October 6, 2000
(Sponsors: Stevens (R), Alaska; Gregg (R), New Hampshire)
This Statement of Administration Policy provides the Administration's views on
the Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies
Appropriations Bill, FY 2001, as reported by the Senate Committee. Your
consideration of the Administration's views would be appreciated.
The President's FY 2001 Budget is based on a balanced approach that maintains
fiscal discipline, eliminates the national debt, extends the solvency of Social
Security and Medicare, provides for an appropriately sized tax cut, establishes
a new voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit in the context of broader
reforms, expands health care coverage to more families, and funds critical
investments for our future. An essential element of this approach is ensuring
adequate funding for discretionary programs. To this end, the President has
proposed discretionary spending limits at levels that we believe are necessary
to serve the American people.
Unfortunately, the FY 2001 congressional budget resolution provides inadequate
resources for discretionary investments. We need realistic levels of funding
for critical government functions that the American people expect their
government to perform well, including education, national security (including
critical infrastructure protection and counterterrorism initiatives), law
enforcement, environmental protection, preservation of our global leadership,
air safety, food safety, economic assistance for the less fortunate, research
and technology, and the administration of Social Security and Medicare. Based
on the inadequate budget resolution, this bill fails to address critical needs
of the American people.
The Senate Committee-reported bill severely underfunds critical programs and
includes highly objectionable language provisions. For example, funding that
needs to be restored includes the following: tobacco litigation support,
funding to support the agreement between the President and the Speaker regarding
New Markets/Empowerment Zones and Renewal Communities, U.S. contributions to
international peacekeeping, community oriented policing services, gun
enforcement programs, civil rights and legal services, counterterrorism and
critical infrastructure programs, construction to provide greater security for
U.S. embassies, anti-drug abuse programs, programs to assist in the reentry of
offenders, law enforcement for Native Americans, programs to close the "digital
divide," public television's digital transition, environmental programs to
enhance and restore fisheries and coastal areas, improved climate information,
trade compliance and promotion efforts, and economic development funding for
disadvantaged communities. Consequently, the President's senior advisers would
recommend that he veto the bill if it were presented to him in its current form.
The Administration understands that an amendment will be considered to provide
$22 million to the Department of Justice to support the costs of ongoing tobacco
litigation. We strongly support this funding provision. The Department of
Justice lawsuit alleges that the tobacco companies have conducted their business
for decades in a false and deceptive manner, without regard to the truth, the
law, or the health of the American public. This matter is now being considered
by the courts, which will determine whether the tobacco companies should bear
responsibility for the staggering costs of treating tobacco-related illnesses.
The Administration urges the Congress not to undermine the judicial process by
underfunding Justice's efforts.
In addition, the Administration also strongly supports efforts by Members of
Congress to address injustices in the immigration system by changing the
registry date and amending the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief
Act (NACARA), and reinstating section 245(i). This amendment would help
individuals and their families who have been living for many years in the United
States and have developed strong ties to their communities by giving them the
opportunity they deserve to normalize their immigration status. We urge the
Senate to accept this amendment. The President will insist that these
provisions be included before the bill is signed into law. While we support the
Committee's decision to reinstate section 245(i), we object to using the
revenues for the purposes recommended by the Committee and urge that the funds
be used instead to reduce the backlog of naturalization applications and to
support detention funding.
The attachment provides a discussion of the Administration's specific concerns
with the Senate Committee bill.
(As Reported by the Senate Committee)
Department of Justice
- Tobacco Litigation Support. The Administration strongly objects to
language in the Committee bill requiring reprogramming notification for all
reimbursements to the Department of Justice's General Legal Activities
accounts. Enactment of this provision could potentially restrict the
Department from utilizing agency reimbursement to support the cost of
pursuing tobacco litigation. In addition, it would create a tremendous
administrative burden by requiring the legal divisions to submit over 200
reprogrammings associated with reimbursements annually to the Congress. We
strongly urge the Senate not to adopt this language. The Administration
understands that an amendment to provide $22 million to the Department of
Justice to support the costs of ongoing tobacco litigation may be offered.
We strongly support this funding provision.
- Immigration Provisions. The Administration strongly supports
efforts by Members of Congress to address injustices in the immigration
system by changing the registry date and amending the Nicaraguan Adjustment
and Central American Relief Act. We understand that an amendment will be
considered on these issues. The President will insist that these
provisions be included before the bill is signed into law. People who have
been living for many years in the United States and have developed strong
ties to their communities deserve the opportunity to normalize their
immigration status. While we support the Committee's decision to reinstate
section 245(i), we object to using the revenues for the purposes
recommended by the Committee and urge that the funds be used instead to
reduce the backlog of naturalization applications and to support detention
- Community Oriented Policing Services. The Administration
appreciates the Senate Committee's decision to fund the Community Oriented
Policing Services (COPS) at a higher level than the House. Nevertheless,
the proposed level of $812 million is still $523 million below the
Administration's request. We are concerned that this funding level may
jeopardize the President's goal of funding up to 50,000 additional
community police officers by FY 2005. In addition, the Administration
strongly objects to the bill's failure to provide any funds for community
prosecutors or the Police Integrity Initiative. We strongly urge the
Senate to fully fund the Administration's request for COPS.
