Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document
Fiscal Year 1996
Obligations for Information Technology
(in thousands of dollars)
Equipment Capital Purchases Other Purchases Leases Software Capital Purchases Other Purchases Leases Services Support Services Supplies Personnel Other (DOD) Intra-Gov't Payments Intra-Gov't Collections Total Obligations Work-years


1.A 1.B 2.A 2.B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Agriculture 178,000 35,000 35,000 20,000 55,000 190,000 21,000 335,000 0 407,000 -199,000 1,077,000 6,196
AID 7,200 700 1,700 400 34,400 7,400 800 7,600 0 2,800 0 63,000 115
Commerce 154,229 15,793 34,165 6,701 46,798 200,120 18,246 170,059 0 45,635 -30,872 660,874 2,492
Defense -
1,204,148 860,491 222,158 219,843 2,681,199 2,861,284 199,775 3,004,744 314,781 2,577,565 -3,583,242 10,562,746 62,582
Army 285,635 78,143 61,573 39,071 255,636 477,743 49,722 480,583 55,194 376,970 -66,875 2,093,395 10,232
Navy 190,002 319,952 23,770 63,110 310,728 473,252 45,470 667,200 32,812 649,094 -622,880 2,152,510 13,124
Air Force 178,121 263,921 4,593 11,799 232,907 459,432 51,630 1,145,494 39,500 632,136 -239,635 2,779,898 26,589
Defense -
550,390 198,475 132,222 105,863 1,881,928 1,450,857 52,953 711,467 187,275 919,365 -2,653,852 3,536,943 12,637
Education 7,200 0 2,200 0 5,300 260,500 0 17,100 0 28,100 -15,800 304,600 266
Energy 187,300 143,000 32,100 71,400 122,700 689,700 49,100 69,100 0 21,000 -800 1,384,600 877
Corps of
16,000 22,000 9,000 2,000 38,000 41,000 2,000 35,000 0 3,000 -60,000 108,000 949
EPA 30,960 18,843 9,234 3,487 26,554 153,698 2,121 82,093 0 27,652 -331 354,311 1,257
FEMA 11,404 2,489 9,251 524 30,813 28,192 1,518 24,617 0 10,309 -300 120,813 418
GSA 78,000 5,000 9,000 1,000 23,000 2,305,000 9,000 152,000 0 83,000 -2,025,000 641,000 2,189
HHS 76,000 83,000 13,000 16,000 313,000 585,000 11,000 208,000 0 1,451,000 -70,000 2,685,000 3,231
HUD 2,000 26,000 500 4,100 39,800 93,000 4,500 21,500 0 7,000 -100 198,300 325
USIA 14,600 300 5,100 2,100 22,300 5,200 1,300 15,300 0 3,000 0 69,200 339
Interior 69,170 23,068 18,393 8,660 23,069 124,559 8,825 193,851 0 59,532 -36,345 492,782 3,016
Justice 195,500 117,100 79,000 10,900 224,300 264,300 39,400 167,000 0 297,600 -205,100 1,190,200 2,953
Labor 27,483 14,627 3,171 6,599 21,110 69,226 4,751 27,923 0 31,737 -21,889 184,738 540
NASA 256,300 51,878 25,731 14,394 70,777 937,247 27,027 100,055 0 48,040 -6,698 1,524,754 1,497
NRC 4,000 7,600 500 1,000 2,400 26,100 200 11,500 0 20,500 0 73,700 144
OPM 1,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 18,000 1,000 20,000 0 5,000 -1,000 51,000 333
SSA 32,854 236,954 5,198 2,465 33,676 83,714 6,054 263,905 0 75,689 0 740,509 5,073
State 53,000 0 5,000 0 123,000 36,000 10,000 121,000 0 2,000 -10,000 340,000 1,954
443,050 162,266 466,369 50,913 348,243 214,215 22,649 81,370 0 60,442 -57,180 1,792,338 987
Treasury 211,400 29,400 54,800 21,700 417,000 350,500 55,400 584,000 0 381,500 -398,500 1,707,200 10,162
VA 321,000 3,000 11,000 17,000 59,000 151,000 25,000 288,000 0 107,000 -64,000 918,000 5,809
TOTALS 3,581,798 1,863,509 1,052,570 482,186 4,763,439 9,694,955 520,666 6,000,717 314,781 5,756,101 -6,786,157 27,244,665 113,704

