1 Megawatt Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Demonstrator | $3,375 |
57mm gun qualification and test (moved from WPN, line 32) | $11,300 |
AARGM Development | $1,717 |
AC Synchronous high-temperature superconductor (HTS) electric motor (Note: to design, fabricate, and deliver one 3.5 MW HTS motor as a key component of an integrated HTS based propulsion system) | $3,381 |
ADIPCAS | $1,446 |
AEGIS Traveling Wave Tube Circuit (Note: only to pursue competitive suppliers of critical material for circuits) | $1,800 |
AH-1/UH-1 Tailboom/turned exhaust | $42,000 |
AIREP | $11,186 |
ALR-95 Electronic Support Measures (ESM) System Specific Emitter Identification (SEI) networking & performance enhancement upgrade | $1,449 |
ALR-95 Radar Frequency Distribution (RFD) Upgrade | $1,449 |
AN/SLQ-25 Torpedo Countermeasure Set Upgrades | $3,303 |
AN/SPY-1 Radar System Readiness Improvement | $3,400 |
AN/UYQ-70 based IT-21 C4ISR Upgrades | $4,053 |
AN/UYQ-70(V) System Technology Improvements | $4,000 |
APY-6 Real time Precision Targeting Radar | $2,413 |
AQS-22 Airborne Low Frequency Sonar (ALFS) | $1,700 |
ARCI/APB/MPP (Note: only to continue the MPP/APB SBIR phase 3 technology insertion) | $3,958 |
Academy for Closing and Avoiding Achievement Gaps | $963 |
Acceleration of Clinical Trial for Hemostatic Therapeutic | $1,446 |
Acoustic Glider | $4,148 |
Adapting Fleet Support and Readiness Training for a transforming fleet | $2,100 |
Advanced Airship Flying Library | $2,971 |
Advanced Composite Structure Program | $1,400 |
Advanced Development and Demonstration of Electric Actuator Technology (Note: only for the development of shipboard-qualified prototype electric actuators and demonstrate their satisfactory performance in shipboard applications) | $964 |
Advanced Electric Drives | $1,453 |
Advanced Ferrite Antenna (AFA) | $2,016 |
Advanced Fouling and Corrosion Control Coatings for Naval Vessels | $5,403 |
Advanced High-Energy Thermobaric Warhead Development | $963 |
Advanced Hybrid Stored Energy Devices for Affordable Air Weaponry | $1,446 |
Advanced Integrated Digital Camera Rifle Scope (ADCRS) | $976 |
Advanced Laser Diode Arrays (ALDA) (Note: only for the continued development of the ALDA in support of the Navy's High Energy Laser Program) | $1,479 |
Advanced Lead Acid Battery Development for Military Vehicles | $966 |
Advanced Lifting Body Research Program | $4,824 |
Advanced Maritime Technology Center at Patuxent River NAS | $1,835 |
Advanced Materials and Intelligent Processing Center | $2,033 |
Advanced Microwave Ferrite Research for RF Systems | $1,156 |
Advanced Mine Detector System | $2,507 |
Advanced Missile Data Link | $3,500 |
Advanced Reactive-Material Enhanced Nancomposite Warheads (ARMENW) | $2,506 |
Advanced Reinforced Materials and New Materials Research for Aircraft Tires | $963 |
Advanced Smart Optical Sensor Payload Technology for Surveillance | $963 |
Advanced Technologies for Printed Wing Assembly fabrication (PWB-HVPC) | $3,278 |
Advanced Thin Film Coatings | $1,644 |
Advanced XLR Medium Caliber Gun Demonstrator | $3,400 |
Advanced conventional strike capability demonstration | $9,645 |
Affordable Weapon System (Note: only to complete AWS development and preparation for production) | $19,189 |
Affordable, Intermediate Modulus Commercial off the Shelf Carbon Fiber Qualification Program for aircraft and missiles | $969 |
Age Exploration Model validation & enhancement (Note: only provide full functionality & rigorous validation of AEM for Naval Aircraft platforms to ascertain relationship btwn aging characteristic & reliability, maintainability, & readiness issues) | $2,887 |
Agile Port and High Speed Ship Technology | $4,825 |
Agile Vaccinology Research | $2,970 |
Airbag Attenuated Troop Seat | $2,016 |
Airborne Communications Intercept Pod (ACIP) | $1,641 |
Airborne Data Terminal Set (DTS) with Embedded Encryption | $2,722 |
Aircraft Carrier Surveillance System | $2,700 |
Aluminum Fabrication Utilizing three-dimensional printing | $1,350 |
Amorphous Metal Permanent Magnet Generator Set | $1,453 |
Anoxia Research in Puget Sound | $1,353 |
Anti-Armor Weapon System-Heavy (AAWS-H) | $1,922 |
Anti-Oxidant Micronutrients Program (Transfer from line 130) | $960 |
Anti-Terrorism Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) | $1,000 |
Anti-Torpedo Torpedo (ATT) ( Note: only for continued development of low cost ATT components) | $3,857 |
Anti-oxidant Micronutrients Program | $589 |
Anti-terrorism Technology Surveillance System (ATTSS) | $1,064 |
Anti-torpedo Torpedo (6.75 inch diameter) Multimission Undersea Weapon | $4,919 |
