Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document

April 29, 1998

H.R. 3546 - National Dialogue on Social Security Act of 1998
(Rep. Archer (R) TX and 7 cosponsors)

The Administration supports the goal of H.R. 3546, to convene a national dialogue on Social Security and develop reforms for ensuring the long-range solvency of the Social Security program. The Administration is strongly committed to working in a bipartisan manner with members of Congress to pursue our common goal of assuring that Social Security is strengthened for the 21st century while remaining the bedrock of protection for American workers and their families.

On January 27th, the President put forward a flexible and inclusive plan for achieving Social Security reform and invited every American to participate in the process. The plan calls for a year of national discussion, including nonpartisan forums in every region of the country followed by a White House Conference on Social Security. This is an inclusive process that allows for a variety of ideas and proposals from both Republicans and Democrats as to how best to further this national discussion. Once this process has been completed, the Administration hopes to begin bipartisan negotiations with the Congress. This open and inclusive process, without legislating a commission, is the most flexible way of building the required public understanding for achieving Social Security reform. The Administration believes that a commission and therefore H.R. 3546 is unnecessary.

If Congress passes H.R. 3546, the bill should require the panel to finish its work before the White House Conference on Social Security convenes so that bipartisan negotiations can begin in January 1999.

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