Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document

As of

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2000-2005
Receipt effect 0 0 -3,863 -3,920 -3,596 -3,820 -15,199
Outlay effect 0 0 12,190 14,545 15,740 16,853 59,328
Net budget cost 1 0 0 16,053 18,465 19,336 20,673 74,527
Memorandum: OMB balance for sequester in 2001 0

* $500,000 or less

Note: Pursuant to P.L. 106-554, the pay-as-you-go balances that would result in a sequester for FY 2001 were set to zero in OMBs final sequestration report.

1 Positive value indicates sequester would be required unless offsets are enacted.
Negative value indicates balances of savings available as offsets.

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