Administration supports the FY 2003 Military Construction Appropriations
Bill as reported by the House Committee. The bill ensures that the
Nation's military construction priorities are met, and provides the
resources and infrastructure for our fighting forces at home and abroad.
discipline and restraint on overall government spending are critical
to the Nation's ability to provide needed resources for national
defense and homeland security and a fiscal environment that encourages
continued economic growth and a quick return to budget balance.
The President supports a discretionary spending total of $749.1
billion and a $10.0 billion reserve for the war on terrorism, in
accordance with the House-passed Budget Resolution. The President
also urges the Congress to provide appropriations consistent with
the President's request for defense and homeland security activities
to support the War on Terrorism and increased national homeland
security efforts. The House Committee reported bill is consistent
with these principles.
Committee's bill supports the President's request for Base Closure
and Family Housing. While the Military Construction bill exceeds
the President's request by over $0.5 billion, the Administration
notes that the bill level is within an overall acceptable discretionary
total. The increase for roughly 90 unrequested projects totaling
$0.6 billion in this bill could potentially constrain the opportunity
to support higher priority programs in other areas. The Administration
looks forward to working with the House to advance our collective
goals as the process moves forward.