- Amendments to the Ethics in Government Act. The Administration
strongly opposes provisions amending the Ethics in Government Act, which
would exempt judges from the honoraria prohibition and exclude honoraria
from the definition of outside earned income. While the Administration
fully agrees that adequate judicial pay is an important component of
judicial independence, we have serious objections to augmenting
compensation for public officials in this manner. Moreover, this provision
would have significant effects on the ethics law applicable to all three
branches. It is the kind of change in law that should be made only after
an opportunity for thoughtful deliberation.
The honoraria prohibition of 5 U.S.C. app. § 501(b) being amended by
this provision was struck down as unconstitutional in part by the Supreme
Court in 1995 and determined by the Department of Justice to have no
surviving force. To now amend this provision to exclude certain officers
and employees of the judiciary without addressing the intended application
to other officers and employees in all three branches could create
confusion regarding the status of the honoraria prohibition as it applies
to the other branches. In addition, by excluding honoraria from the
definition of outside earned income, the amendment would change the statute
to allow senior employees in all three branches to earn unlimited
honoraria. This represents a change in the ethics law, which currently
imposes a 15-percent limit on outside earned income for such employees.
- Gun Prosecutors. The Administration strongly opposes the failure of
the Committee bill to fund nearly all of the Justice Department components
of the President's Gun Enforcement Initiative, including the absence of any
funding for Federal and local gun prosecutors to enhance prosecutions of
dangerous gun criminals and illegal gun traffickers. The bill fails to
provide funding for local anti-gun violence media campaigns to help cities
replicate programs like Richmond's "Project Exile," which sends a message
to criminals about tough penalties for violating gun laws. The bill also
fails to provide the funding increase requested for "smart gun" technology,
which can prevent unauthorized gun use and accidents by limiting the use of
a given gun to its proper owner. The bill provides only $33 million of the
requested $70 million for the National Criminal History Improvement
Program, which would upgrade criminal history records to help make Brady
background checks faster and more effective. We strongly encourage the
Senate to include funding for these important initiatives.
- Law Enforcement and Litigation. The Administration opposes the
funding levels provided for high-priority Federal law enforcement and
litigation programs, including the FBI, the U.S. Attorneys, and the
Department of Justice's legal divisions. The Committee bill provides $4.7
billion, $419 million below the Administration's request for these
activities. The Committee mark, including the rescission of $40 million in
previously available funds for the FBI's Information Sharing Initiative
(now titled e-FBI) and the elimination of $20 million in base funding for
e-FBI, would threaten the ability of the FBI to maintain its current level
of operations.
The bill provides only $121 million to the Antitrust Division, $13
million below the Administration's request. This level of funding would
inhibit the Division's ability to review the record number of corporate
mergers and to investigate violations of antitrust laws. The Committee
bill provides inadequate resources to represent the interests of the United
States in the Nation's courts, thereby putting the U.S. Treasury at risk of
paying out claims that lack merit and diminishing the Government's ability
to pursue criminal and civil enforcement actions. Our litigating
components, including the U.S. Attorneys, would lose 900 positions,
including 400 attorneys. The Administration also objects to language
included in the Committee bill and report that would require that funding
be cut off mid-year for U.S. Attorneys unless the Attorney General
publishes rules related to the conduct of Department employees and which
limit payment of any potential judgments resulting from the case of Doe
v. U.S. to the salaries and expenses of U.S. Attorneys and general
legal divisions.
- Civil Rights Enforcement. The Administration strongly opposes the
bill's funding level for the Civil Rights Division, which is $10 million
below the FY 2000 enacted level and $26 million below the President's
request. This level of funding would require the Division to reduce its
staff by 20 percent and calls into question the Nation's commitment to
enforcing civil rights legislation such as the Americans With Disabilities
Act and the Voting Rights Act. The Civil Rights Division is essential in
combating abuses in our institutions for the mentally ill and nursing
homes, and in investigating allegations of misconduct within police
departments where a pattern of widespread abuse exists. We urge the Senate
to fully fund the Administration's request.
- Counterterrorism. We appreciate the Committee providing the full
$31 million requested for Nunn-Lugar-Domenici State and local first
responder training. However, the bill does not fund the Administration's
counterterrorism budget amendment for the Department of Justice. Recent
events have underscored the need for increased government efforts to combat
counterterrorism. The Administration's budget amendment seeks funding for
the FBI, including services to translate electronic intercepts in a foreign
language, equipment to improve the capability to conduct lawful electronic
intercepts, and resources to expand the number of joint terrorism task
forces (JTTF). For the Immigration and Naturalization Service, no funding
has been provided for JTTF staff, intelligence staff, and border technology
needed to strengthen our defenses on the northern border. We urge the
Senate to support these initiatives fully.
- Cybercrime. The Committee has not adequately addressed critical
resources needed to improve the government's capacity to combat cybercrime.
Recent computer security events have highlighted the need for additional
government efforts. Not only has Congress provided no enhancements
provided to the Criminal Division, but the Division would also have to
reduce its staffing level below its current state to live within the Senate
mark. Without the 97 positions requested for the U.S. Attorneys, there
would be insufficient prosecutorial resources to address the burgeoning
cybercrime caseload. Furthermore, the FBI would not have sufficient
computer forensic examiners to address incoming cases, let alone reduce the
backlog of pending cases. We urge the Senate to fully fund the
Administration's cybercrime initiatives.
