Statement of Administration Policy provides the Administration's views
on the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY 2002,
as approved by the House Committee.
Administration appreciates the Committee's efforts to fund agencies
and programs at the President's request. For example, the Administration
commends the Committee for providing full funding of the President's
request for the Florida Everglades. The Administration is also pleased
that funding has been provided for basic scientific research and
the nuclear waste disposal program. The Committee's actions are
also consistent with the President's National Energy Policy recommendations.
Administration is committed to working with the Congress to enact
all 13 appropriations bills in a timely manner and within the framework
of the recently adopted budget resolution. The President believes
that this level of funding will moderate the recent rapid growth
in spending while funding important national priorities. In developing
the FY 2002 Budget, he sought to make reductions in one-time spending,
unjustified or duplicative programs, and programs that have completed
their mission. The Administration urges the Congress to support
the President's overall approach to the FY 2002 Budget.
the Administration supports this bill, we would like to take this
opportunity to share some concerns with the Committee version of
the bill, as noted below. We look forward to working with the Congress
to resolve these issues.
of Energy
action on both the Energy/Water and Interior appropriations bills
is consistent with and largely supportive of the President's National
Energy Policy released last month. On May 17, with the release of
the President's National Energy Policy, the President directed the
Department of Energy (DOE) to undertake a review of existing energy
efficiency and alternative and renewable energy research and development
programs to assure future program budget allocations are performance-based
and modeled as public-private partnerships. Based on the Secretary
of Energy's preliminary review, the Committee's actions in both
bills to include $285 million for energy efficiency and renewable
energy research and development may be supportive of the President's
objectives. The Administration looks forward to working with Congress
through conference to ensure the most appropriate allocation of
these resources to those programs that most effectively meets these
performance-based criteria. We will also work with Congress to determine
the most efficient program alternatives to be financed by lower
priority program resources. In particular, the Administration believes
it is all the more necessary to greater leverage applied research
and development (R&D) funds by increasing the industry cost share
beyond the current average 50 percent share for some DOE programs,
especially as R&D projects move closer to commercialization. This
principle was outlined in the February Blueprint and the
President's budget submission.
Administration is concerned about the $699 million increase for
the Environmental Management program. DOE has initiated a performance
review of Environmental Management activities, and we believe it
is prudent to review the findings of this study to ensure effective
program execution before restoring funding that the budget proposed
to reduce. The Committee's recommendation also includes a $176 million
reduction from the request for Weapons Activities in the National
Nuclear Security Administration. The decreased funding could adversely
impact the maintenance and refurbishment of the Nation's nuclear
weapons stockpile. The Administration believes this funding should
be restored and urges Congress to oppose any amendments that would
further reduce funding for the program.
addition, the Administration welcomes Congress' input and assistance
on safety and health issues at DOE facilities. However, the Administration
believes it is premature to include section 308 of the general provisions,
which calls for external regulation of the Department's non-defense
science laboratories, and would like to work with Congress to determine
an appropriate means of ensuring the safety and health of workers
at these facilities.
Corps of Engineers
Administration appreciates the Committee's efforts to address Administration
funding priorities for the Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works program.
However, the Administration is concerned about the increase of $568
million over the request for Corps programs. We can have a strong
water resources program at the funding level proposed in the budget
by establishing priorities among projects. The Administration is
particularly concerned that the bill contains approximately $360
million for about 350 specifically identified projects and activities
that were not included in President's Budget (over $110 million
more than were included for such earmarks in last year's House bill).
We urge Congress to limit the number of projects and to focus funding
on those projects that address the Corps' principal mission areas.
are disappointed that the Committee has included a provision (section
106), that would preclude the Corps from carrying out in FY 2002
the Administration's proposal to increase local cost-sharing for
the renourishment phase of ongoing shore protection projects. This
cost-sharing proposal would help ensure that the Federal Government's
long-term renourishment obligations do not crowd out other important
funding needs. We urge the Congress to reconsider this proposal.
of Reclamation
are disappointed that the Committee did not include the $20 million
requested for the California Bay-Delta Restoration Program. Without
this funding, Federal and State efforts to restore this ecosystem,
protect the drinking water for 22 million Californians, and enhance
water supply and reliability for over seven million acres of highly
productive farmland would be delayed. The request would fund authorized
management, planning, and water acquisition activities that are
consistent with the Record of Decision signed in August 2000 that
lays out the plan for a long-term Bay-Delta program. We urge the
Congress to restore the requested funds in order to demonstrate
continued Federal support for this program while consideration of
the long-term authorization legislation proceeds. We also note that
the Congress could fund the Bay-Delta activities from the $25 million
earmarked by the Committee for projects and programs not included
in the President's budget.