Office of Management and Budget | Print this document |
TITLE: Office of Management and Budget's System of Circulars and Bulletins
ABSTRACT: OMB Circulars and Bulletins are employed to communicate various instructions and information to executive departments and establishments. OMB Circulars are used when the nature of the subject matter is of continuing effect. OMB Bulletins are generally issued when the nature of the subject matter requires single or one-time action by the departments or establishments or is of a transitory nature.
PURPOSE: OMB Circulars and Bulletins are major tools used by the Executive Office of the President to exercise managerial and policy direction over Federal agencies. Circulars and Bulletins generally promote government effectiveness by providing uniform guidance to agencies. They provide policy guidance or processes over a broad range of subjects, ranging from detailed instructions on preparing agency budget requests to principles for determining allowable research costs at universities.
AGENCY PROGRAM: OMB assists the President in overseeing the preparation of the Federal budget and in supervising its administration in Federal agencies. It also oversees and coordinates the Administration's procurement, financial management, information, and regulatory policies. OMB's system of Circulars and Bulletins is integral to carrying out these responsibilities.
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