Office of Management and Budget Print this document

Reports to Congress on the Costs and Benefits
of Federal Regulations

Table 6: Economically Significant Final Rules
(4/1/96 - 3/31/97)

Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agriculture Service: CCC Supplier Credit Guarantee Program
Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing
Farm Service Agency: 1995-Crop Sugarcane and Sugar Beet Price-Support Loan Rates
Farm Program Provisions of the 1996 Farm Bill
Peanut Poundage Quota Regulations --
7 CFR Part 729 (Interim Final)
Conservation Reserve Program --
Long Term Policy
Federal Crop Insurance Corp.: Catastrophic Risk Protection Endorsement
General Administrative Regulations...
Subpart T
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: Karnal Bunt
Food Safety and Inspection Service: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
Food and Consumer Service: Certification Provisions (Mickey Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act), Food Stamp Program
Child and Adult Care Food Program: Targeting of Day Care Home Reimbursements
(Interim Final)
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Export Administration: Encryption Items Transferred from the U.S. Munitions List to the Commerce Control List
Department of Health and Human Services
Health Care Financing Administration: Limits on Aggregate Payments to Disproportionate Share Hospitals
Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems FY 1997 Rates
Medicare Revisions to Policies Under Physician Fee Schedule 1997
Requirements for Physician Incentive Plans in Prepaid HCOs
Individual Market Health Insurance Reform
(Interim Final)
Food and Drug Administration: Food Labeling Nutrition Labeling, Small Business Exemption
Medical Devices: CGMP Quality Systems Regulation
Sale And Distribution of Tobacco
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Housing: Single-Family Mortgage Insurance
(Interim Final)
Sale of HUD-Held Single-Family Mortgages
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting - Final Frameworks
Early Season
Migratory Bird Hunting - Final Frameworks
Late Season
Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service: Inspection and Expedited Removal of Aliens
(Interim Final)
Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration: Service Contract Act Standards for
Federal Service Contracts
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Methylene Chloride
Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Occupant Crash Protection (Airbag Depowering)
Light Truck Corporate Average Fuel Economy MY 1999
Federal Railroad Administration: Roadway Worker Protection
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response: Accidental Release Prevention - 112(r)
Financial Assurance for Local Gov't. Owners of MSW Landfills
Office of Air and Radiation: Deposit Control Gasoline
Acid Rain Phase II NOx
Federal Test Procedure Revisions
Voluntary Standards for Light Duty Vehicles (49-State)
Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances: Lead-Based Paint Activities in Target Housing
Social Security Administration
Cycling Payment of Social Security Benefits
Determining Disability for Individuals Under Age 18 (Interim Final)
COMMON RULE -- Health and Human Services/Labor/Treasury:
Health Insurance Portability of Group Health Plans
(Interim Final)

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