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List of Accounts for the Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration

In fiscal year 2005, there were 17 earmarks totaling $38,787,000 for appropriations accounts.

This database is not designed, and cannot accurately be used, to identify the congressional sponsors of earmarks. In addition, the recipient listed in the database may not in all cases represent the ultimate beneficiary of the earmark.

Contact Information: http://WWW.DOT.GOV    202-366-4570

Click on the account name to view the list of earmarks within the account.

* NOTE: In the "Status" column a status of "certified" indicates that an agency official has certified that the data for the account is the fullest possible disclosure of earmarks according to guidance.

Accounts # of 2005 Earmarks Amount ($K) Status*
Alaska railroad rehabilitation1$24,800Certified
Next generation high-speed rail13$11,755Certified
Railroad research and development3$2,232Certified

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