- Deputy Attorney General for Combating Domestic Terrorism. The
Committee bill would establish a Deputy Attorney General for Combating
Domestic Terrorism. While the Administration is supportive of efforts to
improve the coordination of terrorism programs, we have serious concerns
about the provision, particularly the assignment of responsibilities that
appear to go beyond the Department's statutory role. In addition, creation
of a second Deputy Attorney General position may not be structurally
appropriate. We stand ready to work with the Committee to address these
- Immigration Budget. While the Administration supports the
Committee's decision to reinstate section 245(i) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act, we object to using the revenue generated by this provision
to fund activities currently funded through direct appropriations. The
Administration has recommended that section 245(i) revenue be used to
reduce a backlog in naturalization applications and to maintain the current
level of detention funding. In addition, the Committee has failed to
provide $34 million in appropriations to support naturalization backlog
reduction and also transfers $50 million from the Exams Fee account to fund
previously appropriated adjudication functions. Combined, these actions
would reduce funding available for citizenship and immigration benefit
processing and result in longer wait times and greater backlogs.
- "Stop Drugs - Stop Crime" and Project Reentry. The Committee bill
provides only $103 million for the "Stop Drugs - Stop Crime" initiative,
$87 million below the Administration's request. The bill does not fund the
Department of Justice's Zero Tolerance and Drug Intervention Program, which
would help States and localities implement tough new systems to test,
treat, and punish drug offenders. The bill provides $40 million, $10
million below the request, for the highly successful Drug Courts Program.
Taken together, these actions would make it difficult, if not impossible,
to achieve the drug reduction targets specified in the annual drug strategy
and in the Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of
1998. Further, while the Administration appreciates the Committee's
decision to provide $7 million for the Reentry Program, this funding level
still falls significantly below the Administration's request of $60
million. The request would provide greater community and law enforcement
supervision of released offenders, and key services such as drug testing
and treatment and job training to help lower recidivism rates and promote
responsible fatherhood among offenders.
- Detention Trustee. The Committee mark does not establish the
Detention Trustee, the first step in achieving the goal of centralized
Federal detention policy, which is supported by the Committee. The
Committee also has not provided the $25 million requested to cover the
Department's costs for the detention, care and removal of illegal migrants
held outside the continental United States. The establishment of a source
of funding for routine illegal migrant detention is a priority for the
- State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP). The Administration
is disappointed with the Committee's decision to fund only $50 million of
the $600 million request for SCAAP. The Committee's bill would virtually
eliminate reimbursements to States for incarcerated criminal aliens. The
Administration urges the Senate to fully fund this program.
- Native American Law Enforcement. While the Committee provides some
additional FBI funding, most Justice programs aiding crime prevention and
law enforcement in Native American communities are funded only at the
enacted level. The Administration strongly urges the Senate to provide the
additional tribal resources requested for U.S. Attorneys and within the
Office of Justice Programs. The Administration also urges the Senate to
provide the request for the COPS Tribal Resources Grants program, the
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Units, the Tribal Courts Project, the
Tribal Youth Program, the Office of Tribal Justice, and Alcohol and
Substance Abuse Testing. While the nationwide violent crime rate has
dropped, homicides and violent crime in Indian Country are on the rise.
These funds are designed to address this problem through both prevention
and enforcement.
- Pardon Attorney. The Administration takes strong exception to the
Committee's action to eliminate funding for the Office of the Pardon
Attorney and to move the Office from the Department of Justice. For over
100 years, the Office of Pardon Attorney has assisted the President in
carrying out this power. The Office consists entirely of career,
nonpartisan, Department of Justice attorneys, who research clemency
petitions and draft the Department's report and recommendation in each case
for the signature of the Deputy Attorney General. The Department consults
with the FBI, U.S. attorneys, and other relevant entities to provide a
thorough analysis of each case and the impact of a clemency grant on law
enforcement. The Office is properly assigned to and funded through the
Department of Justice.
- United States Parole Commission. The Administration opposes the
Committee's efforts to phase out the United States Parole Commission
(USPC). The Committee mark of $7.4 million is $1.8 million, or 20 percent,
below the Administration's request. Such a reduced funding level would
seriously impede the USPC's ability to maintain current operations and
render it virtually impossible for the Commission to assume statutorily
mandated responsibilities over D.C. inmates and parolees.
- Prisoner Transportation. The Administration opposes the Committee's
action to transfer "base" funding for the transportation of prisoners and
aliens from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Bureau of
Prisons, and the U.S. Marshall Service to the Justice Prisoner and Alien
Transportation System (JPATS) revolving fund. The transfer would undermine
the concept of JPATS being run as a business operation and eliminate the
ability of participating agencies to make economic decisions regarding the
most cost-effective way to transport prisoners.
- Telecommunications Carrier Compliance. The Committee bill does not
include funding for the Telecommunications Carrier Compliance Fund.
Additional funding is needed for implementation of the Communications
Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). Implementation of the Act would
ensure that law enforcement has the capability to conduct court-approved
electronic surveillance on digital telecommunications equipment. While the
Administration is very appreciative of the funding provided for CALEA in
P.L. 106-246, the FY 2000 Emergency Supplemental Act, only $300 million has
been appropriated to date out of the $500 million authorized by CALEA. A
delay in providing the remaining $200 million would hinder law enforcement,
particularly in its fight against terrorists, drug lords, and organized
- Fees and Expenses of Witnesses. The Committee mark reduces funding
for expert government witness testimony to $79 million, 17 percent below
the FY 2000 enacted level. The Committee's action is being taken at a time
when large cases such as WINSTAR, tobacco and certain tax and environmental
litigation raises the potential liability for the Federal Government into
the billions of dollars. The full $156 million requested should be
provided to ensure the Department will be able to hire expert witnesses and
prepare and present testimony to strengthen the Government's ability to
prevail in court.