Fiscal Year 1997
Obligations for Information Technology
(in thousands of dollars)
Equipment Capital Purchases Other Purchases Leases Software Capital Purchases Other Purchases Leases Services Support Services Supplies Personnel Other (DOD) Intra-Gov't Payments Intra-Gov't Collections Total Obligations Work-years


1.A 1.B 2.A 2.B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Agriculture 183,000 42,000 44,000 25,000 60,000 229,000 21,000 349,000 0 452,000 -218,000 1,187,000 6,351
AID 4,800 1,900 1,600 400 33,700 9,900 1,100 8,000 0 2,100 0 63,500 104.1
Commerce 203,252 18,720 25,332 7,001 50,786 251,394 18,122 189,881 0 24,619 -32,137 756,970 2,608
Defense -
1,240,815 520,420 216,987 211,601 2,773,822 2,832,167 166,639 3,060,313 365,949 2,460,597 -3,676,825 10,172,845 61,745
Army 268,937 53,151 52,822 32,069 198,703 486,856 38,238 488,345 74,482 373,386 -63,599 2,003,750 10,165
Navy 236,178 230,034 24,812 79,415 302,766 483,322 38,622 660,914 33,402 595,374 -534,282 2,150,557 12,821
Air Force 247,090 104,386 9,219 7,287 215,393 433,926 40,326 1,165,357 67,940 606,260 -282,124 2,615,060 26,349
Defense -
488,610 132,849 130,134 92,830 2,056,960 1,428,063 49,453 745,697 190,125 885,577 -2,796,820 3,403,478 12,410
Education 6,100 0 1,100 0 6,200 322,000 0 17,600 0 27,400 -13,200 367,200 263
Energy 197,000 147,600 31,800 78,800 129,500 706,800 50,700 70,000 0 20,500 -500 1,432,200 857
Corps of
12,000 32,000 10,000 11,000 33,000 38,000 2,000 34,000 0 3,000 -48,000 127,000 918
EPA 38,303 12,461 12,931 3,875 31,823 258,829 12,653 87,652 0 139,000 -134,153 463,373 1,313
FEMA 9,235 1,885 3,320 610 24,000 26,062 2,046 24,086 0 9,150 -600 101,791 412
GSA 87,000 6,000 10,000 1,000 26,000 2,745,000 7,000 156,000 0 81,000 -2,643,000 476,000 1,961
HHS 80,000 76,000 34,000 12,000 80,000 588,000 9,000 226,000 0 1,281,000 -76,000 2,311,000 3,273
HUD 3,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 40,200 132,900 3,500 22,000 0 8,000 -100 218,500 330
USIA 18,600 300 2,600 2,100 22,400 5,300 1,300 15,600 0 3,000 0 71,200 350
Interior 77,450 24,967 17,499 8,113 22,547 119,873 9,223 191,784 0 61,616 -27,815 505,257 2,965
Justice 172,900 121,000 76,000 10,700 255,200 333,700 42,300 186,800 0 311,500 -209,600 1,301,000 3,103
Labor 19,588 11,161 2,137 3,803 22,690 79,349 3,994 29,586 0 30,831 -22,824 180,315 540
NASA 243,643 30,892 33,903 13,348 70,829 1,006,347 15,258 99,443 0 35,966 -7,075 1,542,553 1,444
NRC 4,000 7,600 500 1,000 2,400 26,100 200 11,500 0 20,500 0 73,700 144
OPM 2,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 15,000 1,000 19,000 0 7,000 -1,000 52,000 352
SSA 39,471 102,021 858 3,743 34,590 132,611 5,617 272,974 0 69,818 0 661,703 5,017
State 65,000 0 6,000 0 109,000 33,000 11,000 124,000 0 2,000 -10,000 340,000 1,885
412,295 159,417 419,690 46,937 354,140 228,669 21,374 83,379 0 58,119 -60,271 1,718,749 951
Treasury 125,000 13,800 40,800 5,800 499,300 352,600 43,000 615,800 0 410,000 -451,700 1,654,400 9,716
VA 279,000 2,000 8,000 24,000 60,000 138,000 22,000 276,000 0 123,000 -51,000 882,000 5,447
TOTALS 3,523,452 1,342,144 1,002,057 473,831 4,744,127 10,610,601 470,026 6,170,398 365,949 5,641,716 -7,683,800 26,660,256 112,049

