.
HR2675 Federal Employees Life Insurance Improvement Act 11/04/97 House
HR2676 Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1997 11/05/97 House
HR2709 Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act of 1997 11/07/97 House
HR2746 Helping Empower Low-income Parents (HELP) Scholarships Amendments of 1997 10/30/97 House

House Joint Resolutions

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
HJR36 Authorization for Release of International Population Funds 02/24/97 Senate
HJR36 Authorization for Release of International Population Funds 02/13/97 House
HJR54 Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit the desecration of the U.S. Flag 06/11/97 House
HJR58 Disapproving the President's Narcotics Certification Regarding Foreign Assistance for Mexico 03/20/97 Senate
HJR58 Disapproving the President's Narcotics Certification Regarding Foreign Assistance for Mexico 03/13/97 House
HJR62 Tax Limitation Constitutional Amendment 04/15/97 House
HJR94 Continuing Appropriations for the FY 1998 09/30/97 Senate
HJR94 Continuing Appropriations for the FY 1998 09/29/97 House

Senate Bills

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
S4 Family Friendly Workplace Act (FLSA) 05/09/97 Senate
S25 To Reform the Financing of Federal Elections 09/30/97 Senate
S104 Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997 04/07/97 Senate
S360 To Require the Adoption of a Management Plan for the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area 11/06/97 Senate
S439 Alaska State Jurisdiction over Small Hydroelectric Projects 11/05/97 Senate
S462 Public Housing Reform and Responsibility Act of 1997 09/23/97 Senate
S495 Chemical and Biological Weapons Threat Reduction Act of 1997 04/17/97 Senate
S543 Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 04/29/97 Senate
S562 Senior Citizen Home Equity Protection Act 09/16/97 House
S660 University of Alaska Land Conveyance 11/06/97 Senate
S672 Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions, FY 97 05/07/97 Senate
S717 Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 05/12/97 Senate
S783 Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Accessibility and Fairness Act 11/06/97 Senate
S830 Food and Drug Administration Modernization and Accountability Act of 1997 09/24/97 Senate
S858 Intelligence Authorizations, FY 1998 06/18/97 Senate
S903 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FYs 1998 and 1999 06/16/97 Senate
S936 National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1988 06/19/97 Senate
S955 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations, FY 1998 07/16/97 Senate
S1004 Energy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 1998 07/15/97 Senate
S1005 DOD Appropriations, FY 1998 07/14/97 Senate
S1022 Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/24/97 Senate
S1033 Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/23/97 Senate
S1034 VA, HUD and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 07/21/97 Senate
S1061 Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1998 09/02/97 Senate
S1139 Small Business Reauthorization Act of 1997 09/08/97 Senate
S1156 District of Columbia Appropriations, FY 1998 09/18/97 Senate
S1158 Huna Totem Corporation Land Exchange Act 11/06/97 Senate
S1159 Kake Tribal Land Exchange Act 11/06/97 Senate
S1173 Intermodal Transportation Act of 1997 10/08/97 Senate
S1198 Religious Workers Act of 1997 09/29/97 House
S1292 A Bill Disapproving the Cancellations Transmitted by the President on October 6, 1997 regarding the FY 1998 Military Construction Appropriations Act 10/30/97 Senate

Senate Joint Resolutions

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
SJR5 Waiver Of Certain Provisions Relating To The Appointment Of The U.S. Trade Representative 03/04/97 House

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