Department of Commerce
The Administration appreciates that the Senate Committee-reported bill is a
significant improvement over the House-passed version. Nevertheless, we believe
that certain key Commerce programs are still significantly underfunded:
- Conservation Funding. The Administration strongly opposes the
Committee's cuts to the President's Lands Legacy Initiative, which is funded at
almost 60 percent below the request. Coastal ecosystem protection programs such
as marine sanctuaries, coral reef restoration, State coastal zone management
grants, and State coastal impact assistance grants (to assist States that have
offshore oil and gas development) would be cut, along with the Pacific coastal
salmon recovery fund, thereby complicating and delaying State, local, and Tribal
salmon recovery initiatives. The Administration expects the Committee to honor
the appropriations and congressional leadership agreement that would establish a
new "conservation spending" discretionary budget category in FY2002 continuing
through FY2006, and provide funding for the conservation programs at levels
equal to or greater than proposed in that agreement for FY2001. The
Administration is prepared to work with the Committee to ensure that the high
priority environmental conservation programs under the new category are fully
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Administration
strongly urges full funding of the Climate Observation and Services
initiative in order to support a transition of research observing and data
systems into operational systems and products. Likewise, we strongly
recommend funding for NOAA's efforts to establish an integrated
inter-agency Global Disaster Information Network to improve disaster
management information, for the Clean Water Action Plan, and for National
Marine Fisheries Service activities to help recover endangered species. In
addition, the Administration urges that funding be provided to continue the
highly successful Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the
Environment (GLOBE) program. We also recommend increased funding for the
PORTS program, to enable NOAA to institute quality controls for data that
assist the maritime industry.
The Administration urges the Senate to provide requested advance
appropriations for construction work at the Suitland Federal Center. The
nearly 60-year-old buildings at the Center are failing, threatening the
health and safety of employees of NOAA and the Census Bureau. The
Administration is also concerned that the Evansville, Indiana, Doppler
weather radar -- which the Modernization Transition Committee recognized as
necessary before the Evansville Weather Service Office can close -- is not
funded. The Administration urges that funding be provided to build
capacity at minority serving institutions, both through NOAA and the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, to increase the number of
minorities trained in environmental and physical sciences.
- Digital Divide Initiatives. The Administration urges the Senate to
fully fund the initiatives to help close the Digital Divide and help
communities benefit from the emerging digital economy. During its six-year
history, the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) of the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has helped
underserved and low-income communities across the country gain access to
innovative information technology applications. The new Connecting
America's Families (Home Internet Access) program builds on that success by
supporting efforts to help low-income families receive the benefits of home
access to computers and the Internet. The Committee bill provides no
funding for the Connecting America's Families program and underfunds TOP.
The bill also fails to provide funding for the Economic Development
Administration's initiative to promote deployment of broadband
infrastructure in economically-distressed areas.
- Economic Development Administration. The Administration strongly
urges the Senate to fully fund the Economic Development Administration
(EDA). The Committee's mark cuts EDA programs by 40 percent from the 2000
enacted level and 47 percent from the Administration's request. This
reduction would severely impair efforts to assist economically
disadvantaged communities. The bill denies Native American and Mississippi
Delta communities, which are among the Nation's most distressed areas, some
of the critical assistance they need in order to build stronger local
economies and to connect with our overall prosperity. The Administration
urges full funding of $49 million for EDA to fund infrastructure, planning,
and public works projects in Indian Country. In addition, the bill does
not fund assistance to be provided by EDA's proposed Office of Community
Economic Adjustment to communities injured by economic downturns due to
trade-related issues and other causes.
- Chemical Weapons Convention Compliance. The Administration strongly
urges full funding of the President's request of $8.5 million for Chemical
Weapons Convention inspections at industry facilities. Without this
funding, the Department of Commerce would be unable to conduct site
assistance visits to help U.S. companies prepare for these international
inspections and thereby better protect confidential business information.
The Department of Commerce would also be unable to host the full complement
of industry inspections required under the Convention. Failure to provide
the necessary funds could result in U.S. noncompliance with its industry
inspection obligations under the Convention.
- Critical Infrastructure Protection. The Administration urges
support for the President's requested funding for the Critical
Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO) in the Bureau of Export
Administration and for the Expert Review Team in the National Institute of
Standards and Technology to help Government agencies identify
vulnerabilities and plan secure systems. Likewise, the Administration
strongly urges providing the $50 million requested by the President to
establish the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection to
address research and development needs related to the protection of the
Nation's critical infrastructures. In addition, the $6.3 million requested
by NTIA will support the National Infrastructure Assurance Plan for the
communications and information sectors, as well as research to evaluate
telecommunication system and network enhancements that address
infrastructure vulnerabilities -- such as design weaknesses and external
threats. These funds will help ensure the security of the Nation's
critical infrastructure now and in the years to come.
- Economic and Statistical Infrastructure. The Administration
appreciates the Senate bill's funding for the decennial census, base
restoration, and e-business initiatives in the Census Bureau, as well as
the funding provided for the Economic and Statistics Administration.
