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TITLE: The RISC and OIRA Consolidated Information System (ROCIS) REGS and AGENDA modules, OIRA Paperwork Reduction Act Records Management System (RMS), and the OIRA Records Management Center (RMC)
ABSTRACT: The Regulatory Information Service Center (RISC) of the General Services Administration (GSA) operates two information systems for OIRA -- the Regulations Review (REGS) and AGENDA modules of the RISC and OIRA Consolidated Information System (ROCIS) and the Reports Management System (RMS).
The ROCIS AGENDA module provides agencies with a uniform reporting of data on regulatory and deregulatory actions under development throughout the Federal Government; i.e., the Unified Agenda and Regulatory Plan. The ROCIS public website, RegInfo.gov, makes available Regulatory Plans and Agendas dating back to 1981.
The ROCIS REGS module enables agencies to electronically submit regulations to OMB for review and comment. ROCIS REGS assigns each submission a unique OMB tracking number and tracks the review through the OIRA review and Agency notification process. OIRA review information is maintained in the ROCIS REGS database. ROCIS REGS provides a listing of all pending and recently approved regulations for internal OMB use and to the public on the ROCIS public website, RegInfo.gov, which is pointed to from the OMB home page. ROCIS REGS also includes copies of Return Letters, Prompt Letters, and Post Review Letters.
RMS is used to support OIRA's Paperwork Reduction Act reviews. The system maintains almost 10,000 "active" records containing data on each of the Federal government's approved information collections. RMS tracks the hour and cost burden imposed on the public and the expiration date of each collection. RMS also provides a listing of all pending and recently approved information collections. This information is made available for internal OMB use and to the public on the OMB home page.
The OIRA Records Management Center (RMC) contains paper records related to information collections sponsored by the Federal government and approved by OIRA under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The RMC also maintains certain records related to proposed Federal agency regulatory actions reviewed by OIRA under Executive Order 12866. Telephone logs and materials from meetings with the public attended by the OIRA Administrator are also available in the RMC.PURPOSE: The OIRA Information Systems and RMC were created to assist in administering OIRA's implementation of the Paperwork Reduction Act (P.L. 104-13) and regulatory reviews conducted under Executive Order 12866.
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