Application of Novel Laser Systems on Optical Seekers | $971 |
Articulated Stable Ocean Platform | $966 |
Asphalt Reconditioner (Note: only to facilitate GSB-88 pilot application programs) | $1,646 |
At Sea Decontamination Platform Development and Conceptual Design | $964 |
Atmospheric Water Harvesting | $963 |
Automated Container and Cargo Handling System | $1,928 |
Automated Maintenance Environment (AME) | $2,521 |
Automated Wire Analysis (AWA) | $4,149 |
Autonomous Unmanned Surface Vessel (AUSV) | $1,500 |
Aviation Ground Navigation System (AGNAS) | $967 |
Aviation Ship Integration Center | $3,568 |
Battery Charging Technology (Note: only to continue and expand the existing program to develop advanced battery charging algorithms) | $2,037 |
Battlefield Management System | $955 |
Battlefield Pharmaceutical Test | $964 |
Battleforce Interoperability (Note: only for assessment activities of the Joint Warfare Assessment Laboratory of the Naval Surface Warfare Center) | $1,300 |
Battlespace Preparation Autonomous Undersea Vehicle for Mine Countermeasures | $1,000 |
Bioluminescence Truth Data Measurement and Signature Detection-expansion of the database of bioluminescence measurements | $963 |
Biomedical Research Imaging Core related to bone marrow transplantation, breast and prostate cancer | $2,414 |
Biosensors for Defense Applications - autonomous sensor platforms for biosensing | $1,928 |
Blast Resistant Anechoic Sprayable Elastomeric Coatings for Navy Ships | $966 |
Blood and Fluid Infusion/Transfusion Technology | $1,446 |
Braided Reduced Recoil Rope for Hand and Mooring Lines | $964 |
Brain-based intelligent system (Note: only for the development of an embedded low-power self-instructive computer system) | $1,929 |
C-Band Active Array Radar | $6,173 |
C3RP | $4,533 |
CENTURION surveillance prototype demonstration | $3,873 |
COMNAVMAR Invasive Species Demonstration Program | $243 |
Caffing Protection System | $1,357 |
Carbon Foam | $4,050 |
Carbon Nanotube-based Radiation Hard Non-volatile RAM | $4,341 |
Center for Coastline Security Technology (Note: only to continue a coastline security technology program, including an advanced acoustics sensor and mobile acoustic platform technology system initiative) | $2,413 |
Center for Commercialization of Advanced Technology | $6,563 |
Center for Critical Infrastructure Protection | $6,558 |
Center for Defense Sustainment Technology | $990 |
Center for Microwave Ferrites and Multi-Functional Integrated Circuits | $963 |
Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing (CTARS) | $2,412 |
Chemical Warfare Agent Chip Detector Badge | $2,027 |
Claymore Marine | $4,160 |
Clearing Facilities with Novel Technology | $2,200 |
Coastal Cancer Prevention | $3,379 |
Coastal Envir Effects (N: only dev pgrm for explore basic research marine biosciences, molecular sciences & proteomics to evolve & field new generation of hypersensitive detectors for deploy as part of wide area envir signatures collection strategy) | $4,051 |
Coating and Polymeric Films for Naval Applications | $965 |
Cobra Judy Replacement | $13,000 |
Collaborative Information Warfare Network | $3,500 |
Collaborative Logistics Productivity | $4,200 |
Combustion Light Gas Gun | $4,051 |
Common Affordable Radar Processor | $7,426 |
Common Sensor Module (COSM) | $1,737 |
Common Submarine Radio Room | $7,817 |
Common Surface and Air Undersea Warfare-standardize essential undersea warfare functionality and performance capabilities | $1,400 |
Community Hospital Telehealth Consortium | $965 |
Compact Ultra-Fast Laser System Development | $1,978 |
Complimentary Medal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Machine Vision Readout | $1,000 |
Composite Repair of Metal Structures | $972 |
Composite Twisted Rudder | $969 |
Composites Development for Navy Low Rise Construction | $1,452 |
Consolidated Undersea Situational Awareness | $3,278 |
Context-adaptable Autonomous and Remote Unmanned System Operation | $2,500 |
Continuation of Software Development for Military and Civilian Applications | $2,100 |
Corrosion Inhibiting Coatings | $1,361 |
Corrosion Modeling Software Project - NAVAIR | $4,088 |
Countermine UDAR UAV-Based System (CLUBS) | $964 |
Covert Sigint for Urban Warfare (XR-2000 Receiving System) | $1,445 |
Craft Integrated Electronic Suite (CIES) | $964 |
Critical Infrastructure Protection Center | $1,440 |
Cutting Tools for Aerospace Materials | $3,278 |
DD(X) Alternative Engine for completion of engine construction and delivery for testing | $9,500 |
DDX Ship System Power Electronics Technologies | $1,359 |