However, we urge the Senate to include full funding for the Census Bureau's
continuous measurement program (which will provide current information to
allocate nearly $200 billion in Federal funds annually), demographic survey
sample redesign (an interagency process that updates the sample populations
of the major national demographic surveys after the decennial census), and
planned improvements in measuring economic well-being and exports.
- International Trade Administration. The Administration appreciates
the Committee's support for the International Trade Administration's
(ITA's) Trade Compliance initiative. However, in order to support ITA's
trade enforcement capabilities fully and ensure that U.S. companies and
workers receive the full benefits of international agreements, we urge the
Senate to provide an additional $4 million to fund the full request. The
$35 million cut to the President's request for the U.S. and Foreign
Commercial Service could lead to significant reductions in the Service's
export promotion activities.
- Public Television's Digital Transition. The Administration
appreciates the Committee's providing an increase over the House-passed
bill for NTIA's Public Telecommunications Facilities, Planning, and
Construction Program. However, we urge the Senate to fully fund the
program at $110 million in order to help ensure that public broadcasters
can meet the Federally-mandated May 2003 deadline for the transition to
digital broadcasting.
- Technology Administration Programs. While the Administration
appreciates increases for key research and development programs at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), we urge the Senate
to fully fund the President's request. The bill provides insufficient
funds for NIST initiatives to promote the development of new information
technologies, nanotechnology, and infrastructure assurance, as well as to
enhance the use of e-commerce services by small manufacturers.
- Inspector General. The Administration urges the Senate to review
the Committee's proposed funding of the Office of Inspector General (OIG),
which is 16 percent below the request and five percent below the FY 2000
enacted level. Through audits, inspections, and investigations, the
requested OIG funds support the Department's efforts to prevent and detect
fraud, waste, and abuse.
- Security and Departmental Management. The Administration commends
the Committee for providing full funding for Digital Department investments
and salaries and expenses within Commerce's Departmental Management. The
Administration also acknowledges the Committee's effort to support
Department Security services, but encourages full funding for this
important activity.
- New Markets Initiative. The Senate bill fails to provide the $58.3
million requested for the New Markets Initiative ($21.7 million for credit
subsidy for New Markets Venture Capital (NMVC), $30 million for technical
assistance to small businesses by NMVC firms, and $6.6 million for
BusinessLINC). Without these funds, the Administration and the Congress
would be unable to fund the Hastert-Clinton Agreement on New
Markets/Empowerment Zones and Renewal Communities to bring America's
economic prosperity and growth to those communities (including Indian
reservations) lagging behind the rest of the Nation.
Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors
- Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities (CIPA). The
Administration strongly opposes the Senate bill's funding levels for UN
peacekeeping. The bill would cut the Administration's FY 2001 request by
one-third, from $739 million to $500 million, and would halve the FY 2000
CIPA allocation by means of a $213 million rescission and another $45
million shift out of FY 2000 CIPA funds -- money already agreed to and
appropriated by the Congress. This is on top of denying an earlier
Administration request for $107 million in supplemental FY 2000 CIPA funds,
which remains as a pending request to address current funding requirements.
If enacted, these funding levels would be devastating to UN peacekeeping
and our efforts to reform the UN, rationalize peacekeeping and reduce U.S.
assessment rates there. They would prevent us from meeting our treaty
obligations and would undermine important missions in Kosovo, East Timor,
Sierra Leone, Lebanon, Ethiopia-Eritrea, and elsewhere.
- Arrearage Payments. The Committee recommendation includes $102
million for additional arrearage payments to the United Nations and other
international organizations, but includes a variety of spending
restrictions on the funding. While this amount would belatedly bring the
total appropriated for the payment of arrears to the Administration's
originally requested level of approximately one billion dollars, the
funding comes with too many hindrances to be an asset to our current reform
efforts and creates new certification requirements above and beyond those
in the United Nations Reform Act of 1999. The Administration notes the
irony of seemingly providing additional funding for payment of arrears
while severely underfunding, and even rescinding existing appropriated
funds from CIPA, thus creating new arrears at least four times as high as
those the Committee proposed to pay. If the Committee is interested in
strengthening our hand in negotiating assessment scale reforms at the
United Nations, the Administration strongly recommends that it provide full
funding of current peacekeeping bills.
- Embassy Security. The Administration strongly opposes the
Committee's decision to cut the President's FY 2001 request for embassy
security in the Diplomatic and Consular Programs (D&CP) and Embassy
Security, Construction, and Maintenance (ESCM) accounts by $420 million, or
40 percent. This would require steep reductions in requested worldwide
security upgrades and ongoing security enhancement support within the ESCM
and D&CP accounts. Only three of the six new security construction
projects requested in the ESCM account received funding in the Committee
mark, and nothing is provided for buildings to support USAID activities.
In addition, of the embassy security funding the Committee does provide,
$72 million is earmarked for unrequested projects. Although the
Administration appreciates funding for these unrequested projects located
primarily in China, it opposes funding them at the expense of important
security-related facility requirements. The overall unacceptable level of
funding would leave Americans working in our diplomatic facilities overseas
more vulnerable to terrorist attack and would slash the Administration's
effort to support a long-term replacement program for unsafe facilities.