Fiscal Year 1998
(President's Budget)
Obligations for Information Technology
(in thousands of dollars)
Equipment Capital Purchases Other Purchases Leases Software Capital Purchases Other Purchases Leases Services Support Services Supplies Personnel Other (DOD) Intra-Gov't Payments Intra-Gov't Collections Total Obligations



1.A 1.B 2.A 2.B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Agriculture 153,000 50,000 32,000 32,000 61,000 270,000 20,000 355,000 0 489,000 -226,000 1,236,000 6,356
AID 4000 1900 1900 500 31800 9900 1100 8300 0 2100 0 61500 113.1
Commerce 240,843 22,203 29,163 7,880 54,853 258,943 18,706 199,460 0 25,133 -29,216 827,968 2,663
Defense -
1,238,680 519,419 186,760 222,412 2,870,122 2,929,353 177,186 3,023,569 281,826 2,533,415 -3,709,705 10,273,037 59,723
Army 264,896 68,630 56,389 35,384 212,964 531,932 38,904 477,606 65,138 353,128 -74,138 2,030,833 9,910
Navy 265,463 202,720 30,331 71,849 309,957 457,220 39,338 671,817 30,956 616,353 -515,533 2,180,471 12,578
Air Force 273,487 113,176 10,669 9,555 225,550 465,333 50,739 1,168,447 42,787 614,545 -276,988 2,697,300 25,678
Defense -
434,834 134,893 89,371 105,624 2,121,651 1,474,868 48,205 705,699 142,945 949,389 -2,843,046 3,364,433 11,557
Education 11,100 0 3,100 0 5,800 364,900 0 18,300 0 39,100 -25,100 417,200 262
Energy 254,400 161,300 30,800 70,900 124,400 714,200 53,000 70,800 0 20,700 -500 1,500,000 816
Corps of
12,000 31,000 10,000 11,000 30,000 39,000 2,000 34,000 0 3,000 -46,000 126,000 900
EPA 33,179 12,521 12,979 3,852 32,068 263,027 16,710 90,553 0 132,000 -127,302 469,587 1,430
FEMA 4,449 1,885 3,320 610 21750 25,951 2,075 24,540 0 9,167 -600 95,145 410
GSA 72,000 5,000 11,000 1,000 24,000 3,029,000 8,000 152,000 0 75,000 -2,945,000 431,000 1,873
HHS 73,000 85,000 7,000 12,000 83,000 613,000 10,000 233,000 0 1,302,000 -82,000 2,335,000 3,268
HUD 3,000 7,000 2,000 3,000 42,400 168,000 2,000 23,000 0 8,500 -200 258,700 330
USIA 15,000 300 2,500 2,000 21,300 5,000 1,200 15,200 0 2,900 0 65,400 333
Interior 80,837 23,692 21,636 8,910 22,771 136,963 9,817 198,700 0 66,178 -28,787 540,717 2,983
Justice 126,300 125,800 40,300 9,300 271,900 327,000 42,000 205,000 0 329,200 -217,600 1,259,700 2,997
Labor 16,614 11,359 2,019 4,321 22,353 81,510 3,903 30,404 0 31,159 -23,135 180,507 538
NASA 192,712 32,469 35,619 12,656 63,508 887,555 13,201 92,995 0 71,615 -3,700 1,398,627 1,316
NRC 200 3,200 0 700 2,400 16,500 100 11,400 0 21,700 0 56,200 130
OPM 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 19,000 1,000 20,000 0 7,000 -5,000 56,000 341
SSA 83,052 96,080 8,062 7,618 26,941 99,403 4,437 285,970 0 67,753 0 679,316 5,043
State 89,000 0 7,000 0 123,000 35,000 11,000 129,000 0 2,000 -10,000 386,000 1,885
448,087 164,681 441,041 49,706 361,571 235,474 20,978 84,281 0 61,008 -65,351 1,801,476 953
Treasury 160,900 13,200 46,400 6,000 492,300 371,700 43,000 554,400 0 410,400 -454,500 1,643,800 8,880
VA 235,000 3,000 5,000 25,000 65,000 147,000 25,000 293,000 0 129,000 -53,000 874,000 5,600
TOTALS 3,552,353 1,376,009 941,599 492,365 4,856,237 11,047,379 486,413 6,152,872 281,826 5,839,028 -8,052,696 26,972,880 109,143

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