DP-2 Vector Thrust Aircraft Program | $7,256 |
Dedicated Ocean Exploration Research Vessel | $18,000 |
Defense Communications Research Initiative (Note: only for the continued development of the Technology Research, Education and Commercialization Center) | $3,859 |
Defense Integrated Technical Data Center (DITCDC) | $1,000 |
Defense Modernization and Sustainment Initiative | $3,861 |
Deployable Fiber Optic Force Protection System | $1,737 |
Development of Sulfur Tolerant Copper-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) auxiliary power unit prototype that operates with current military logistics fuel | $967 |
Development of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials | $4,341 |
Development of next Generation Technology for Inspection of Aircraft Engines, diagnostics and repair | $3,300 |
Device Integration of WBG Semiconductors and Crystalline Oxides | $1,640 |
Digital Access of NCIS Records | $1,445 |
Digital Integrated Cockpit Display System for the TH-57 | $1,000 |
Digital Modular Radio (DMR) (Note: only for the JTRS-M/F Block I DMR Transition) | $2,000 |
Directed Energy User Scrutiny Equipment (DEUSE) | $2,500 |
Discovery, Early Detect, Eval, Treat & Prevent in Cancer Research (Note: only continue coordinated efforts among NNMC & a med academic/research institute to conduct basic & clinical research to detect, eval, treat & prevent multiple types of cancer) | $6,782 |
Display Technology Program (Note: only to continue ongoing Display Technology Program) | $1,640 |
DoD Agile Manufacturing Center for Casting Technology at NUWC Keyport | $964 |
Dock Shock - a ship shock test system (Note: only to mature the Dock Shock concept to conduct near shore ship shocking testing) | $4,149 |
Durability of Composite Materials and Structures | $1,254 |
Dynamic Brokering in the Expeditionary Warfare Testbed | $964 |
E-2C Hawkeye aircraft propeller safety and reliability | $980 |
E-2C Program Support Activity (Note: only for expanding planned Product Support Activity in order to facilitate the development of Open Architecture software techniques) | $1,077 |
Early Operational Assessment | $4,900 |
Electromagnetic (EM) rail Gun test munition (Note: only for the development of an instrumented test munition that will characterize the test projectile designs being developed for the EM rail gun) | $1,060 |
Electromagnetic Launcher Railgun program (Note: to build and demonstrate the EML) | $1,453 |
Electromagnetic Propulsion Cost Reduction | $1,358 |
Embedded National Tactical Receiver Integration with Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missiles (AARGM) | $1,067 |
Engineering Activities | $26,000 |
Enhanced Submarine Open Architecture Model | $1,444 |
Enterprise Targeting and Strike System (eTSS) | $2,775 |
Equipment Life Extension Program | $1,458 |
Excalibur Unmanned Tactical Combat Vehicle | $967 |
Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) MK48 Stabilized Weapon System, FLIR Upgrade | $1,000 |
Expeditionary Force Infrastructure Initiative (EFI) | $963 |
Expeditionary Logistics for the 21st Century (EXLOG21) | $2,893 |
Expeditionary Warfare Logistics Testbed (EWLT) | $2,600 |
Expeditionary Warfare Water Purification | $11,089 |
Extended Capability Underwater Optic Imaging (Note: only to provide an innovative capability that will support underwater intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Homeland Defense, and environmental assessment) | $963 |
Extreme Terrain Medical Evacuation Vehicle Pilot (Note: only for the development and testing of the Zeus-MEV) | $1,640 |
FLIR Thermal Imager | $4,200 |
Facial Recognition Technology Research and Development | $1,543 |
Fiber Optic Components for Military Applications | $2,027 |
Fiber Optic Fixed Surveillance System | $3,260 |
Fiber Optic Interconnect Technology | $1,642 |
Fiber Optic TB-16 Towed Array | $1,000 |
Field Rapid Assay Biological System | $2,409 |
Fire Scout RQ-8B (2 air vehicles with associated payloads, a common ground station, and non-recurring engineering as necessary) | $16,265 |
FireLider- a non-thermal means of seeing through fire and smoke | $1,640 |
Floating Area Network | $964 |
For Additional Assets and Spares to Accomplish Testing in a Flight Scenario | $2,300 |
Formable Aligned Carbon Thermosets (FACTS) | $1,447 |
Free Electron Laser | $2,121 |
Future Naval Capabilities-Crew Modeling and Simulation (FNC-CMS) | $2,507 |
Galfenol Alloys | $1,156 |
Galley Food Waste Disposal System | $969 |
Gallium Nitride RF Power Technology | $1,928 |
Global Engineering Methodology Initiative for Naval Integration and Interoperability | $2,698 |
HEET | $4,822 |