The Administration is also disappointed that the Committee has not
provided the requested advance appropriations for embassy security
construction to help ensure successful implementation of that long-term
capital investment program. The need to pursue a multi-year program to
improve security and protect all Americans serving abroad was recognized by
the authors of the Crowe report, which was produced in the aftermath of the
embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. These findings were
reaffirmed in the more recent report of the Overseas Presence Advisory
- State Department Operations. The Administration appreciates the
Committee's support for the regular operations of the Department of State
but opposes the multiple earmarks, restrictions including bill language
limiting the detail of employees, and unrequested items that the Committee
has included in its bill and report that seek to micro-manage the
activities of the Department of State and reduce the Administration's
flexibility to address foreign policy needs. Of utmost concern is the
Committee's unacceptable restriction on Machine Readable Visa fees that
support the President's Border Security Program. This restriction would
result in a reduction below current estimates of $101 million in resources
available to the program in FY 2001. The Administration requested
permanent, unrestricted extension of this authority. These funds have
become indispensable to American citizens for timely passport services and
the improvement and support of the visa process including the control
mechanisms that prevent travel to the U.S. of individuals associated with
terrorist organizations or others who may seek to use the process
In addition, the Administration is disappointed that the Committee mark
does not include $3 million in funds requested for trade compliance, $1.5
million for labor and environmental standards coordination, and $1 million
in transfer authority to meet potential needs of the Presidential Advisory
Commission on Holocaust Assets. Finally, the Administration appreciates
funding provided to support the 1999 Pacific salmon treaty agreement. The
Administration would prefer, however, this funding be provided in the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration accounts, where the funding
was requested.
- Contributions to International Organizations. While the
Administration does not object to the overall level of funding for this
account, which is $21 million above the Administration's request, we are
concerned with the funding assumptions that undergird the $944 million
provided. The Committee recommendation includes approximately $78 million
in unrequested funding, and after factoring in the recent reprogramming
notification would still leave a shortfall in requested funding for
assessments for the United Nations and other international organizations.
To meet this shortfall, the Committee recommends some untenable measures,
including a directive to transfer $25 million provided for Contributions to
International Peacekeeping Activities in FY 2000, which comes on top of a
proposed rescission of $213 million in FY 2000 Peacekeeping Funds. We urge
the Senate to fund this account at a level sufficient to meet all our
assessments to international organizations.
- Making U.S. Exporters Pay Fees for Munitions Export License
Applications. The Administration opposes section 403, which would
authorize the State Department to collect fees to process export license
applications for munitions, satellites, and related items controlled under
section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act. A number of issues would need
to be seriously considered before the Administration could consider
supporting this proposal, which has not been previously addressed by
Congress in hearings, or in discussions with the Administration or U.S.
industry. Making the State Department's licensing resources dependent on
fees collected could encourage additional licensing requirements at a time
when current Administration policy is to support mechanisms to streamline
the munitions licensing process. We urge the deletion of this provision.
- Foreign Buildings Operations. While the Administration appreciates
the Committee's support of the Department of State's ongoing overseas
building program, the Administration objects to unrequested items in the
Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance mark. For example, the
Committee Report provides an earmark for fresco restoration in the Palazzo
Corpi in Istanbul Turkey. These earmarks would reduce the amount available
to pay leases and other building requirements and divert funds away from
higher-priority security enhancements.
- Diplomatic Telecommunications. The Administration is opposed to
efforts by the Congress to mandate the management, operations, and security
procedures for diplomatic telecommunications. The Administration is
working diligently to resolve any outstanding problems with diplomatic
telecommunications. Provisions such as those proposed would be
counterproductive to this effort. The Administration looks forward to
consulting with the Congress on remaining concerns.
- International Broadcasting Operations. The funding level of $388
million recommended by the Committee is $17 million below the President's
request of $405 million This $17 million reduction is directly tied to the
proposal to merge the WORLDNET Television and Film Service into the Voice
of America (VOA). By funding only a skeletal version of the merger, the
U.S. Government would not have the ability to support technically any
television broadcasts for the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors or
Interactive Dialogues of the Department of State. The
Administration requests that the Senate support the continuation of
television production and delivery through the consolidation of WORLDNET
with the VOA by fully funding the President's request.
- Educational and Cultural Exchanges. The Administration appreciates
funding for Education and Cultural Exchanges at the requested level of $225
million, but is disappointed with the funding level of $118 million for the
J. William Fulbright Educational Exchange Program, and urges the Senate to
provide the President's request of $125 million. The Administration
opposes earmarking $1,750,000 within this account for the North/South
Center, in lieu of a separate appropriation, as requested in the budget.
The Administration further requests that funding in this account be made
available until expended, as in previous years.
- Other International Accounts. The Administration appreciates the
overall level of funding for the International Boundary and Water
Commission, the International Joint Commission, the International Boundary
Commission, the Border Environment Cooperation Commission, and the
International Fisheries Commissions. However, the Administration objects
to report language setting forth earmarks and spending directions with no
allowance to deviate without first consulting with Congress. This
restriction would hamper effective program management. The Administration
opposes the Committee's decision to eliminate funding for the Asia
- Foreign Policy Concerns. The Administration strongly opposes
provisions in the Committee bill concerning Jerusalem on constitutional,
foreign policy, and operational grounds. These provisions would intrude on
the President's constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs and to
determine recognition by directing U.S. policy regarding Jerusalem as the
capital of Israel. At Camp David, the parties agreed to continue their
efforts to conclude an agreement on permanent status issues as soon as
possible and avoid actions that would prejudge the outcome of these
negotiations. The actions called for by these provisions would prejudge
the outcome of these negotiations and thus would severely undermine U.S.
efforts to promote a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
- Trade in Conflict Diamonds. The Administration recognizes that
trade in "conflict diamonds" fuels instability in Africa and, therefore,
launched a State Department Initiative in 1999 aimed at curbing the illegal
diamond trade. We strongly support the intent conveyed in section 409 of
the Committee-passed bill, in particular the intent to restrict trade in
illegal diamonds while recognizing the certification of origin of rough
diamonds by the Governments of Sierra Leone and Angola. We also support
the identification of countries actively engaged in the illicit diamond
The Administration believes that while we counter illicit trade in
diamonds, legitimate diamond procedures should be protected and encouraged.
