Office of Management and Budget | Print this document |
OMB Requester Service Center: OMB’s Requester Service Center address is located in the New Executive Office Building, 725 17th Street NW, Room 9026, Washington, DC 20503. To reach the Requester Service Center, please call 202-395-FOIA (3642).
OMB's FOIA Officer (for handling individual FOIA requests and responding to questions about them): Dionne Hardy, 202-395-3642.
OMB’s Public Liaison (a supervisory official to whom a FOIA requester can raise concerns about the service that the requester has received from the Service Center, following an initial response from the FOIA Officer or other Service Center staff): Lauren Wright, Deputy Assistant Director for Administration.
OMB's Chief FOIA Officer (under Executive Order 13392): OMB's Executive Associate Director (Austin Smythe).
You can reach both the Service Center (including the FOIA Officer) and the Public Liaison by calling 202-395-FOIA (3642).
If you would like to obtain information regarding a pending FOIA request or an administrative appeal, or about OMB’s FOIA process in general, please call OMB’s FOIA Requester Service Center at 202-395-FOIA (3642).