HM&E Automation and Manning Reduction Technology Insertion (SBIR N03-49) | $960 |
HTDV | $4,049 |
Hawaii Undersea Vehicle Test and Training Environment | $2,507 |
Health Query and Analysis System | $3,291 |
Hemostatic Research | $964 |
High Brightness Electronics | $1,446 |
High Efficiency Quiet Electric Drive | $966 |
High Energy Laser Application Effects | $1,645 |
High Operating Temperature Midwave Infrared Sensors | $1,640 |
High Performance Long Lasting LO Materials for Navy Stealth Applications | $2,893 |
High Powered Ultrasonics/Ship Waste Treatment | $977 |
High Speed Anti-Radiation Demonstration (HSAD) | $4,822 |
High Speed Permanent Magnet Generator | $6,269 |
High Speed Power Node Switching Center | $1,351 |
Highly Mobile Tactical Communications (HMTC) | $2,893 |
Horizon Extension Surveillance System (HESS) (Note: only for use in accelerating the HESS program to provide for increased fleet protection) | $2,026 |
Human Systems Integration (SEAPRINT) | $1,446 |
Human Systems Integration/SEAPRINT | $1,446 |
Human Systems Technology | $963 |
Hydrate Desalination Technology | $2,027 |
Hydrogen for Fuel Cells | $966 |
Hypersonic Weapons Enabling Capability | $963 |
Hyperspectral Data Fusion | $3,278 |
IR Signature Reduction to Mitigate Terrorist Missile Threat | $1,254 |
ITAS (Tow Missile Rods) | $2,400 |
Ice protection technologies for UAVs (transferred from RDT&E,AF) | $1,035 |
Illinois Technology Transition Center | $1,252 |
Implantable Middle-ear Hearing System | $1,446 |
Improve Manufacturability Demonstration of Exhaust Components for Military Aircraft | $955 |
Improved Ground Based Transportable Radar | $2,016 |
Improved Navy Lighterage System Causeway Ferry, extended capability (INLS CF-X) | $1,035 |
Improved Surface Vessel Torpedo Launcher | $2,032 |
Improved Tactical Control in Submarine Systems (Note: only for incorporation of Submarine Combat System improvements into the APB(T) build process) | $1,000 |
Individual Water Purification (IWP) Program | $2,893 |
Information Technology-Distance Learning IT Center | $6,528 |
Insensitive Munitions Improvements, leveraging government and industry investments | $5,000 |
Integrated Advanced Communications Terminal (iACT) | $964 |
Integrated Biological Warfare Technology Platform | $3,375 |
Integrated Condition Assessment System (ICAS) | $2,500 |
Integrated Display and Enhanced Architecture for Carrier and LH Class Based Combat Systems | $3,400 |
Integrated Display and Enhanced Architecture for Integrated Tactical Command and Control Cell (ITC3) | $2,500 |
Integrated Display and Enhanced Architecture for a Family of Displays | $4,300 |
Integrated Fuel Processor--Fuel Cell System | $1,933 |
Integrated Littoral Sensor Network | $963 |
Integrated Manifold and Tube Ceramic Oxygen Generator | $4,055 |
Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise | $3,763 |
Integrated Marine Mammal Monitoring and Protection System | $2,028 |
Integrated Modernization | $1,916 |
Integrated Personnel Protection System | $1,156 |
Integrated Radar Optical Surveillance and Sighting System (ROSS) | $10,200 |
Integrated Vehicle Health Management System | $2,514 |
Integrated WMD Detection and Collection System (Note: only to perform applied RDT&E to integrate a nuclear, chemical and bio-detection system for multiple mobile applications associated with the Dragon Eye-Advanced Tactical Reconnaissance Program) | $968 |
Intelligence Work Management (Note: that these funds shall support the transition of this technology to Navy and joint forces operational use) | $1,640 |
Intelligent Autonomous Networks & Systems (AINS) (Note: only for Phase II STTR (N02-T015) demonstration and validation of the ad-hoc data communications system for the AINS program) | $969 |
Intelligent Autonomy Tech Transition Program | $2,417 |
Intelligent Control System for SWARM | $3,669 |
Intelligent Systems Consortium Initiative | $1,461 |
Interrogator for High-Speed Retro-Reflector Convert Communications | $1,928 |
Joint Analytical Modeling Improvement Program (JAMIP) JWARS | $3,762 |
Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System (JEDMICS) | $1,928 |
Joint Helment Mounted Cueing System (JHCMS) | $4,993 |
Joint Integrated Systems Technology for Digital Networking (JIST-NET) | $4,900 |
Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) | $4,200 |
Joint Operational Test bed (JOTBS) | $4,379 |
Joint Stand-off Weapon (JSOW), AGM-154 | $1,700 |
Kill Assist Adverse-Weather Targeting System (KAATS) | $1,640 |
LADAR-Laser Radar | $2,026 |
LASH ASW, EPAS and IR | $4,259 |
LASH MCM/ISR | $3,278 |
Large Aperture Bow Array | $2,417 |
Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (LUUV) Test Bed | $1,643 |
Laser Augmented Ship Self-Defense | $1,652 |
Life Cycle Savings through Machinery Health Monitoring (Note: only to continue the development of technologies needed to implement condition-based maintenance practices) | $2,000 |
Light Weight Armored Troop Seat (SWATS) for H-60 | $1,000 |
Lightweight Ship Structures (LSS) (Note: only for an initiative to focus on optimizing and qualifying a family of high strength scandium containing marine grade aluminum alloys) | $963 |
Litening Pod Downlink Development Program (LPDD) to design, build, test and field video downlink upgrades | $1,000 |
Littoral AWS Mission for Rigid Hull-Inflatable Boat (RHIB) (Note: only for adaptation and testing of a Variable Depth Sonar system ASW mission package payload for the RHIB) | $964 |
Littoral Acoustic Anti-Submarine Warfare Acoustics (Note: only for P-3 controller software upgrades to exploit ASW enhancements) | $1,293 |
Littoral Array | $2,277 |
Littoral Support Craft-Experimental (Note: only to complete X-craft fabrication, at-sea 50-knot demonstration, and at-sea LCS mission module demonstration) | $9,682 |
Littoral TB-23 towed array | $3,457 |
Littoral Tactical Array System (Note: only to leverage investment made in towed sensor technology, COTS electronics and APB process to complete the Littoral Tactical Array System development) | $999 |
Location Specific Digital Fingerprinting (LSDF) | $1,446 |
Low Cost Terminal Imaging Seeker (Note: only to develop and test guidance and control strategies and seeker signal processing algorithms in a simulation environment) | $4,341 |
Low Power Mega-Performance UAV Processing Engines | $1,928 |
Low Volume Productivity | $1,446 |
Low-Cost Rapid Prototype/Production Technology for Polymeric Aircraft Components Initiative (Note: only for completion of this initiative) | $2,225 |
M2C2 | $5,787 |
MDETEC | $1,953 |
MK 48 ADCAP Torpedo Improvement program | $2,000 |
MK-54 Torpedo | $1,500 |
MK41 VLS Open Architecture Upgrades | $3,000 |
MRC-105 Emergency Radio (Note: for engineering and development of a complete portable emergency communications system) | $964 |
MSS Mission Planning, Automation and Adaptive Bandwidth Management | $4,867 |
MTTC/IPI and NSTC Shipboard System Component Development | $5,792 |
Magneto Inductive Signaling Device (MISC) | $3,400 |
Magneto Rheological Shock Engine Mount | $989 |
Magnetorestrictive Transduction Research | $3,859 |
Marine Advanced Combat Suit (MACS) | $2,100 |
Marine Airborne Re-Transmission System (MARTS) | $3,368 |
Marine Corps Communications Systems-AN/TPS-59 | $2,577 |
Marine Corps Corrosion Center of Excellence | $1,400 |
Marine Corps Wideband Communications | $4,102 |
Marine Mammal Detection and Mitigation | $1,500 |
Marine Mammal Research program | $1,063 |
Marine Mammal Tracking and Migration (Note: only to develop and deploy technologies to mitigate marine mammal presence and allow the Navy to safely operate active sonar systems in regions of interest to national security) | $959 |
Maritime Synthetic Range | $4,148 |
Mark V Patrol Boat Replacement Craft Prototype | $1,448 |
Medical Procedures Reference Tool (MPRT) | $3,293 |
MetaModel | $1,433 |
Metallic Materials Advanced Development and Certification | $3,305 |
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems-Inertial Measurement Units (MEMS-IMU) | $2,701 |
Micro-Detonics for Miniature Weapons | $2,701 |
Micro-System Fuze/Safe and Arm Devices | $964 |
Military Dental Research | $3,367 |
Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance/flight data analysis | $1,000 |
Military Rapid Response Command Information System | $1,700 |
Millimeter/Terahertz Imaging Arrays | $2,026 |
Mine Warfare Technology Solutions (MWTS) | $2,507 |
Miniature Automatic Fusion Splicer | $964 |
Miniature Autonomous Vehicles (MAVs) | $1,737 |
Miniaturized Combat Identification System | $960 |
Minimally Invasive Surgical Technology Institute (MISTI) (Note: only to continue the ongoing CSMC Program) | $2,897 |
Missile Warning Sensor | $2,413 |
Mobile Fire Support System 120mm Mortar "Dragon Fire" | $987 |
Mobile On-Scene Senor Aircraft C4I Center | $963 |
Modeling and Simulation Research to Support C4ISR Development | $5,787 |
Modeling the Warrior as a Cognitive System-Phase II | $1,640 |
Modular Advanced Vision System (Note: to decrease logistics costs by pilots retaining the same basic helmet inner module for use with various outer modules) | $3,082 |
Modular Advanced Vision System-smart vision system visor | $1,000 |
Modular Upgrades to Airborne Recon Sensors | $3,361 |