Therefore, we cannot support language that would inhibit trade in
legitimate diamonds. We are also concerned that section 409, as drafted,
could provide a disincentive for several African governments to participate
in an internationally-accepted certification regime, as their diamonds
would be excluded from the United States even if they decided to
participate in such a regime. In addition, there are technical
administrative issues which must be addressed in order to make the bill
enforceable. The Administration would be pleased to work with the Senate
to try to develop language that resolves these concerns while preserving
the intent of section 409.
- National Endowment for Democracy. While the Administration
appreciates the Committee's funding recommendation for the National
Endowment for Democracy, it objects to report language earmarking funds and
mandating activities that are inconsistent with the Endowment's mission of
working with the non-governmental sector to promote democracy at the
grassroots level.
- General Provisions. Other provisions in the Committee bill
regarding the conduct of foreign affairs raise constitutional concerns.
Section 609 regarding Vietnam would unconstitutionally constrain the
President's authority with respect to the conduct of diplomacy. In
addition, language in the Contributions for International Peacekeeping
Activities appropriation that would require a report to Congress prior to
voting for a U.N. Peacekeeping mission would unconstitutionally constrain
the President's authority with respect to the conduct of diplomacy as well
as his authority as Commander-in-Chief.
Legal Services Corporation
While the Administration appreciates that the Committee has approved funding at
a level above the House, the bill is still $40 million below the President's
request and $4 million below the FY 2000 enacted level. This level of funding
would undermine the commitment of the Federal Government that all persons have
access to the judicial system, regardless of income. We strongly urge the
Senate to fund the LSC at the requested level to help ensure equal access to the
courts for all.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The Senate Committee-reported bill is preferable to the House-passed level, in
that it provides sufficient funds to allow the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) to maintain current service levels. The Committee level,
however, is still inadequate in that it eliminates over $29 million in funding
needed to ensure fair, efficient, and effective handling of employment
discrimination charges. At this funding level, the EEOC would be unable to
provide certain mediation and prevention opportunities for employers and
employees, make needed information technology investments, and provide training
and outreach as part of the President's Equal Pay Initiative. The
Administration urges the Senate to support these important activities.
Commission on Civil Rights
The Senate Committee's recommendation to freeze the Commission's funding at the
FY 2000 level of $9 million is $2 million below the President's request and
would impair the Commission's ability to advance civil rights for all Americans.
The Administration urges the Senate to restore funding to this critical agency.
Small Business Administration
The Administration is deeply concerned that the Senate bill provides
insufficient funding for critical Small Business Administration programs,
especially the following:
- Small Business Loans. The Senate bill underfunds the
Administration's request of $11.5 billion in 7(a) business loan volume, by
providing less than half the amount requested for direct microloans, and
less than twenty-five percent of the requested accompanying microloan
technical assistance. The funding level provided for these programs would
be insufficient to meet demand for small business loans and would lead to
fewer new business start-ups.
- Business Assistance Programs. The Administration appreciates the
$90 million funding level for the Small Business Development Centers
(SBDCs). We ask that the Senate provide the requested earmarks for Native
American SBDCs and for Tribal Business Information Centers, including the
request to waive the necessity for matching funds. In addition, the
Administration is disappointed that the Senate failed to provide the
Administration's request for several other business assistance programs,
including: SBIR Phase III ($15 million) and Electronic Commerce ($5
million). Further, the Senate has not provided the requested increases
necessary to support other business assistance programs, including Women's
Business Centers, One Stop Capital Shops, and SCORE.
- Modernizing Program Management. The Senate bill fails to provide
the additional $5 million requested for the Systems Modernization
Initiative to begin work to modernize the disaster loan system, $7 million
for the needed upgrade and maintenance of SBA's IT systems, $4 million for
workforce transformation, and $1.5 million for the financial program
advisor to support SBA's successful loan asset sales program. These
reductions would weaken SBA's loan program management and result in higher
loan program costs. At the same time, the Administration appreciates the
Senate's inclusion of language permitting up to $3 million in reimbursement
to the SBA for qualified expenses to be derived from increased collections
of delinquent debt. The Administration also appreciates the Senate's
support for the creation of a new account (Non-Credit Business Assistance),
which separates the costs directly attributable to non-credit business
programs from salaries and expenses, thereby increasing the accountability
of both.
