Office of Management and Budget Print this document

Health Economist/Decision Scientist

     Many areas in which the federal government regulates involve issues concerning the provision of health care and protection of public health. These include the administration of Medicare and Medicaid, the safety of our food supply, and the approval process for new drugs. In developing regulations, an understanding of the economics of the health care market and decision science is often crucial to better understand the benefits of specific regulatory options and to help develop appropriate regulatory strategies.

     The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), an office within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is seeking an experienced health economist or decision scientist to help in its oversight of agency regulatory policy. OIRA resides in the Executive Office of the President and is responsible for reviewing regulations from agencies of the executive branch under Executive Order 12866. OIRA staff assess the regulations, work with the agencies to improve them, and advise Administration decisionmakers. An important part of this function is an assessment of the benefits and costs of agency regulatory actions. An assessment of the implications of regulations on the provision of health care and overall public health, for example, plays an important role in policies developed by the Environmental Protection Agency, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services, as well as many other agencies.

     The health economist will work with OIRA and agency staff in evaluating the impact of agency regulations on the health care sector and on overall public health. This will involve evaluation of agency assessments of the relationship between hazards and human health, and of the unintended consequences of federal intervention in the provision of health care. The health economist will also advise senior policy officials within OMB and the White House on regulatory and information policy issues and participate in the development and execution of Presidential initiatives.

     Candidates should have graduate training (M.S., MPP, MBA. or Ph.D.) in economics or decision science. Specialized training or work experience in the health field is preferable. Working in OIRA also requires excellent written and oral communication skills, and the ability to provide well-reasoned and accurate analysis in a high-pressure environment.

     Interested candidates should contact Stuart Shapiro at (202) 395-7316 or email him at

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