Motion Coupled Visual Environment (MOCOVE) for Motion Sickness Relief (Transferred from Title IV-DHP) | $963 |
Multi-Mission Helicopter Legacy Subsystems Improvement Program | $1,700 |
Multi-Mission Modules for additional VA Class payload capacity and flexibility | $19,233 |
Multi-Sensor Analyzer Detector (MSAD) III | $1,641 |
Multi-functional, High-Performance Dual Band Imaging | $1,640 |
Multi-mission Warhead for Ultra-Light Torpedo | $2,220 |
Multifunctional Materials for Naval Structures | $1,545 |
Multivalent Dengue Vaccine Program | $1,941 |
NADEP Cherry Point Center for Vertical Lift Aircraft Repair and maintenance technology program | $1,933 |
NAIF | $5,787 |
NAVAIR Maintenance Data Warehouse | $2,126 |
NULKA | $1,500 |
Nano-Imprint at Manufacturing Scale | $2,675 |
Nano-composite hard-coat for aircraft canopies (Note: only to support the development of nano-composite hard-coat materials for use on aircraft windscreens and canopies) | $2,227 |
Nanoparticle Materials Research | $1,065 |
Nanoscience Research | $1,446 |
National Center for Advanced Secure System Research | $4,822 |
National Center for Excellence for Non-Lethal Technology Research, Development, Testing and Training | $2,550 |
National Security training | $963 |
National Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (UUV) Test and Evaluation Center | $5,766 |
Naval Training, Performance, and Expertise | $963 |
Naval smartships that anticipate and manage (Note: for research activity at the Crane Surface Warfare Center for Joint Distance Support and Response and Integrated Fleet Support) | $1,000 |
Navy Intelligent Agent Security Module-for research and development of offensive capabilities | $955 |
Navy Law Enforcement Information Exchange (LiNX) (Note; only for the Navy Law Enforcement Exchange System for force protection at Pearl Harbor, Hampton Roads, and Puget Sound) | $4,059 |
Navy Logistics Research Readiness Center (NLRRC) (Note: only to establish a NLRRC to focus government, academic and industry expertise toward developing and instituting Readiness Based Sparing (RBS) tools and processes) | $1,000 |
Navy Medical System Configuration and Test Bed (NMSCTB) | $5,048 |
Navy Readiness Response Center (RRC) | $2,513 |
Navy S&T Outreach | $1,832 |
Navy/Marine Corps Advanced measurement standards R&D (Note: only for the development of advanced measurement standards and metrology systems to support the Navy and Marine Corps testing needs) | $4,200 |
Network Centric Warfare Enabled Off Board Sensor | $993 |
Network Centric Warfare Testbed | $4,934 |
Neural Engineering Research | $963 |
Next Generation Mobile Electronic Warfare Support | $3,348 |
Night Vision Tube Technology Development | $1,645 |
Non-Cooperative Combat Identification Capability | $1,645 |
Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) for Unmanned Systems | $4,149 |
Non-Tact Data Processing System (Note: only for maintenance, administrative training, education and supply processing system-MATES-project) | $1,925 |
Noninvasive Vectored Vaccine Research | $1,209 |
Nonlinear Systems Research Center | $1,260 |
Novel Materials Synthesis and Characterization | $3,376 |
Novel Silicon Carbide Technology Development | $963 |
Nursing Telehealth Research | $2,507 |
Oceanographic Sensors for Mine Countermeasures/Autonomous Marine Sensors (Note: only for the continuation of applied research in autonomous marine sensors) | $2,412 |
Odor Signature Reduction Baselayer Garment Evaluation | $384 |
Online Web-based Learning Development Program | $2,500 |
Optimizing Adaptive Warrior Performance | $2,026 |
Organ Transplant Technology | $1,954 |
PMRF Force Protection Lab | $7,714 |
Pacific Theater Data Fusion Testbed | $2,412 |
Pacific-Based Joint Information Technology Center | $8,199 |
Partnership Simulation Lab for Health Professions Education | $2,412 |
Passive Collision Avoidance and Reconnaissance (PCAR) for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | $988 |
Personal Digital Assistant Maintenance Application Project | $965 |
Photonics Prototyping Facility | $4,052 |
Playas Instrumentation Network Design and Development | $2,904 |
Porous Materials (Note: only to continue research into porous material characterization) | $1,447 |
Portable Methanol Fuel Cell | $964 |
Precision Fabrication of Large Curved Steel Navy Ship Structures | $1,939 |
Precision Terrain Aided Navigation (PTAN) Titanium Matrix Composites (TMC) for warhead applications | $4,000 |
Programmable Integrated Communications Terminals (PICTS) | $1,349 |
Project Albert | $3,400 |
Project Endeavor | $1,641 |
Project M | $1,832 |
