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August 5, 1999
(House Rules)

H.R. 417 - Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 1999
(Shays (R) CT and 138 cosponsors)

The Administration strongly supports House passage of H.R. 417, the bipartisan campaign finance reform legislation offered by Reps. Christopher Shays and Marty Meehan. The Shays-Meehan legislation meets the test of real, comprehensive, bipartisan reform. It would ban unregulated "soft money" raised by both parties, address backdoor campaign spending by outside organizations, and strengthen public disclosure. This bipartisan measure is the best chance in years to reduce the role of special interests, give voters a louder voice, and treat fairly incumbents and challengers of both parties.

The Administration urges that the rule for floor debate ensure that the House has an opportunity to vote on the Shays-Meehan text.