Federal Communications Commission
The Administration strongly opposes the Senate provision that would prevent the
FCC from granting or transferring a license or authorization to any corporation
of which more than 25-percent is directly or indirectly owned by a foreign
government or its representatives. The prospect of a foreign government-owned
company investing in a U.S. telecommunications carrier could raise legitimate
concerns. However, existing law already requires that the FCC, the Executive
Branch, and the multi-agency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United
States ensure that the proposed foreign investment would not harm the public
interest, including competition in our market and national security or law
enforcement capabilities. The United States has benefitted greatly from the
widespread opening of foreign telecom markets in recent years. If the U.S.
institutes this provision, many countries may be tempted to restrict existing
opportunities offered to U.S. carriers and resist any further opening. This
could affect billions of dollars in current U.S. investment abroad, and even
more future investment. The Administration supports the objective of robust
competition for global markets. We believe this can be achieved within
existing legislative, regulatory and international mechanisms, without risking
possible disruption of the international telecommunications market. The Senate
provision is unnecessary and potentially harmful; it should be dropped.
We understand that amendments may be offered which affect current FCC
authorities. For example, we understand there may be an amendment that would
hinder FCC from approving low power broadcasting by community groups. We do not
believe such amendments should be added to this bill.
Securities and Exchange Commission
We understand that an amendment may be offered that would substantially reduce
the registration and transaction fees collected by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). The Administration would have deep concerns about such an
amendment. In 1996, Congress and the President collaborated on legislation --
the National Securities Markets Improvement Act (NSMIA) -- that established a
calendar for reducing SEC fee rates. The Administration continues to support
the declining fee rates agreed to in the NSMIA legislation. Proposals to reduce
these fees further should be considered only in the context of an overall fiscal
policy that balances the importance of debt reduction and competing priorities
such as strengthening Social Security and Medicare, providing tax relief to
middle-income families, and other critical initiatives called for in the
President's FY 2001 Budget.
In addition, the Administration would strongly oppose any amendment that would
prevent the SEC from moving forward with its proposal relating to its
requirements for auditor independence, which have not been updated in 18 years.
The SEC is currently receiving public comments on the proposed regulation and
has held several public hearings to ensure concerns of all interested parties
are considered. An amendment that prevents the SEC, a well-respected
independent regulatory agency, from completing its legal regulatory process
could undermine its ability to ensure confidence in our Nation's financial
General Provisions
The Administration is very concerned that Section 626 -- called Amy Boyer's law
-- purports to protect individual privacy by restricting the public display of
Social Security numbers, but fails to do so effectively. The exceptions in the
section narrow its impact substantially. For example, the prohibition does not
apply to information obtained from public records, which are the source of
Social Security numbers for many information brokers. Businesses could thus
comb through public records and display and sell the information they glean
without any restrictions whatsoever. In addition, Section 626 contains a broad
provision preempting state laws, which could actually result in the American
people losing significant privacy protections.
The Administration has offered an alternative proposal, which has been
introduced by Senator Feinstein as S. 2699, that would prohibit the sale and
purchase of social security numbers. We believe that this proposal would more
effectively preserve legitimate business practices while also helping to prevent
identity theft and the sort of heinous crime of which Amy Boyer was a victim.
Metropolitan Statistical Areas
The Administration would strongly oppose an amendment that may be offered that
would prohibit implementation of revised standards for metropolitan statistical
areas. The metropolitan area standards provide nationally consistent
definitions for collecting, tabulating, and publishing Federal statistics for a
set of geographic areas. Since 1950, when the metropolitan areas were first
used in census reports, OMB has reviewed the criteria for designating
metropolitan areas and, if warranted, revised them in the years preceding their
application to new decennial census data. Periodic review is necessary to
ensure that the standards stay abreast of changes in population distribution and
activity patterns. OMB is currently conducting the fifth such review. This has
been a multi-year process during which OMB has actively sought public
involvement through conferences, outreach to interested organizations, and three
Federal Register Notices.
Other Issues
The Administration understands that items contained in Division B of the FY 2001
Agriculture bill may be considered by the appropriate Subcommittee of
jurisdiction. The Administration has serious concerns about pending provisions
in the bill affecting Commerce and Justice programs and a pending supplemental
request under the Department of State heading. Therefore, the Administration
provides the following views on those items relevant to this bill:
- Department of Commerce Administrative Funding. The Administration
opposes funding the Commission on Online Child Protection by reducing
funding for the Department of Commerce's General Administration and
Inspector General accounts by $1.5 million. While the Administration has
no objection to providing funding for the Commission, cutting these already
small accounts with less than one month remaining in the fiscal year would
negatively affect the Department's ability to carry out its management and
auditing activities for the remainder of the fiscal year.
- Law Enforcement. Proposed law enforcement rescissions would have a
detrimental effect. For example, the $15 million rescission to INS
enforcement and service programs would result in cutbacks to current border
enforcement operations -- particularly Operation Safeguard -- along the Rio
Grande and adversely affect Border Patrol recruitment efforts. A reduction
in immigration service funding would directly impact the timely processing
of immigration benefits such as citizenship, adoption, and adjustment of
status. The $15 million rescission to the FBI's Information Sharing
Initiative would impede the FBI's response to criminal incidents, including
cases involving national security. The FY 2000 $2 million rescission for
Civil Division would impede the office's ability to effectively defend the
Treasury from meritless lawsuits. The proposed FY 2000 $1.1 million
rescission to the U.S. Parole Commission would require drastic furloughs or
reductions in staff, as well as disrupt the transition of District of
Columbia parolees into the Federal system as required by law.
- Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United
States. The Administration encourages Congress to approve the FY 2000
supplemental request of $1.4 million for the Presidential Advisory
Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States. These funds would
support the completion of the Commission's statutorily mandated
comprehensive report on the acquisition and disposition of Holocaust-era
assets in the United States.