Protective Purnice Technology (Note: only to accelerate further development and testing of purnice walls) | $2,100 |
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Trial | $2,701 |
Quiet High Speed Propulsion | $3,473 |
RF Vacuum Electronics Power Amplifiers | $963 |
Radar/Video Fusion Vessel and Port Security Demonstration | $963 |
Radiant Sunrise Development, integration, deployment | $963 |
Rapid Deployment Fortification Wall (RDFW) | $966 |
Rapid Detection and Response Systems for Biodefense | $2,026 |
Rapid and Highly Sensitive Detector of Biowarfare Agents | $2,026 |
Rare Blood Program | $965 |
Real Time Image Processing-Silicon Brain-for developing a High Performance, Vision-based Processor for missile interceptors | $1,500 |
Realign JFN/JSIP-N (see R-1 line 74) | $3,000 |
Realignment of Advance Processor Builds to continue MPP/ARCI SBIR Phase III technology insertion (See R-1 line 54) | $9,906 |
Regenerative Filtration Tech for EFV | $3,500 |
Remote Ocean Surveillance System (ROSS) | $1,446 |
Remote Sensing Research | $963 |
Research of Frequency Selective Surfaces and Thermal Signatures-INEEL | $1,775 |
Room Elevated Temperature Stable Hemoglobin-based Oxygen Carrier | $5,132 |
Rotorcraft External Airbag Protection Sys (REAPS) | $3,690 |
SAUVIM | $1,254 |
SE Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Sys (SEA-COOS) (Note: only continue dev of integrated sustained ocean observing sys to spt safe navigation, maritime ops, & characterization of envir conditions for training exercises & homeland security) | $4,822 |
SEALION Cascading Vehicles (Note: only to initiate a demonstration of advanced capabilities for convert insertion of manned and unmanned assets from a medium-range maritime platform.) | $8,149 |
SEAdeep | $2,412 |
SECUREnet | $4,600 |
SEE-Rescue distress streamer | $2,968 |
SH-60B Hellfire Sea Target Laser Aim Scoring System (STLASS) | $903 |
SPAWAR Covert Com and Info Transfer (CCIT) | $959 |
SPAWAR Information Technology Center | $6,438 |
SURA Coastal Ocean Observation Program (SCOOP) | $2,506 |
Sandwich Panel Construction | $3,860 |
Screen Display System (Note: only to support continued development, integration and qualification testing of a screen display system) | $1,000 |
Sea Test for Towed Acoustic Arrays | $1,928 |
Sensornet-Common Data Highway for Comprehensive Incident Management for CBRNE threats | $11,574 |
Sentinel Net for Anti-terrorism and Force Protection Forces | $1,100 |
Service Life Extension of Avionics Legacy Equipment with Guaranteed System (SEALEGS) Software (Note: only for technology based on a successful Navy Dual Use Science and Technology Program for SEALEGS compatible mission computer) | $1,936 |
Shallow Water Sensor Buoy Tech (Note: only for dev efforts to assess the shallow water envir by measuring the sound velocity profile, ambient noise, acoustic transmission loss & reverberation, with a buoy signal processing & satellite com) | $1,288 |
Shared Reconnaissance Pod (SHARP) (Note: only for SHARP sensor P3I including CMOS, imaging modules hyperspectral insertion and Advanced Airborne Image Processor modules) | $6,725 |
Shipboard Information Warfare Exploit | $4,151 |
Shipboard Leveraged Electronic Warfare System (SLEWS) | $3,500 |
Shipboard Personal Locator Beacon | $2,218 |
Shipboard Use of Alternative Composition Pipes | $1,639 |
Shipboard Wireless Maintenance Assistant (SWMA) | $970 |
Shipboard Wireless Mobile Computing Environment (Note: only for the continued development of shipboard wireless mobile computing environment initiated under SBIR N99-106) | $1,637 |
Ships Signal Exploitation Equipment (SSEE) | $962 |
Silicon Carbide MMIC Producability Program | $3,000 |
Silver Fox UAV (NAVAIR) | $4,836 |
Silver Fox Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) | $2,413 |
Small Watercraft Propulsion Demonstrator | $1,447 |
Smart Integrated Data Environment (SIDE) (Note: only for development of a prototype | $962 |
Smart Sensor Web Advanced Technology (Note: only for Phase II of the Smart Sensor Web Advanced Technology Program) | $1,737 |
Smart Signal Parser and Actionable Intelligence Extractor (SSP AIE) | $3,105 |
Sociable Signal Processing Architecture | $1,929 |
Somatic Cell Processing Program (Diabetes Research) | $1,349 |
Space Surveillance Technology | $3,375 |
Specially Optical Fiber with embedded sensors | $2,000 |
Spectral beam Combining Fiber Lasers | $987 |
Strategic Mobility-21 Deployment Technology (Note: only for the Agile Port and High Speed Ship technology) | $4,149 |
Structural Reliability of FRP Composites in Ship Assemblies | $968 |
