Public Law 106-107 requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to direct, coordinate, and assist Executive Branch departments and agencies in establishing an interagency process to streamline and simplify Federal financial assistance procedures for non-Federal entities. The law also requires executive agencies to develop, submit to the Congress, and implement a plan for that streamlining and simplification.
One of the results of the Public Law 106-107 streamlining initiative is the development of six standard government-wide forms listed below. These forms along with their instructions shall replace multiple agency or program-specific forms used for similar purposes. Each form is being sponsored by a Federal agency which is listed below next to the form name. The sponsoring Agency is responsible for publishing the form in the Federal Register as an Information Collection under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
The following notices were published in the Federal Register and some are closed for comment. You may view the notices and accompanying documentation by clicking on the report links below:
Federal Financial Report:
Performance Progress Report
Research Performance Progress Report:
Real and Tangible Property Reports
Summary Report of Inventions: