Office of Management and Budget | Print this document |
May 15, 1997
(House) |
The Administration is pleased that H.R. 1385, as reported by the House
Committee on Education and the Workforce, incorporates many of the principles
articulated in the President's G.I. Bill for America's Workers. These
principles, which are central to reforming Federal job training programs,
support the common goal of building an integrated workforce development
system. The new system embodied in H.R. 1385, based on a firm foundation of
individual opportunity, empowerment, and improved performance information,
represents a good first step toward improved accountability to taxpayers.
Although the Administration supports House passage of H.R. 1385, it does not agree with every provision of the bill, such as those affecting adult education and vocational rehabilitation. Therefore, the Administration looks forward to working in the Senate to address these concerns and to enact legislation that best meets mutually shared objectives. Pay-As-You-Go Scoring H.R. 1385 would affect direct spending; therefore, it is subject to the pay-as-you-go requirement of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. OMB estimates that the pay-as-you-go effect would be zero.