Study to Identify & Evaluate Alternative Fixed-Wing Lift Platforms | $967 |
Submarine COTS Web Enabled Service Toolkit | $3,370 |
Submarine Common Electronics Equipment replacement | $3,840 |
Submarine Information Assurance | $1,444 |
Submarine Littoral Warfare Weapon | $2,909 |
Submarine Maintenance Free Operating Periods (MFOP) (Note: only for the application of MFOP concepts as the supportability strategy for the Tactical Control System) | $934 |
Submarine Warfare System (SWS) Weapon Status Control, remote maintenance and FORCEnet integration | $1,534 |
Submarine Warfare System Strike Weapon Status Control | $2,877 |
Submarine payloads and sensors program | $5,000 |
Superconducting DC Homopolar Motor | $3,574 |
Supply Chain Practices for affordable Navy systems (SPANS) | $964 |
Surface Navy Integrated Undersea Tactical Technology-Mine Warfare | $1,500 |
Surface Ship ASW R&D Improvements (SQQ-89) (Note: only for Surface Ship MPP SBIR Phase II Improvements) | $7,500 |
Surface Ship Combat System Warfighting Enhancements | $1,600 |
Surface Ship Composite Moisture Separators (Note: only for the design, development, testing and manufacture of composite radar absorbing moisture separators) | $2,315 |
Surface Ship Electronic Warfare (EW) Improvements (Note: only for surface ship EW SBIR Phase III improvements) | $10,200 |
Synthetic Material Arresting Cable | $960 |
TADIRCM-Antimissile Technology | $6,559 |
TES-N/DCGS-N Node at Patuxent River Naval Air Station | $3,765 |
Tactical 3D Common Operational Picture (T3DCOP) | $2,499 |
Tactical E Field Buoy Development Program (Note: only for Air ASW Technology Development program to support the design, fabrication and testing of a tactical E-field buoy for littoral anti-submarine warfare) | $3,666 |
Technologies for Future Naval Capabilities | $1,254 |
Telepresent Rapid Aiming Platform (TRAP) | $978 |
Testing Evaluation and Demonstration of Webster | $1,446 |
Theater Support Vessel Hull Material Development | $1,928 |
Theater Undersea Warfare Initiative | $7,330 |
Thermal Management Systems for High Density Electronics | $5,787 |
Thin Plate Pure Lead Technology in Submarine Batteries | $4,704 |
Tissue and Limb Transplantation Medical Technology Development | $2,413 |
Titanium Based Liquid metal Alloy for Advanced Aerospace Applications | $1,350 |
Titanium Matrix Composites | $1,543 |
Total Fleet Support (TFS) | $1,600 |
Total Ship Training System (TSTS)-Training Exercise and Management System (TEAMS) | $1,000 |
Transportable Laser Induced Plasma Channel (UPC) Demonstration System | $12,203 |
Transportable Transponder Landing System | $3,500 |
Transportable Transponder Landing System (TTLS) | $1,943 |
Trouble Reporting Information Data Warehouse | $1,000 |
U.S. Marine Corps Electronic Battlefield fusion | $963 |
UNLOS Research Vessel | $1,737 |
USMC Cost of Readiness (COR) Initiatives | $960 |
USMC Hitchhiker | $1,648 |
USMC LAV Integrated Digital and Collaboration Environment service net | $2,000 |
Ultra Short Pulse Laser micromachiningg | $1,640 |
Ultrasonic Consolidation of Matrix Composites | $964 |
Unattended Imaging Sensor Network (UISN) | $963 |
Underwater Intrusion Detection Sonar | $1,000 |
Unexploded Ordnance Detection Airborne Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) | $4,000 |
Unmanned Force Augmentation System | $974 |
Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicles for Maritime Missions | $3,408 |
Unmanned Systems Technologies for Explosive Ordnance Disposal | $4,158 |
Upgrade and Enhance Instrumentation and Integrated Range Support at Patuxent River Naval Air Station and Webster Field in support of UAV and UCAV testing | $1,100 |
Urban Operations Environmental Laboratory | $4,200 |
Urban Operations Nonlethal and Scalable Weaponization | $1,824 |
V-22 Environmental Control System Upgrade | $3,793 |
Varicraft | $6,079 |
Vigilant Network Centric Security Data System | $483 |
Virginia Class SSN Combat System Technology Insertion (Note: only for VA Class SSN MPP SIBR phase 3) | $2,411 |
Virginia Class SSN Combat System Technology Insertion SBIR (S) N96-278 and N03-049 | $1,629 |
Virtual At Sea Training Initiative | $964 |
Virtual Clinical Learning Lab (VCLL) for Nursing and Other Health Professions | $1,928 |
Virtual Perimeter Monitoring Systems | $3,377 |
Volume Point Sensors (moved from Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense) | $1,927 |
Wave Power Demonstration Project | $3,286 |
WeCan: Web centric ASW net | $4,147 |
Web-based Technology Insertion (Note: only for the Expeditionary Warfare Testbed NSWC, Panama City) | $963 |
Widebandgap Materials for Power Electronics | $1,640 |