to OMB's Draft Report to Congress on the Costs and Benefits of Federal
you for responding to the request for comments on Federal regulations
that we make each year in our draft Report
to Congress on the Costs and Benefits of Federal Regulations
(March 28, 2002) . Our report provides (a) an overview
of the Bush Administration's centralized approach to federal regulatory
policy; (b) a statement of the costs and benefits of federal
regulations, including assessments of their impact on State, local
and tribal governments, small businesses, wages and economic growth;
and (c) recommendations for regulatory reforms. The report
will be published in final form after revisions to this draft are
made based on public comment, external peer review, and interagency
we request comments on all aspects of the draft, we have provided
an on-line process and format for you to submit recommendations
for reform. These include (1) reforms to specific regulations
that might extend or expand existing regulatory programs; simplify
or modify existing rules; or rescind outmoded or unnecessary rules;
and (2) problematic agency "guidance" documents, as we discuss
them in the report. We are also particularly interested in the
identification of specific regulations, guidance documents and
paperwork requirements that impose especially large burdens on
small businesses and other small entities without an adequate
benefit justification.
will accept these comments during the 60-day period ending on
May 28, 2002. Please note that your reply will become part of
a public record. If you are using our electronic template for
comments regarding reforms to regulations or guidance documents,
please note that your name is a required field. All other fields
are optional. The more information you can provide us regarding
your suggestion, however, the easier it will be for us to address
your concern.
may also submit comments by facsimile to (202) 395-6974.
more information contact John Morrall, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, NEOB, Room
10235, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20503. Telephone:
(202) 395-7316.