Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document
OMB Circular A-133 2005 Compliance Supplement

The Office of Management and Budget is preparing the 2005 Compliance Supplement (CS). The final document will soon be available at this Website. The 2005 CS will differ from prior years’ updates and will be not be a complete reissuance. OMB intends to issue only new or significantly changed programs in Parts 4 and 5 (listed below), those parts of the CS that relate to the Part 4 and 5 changes, and updated appendices. There are no substantive changes to Part 3 and no new cluster of programs for this year’s CS. For programs with minor changes, the changes will be listed in Appendix V and can serve as the basis for the auditor to make “pen and ink” changes to the 2004 CS. Therefore, for 2005, the auditor will need to use both the 2004 (/omb/circulars/a133_compliance/04/04toc.html) and 2005 CS for planning and review purposes.

The following will be updated for the 2005 CS:

Table of Contents

Part 2, Matrix of Compliance Requirements

Part 4, Agency Program Requirements, and Part 5, Clusters of Programs

  • 7 new programs
    • HUD – 14.866 - Demolition & Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing
    • Interior – 15.614 – National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants
    • Education – 84.366 – Mathematics and Science Partnerships
    • HHS – 93.889 – National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program
    • Homeland Security
      • 97-004 – State Homeland Security Grant Program
      • 97.008 – Urban Areas Security Initiative
      • 97.067 – Homeland Security Grant Program

  • 11 programs/clusters with significant changes
    • USDA 10.557 – Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WIC
    • HUD 14.872 – Public Housing Capital Fund
    • Education
      • 84.000 – Cross Cutting
      • 84.011 – Migrant Education-State Grant Program
      • 84.027/84.173 – Special Education Cluster (IDEA)
      • 84.032 – Federal Family Education Loans
    • HHS
      • 93.224 – Consolidated Health Centers Program (This cluster includes programs 93.151, 93.246 and 93.927)
      • 93.556 – Promoting Safe and Stable Families
      • 93.558 – Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
      • 93.563 – Child Support Enforcement
      • 93.658 – Foster Care – Title IV – E

  • 2 programs deleted
    • Education 84.338 – Reading Excellence
    • HHS 93.820 – Scholarships for Students of Exceptional Financial Need

    Appendix III, Federal Agency Contacts for A-133 Audits

    Appendix IV, Internal Reference Tables

    Appendix V, List of Changes for the 2005 Compliance Supplement (this appendix will list all changes to Parts 4 and 5)

    Appendix VI, Department of Homeland Security Programs and the Compliance Supplement

Any questions should be directed to Tawana Webb at 202-395-7586 ( or Gilbert Tran at 202-395-3052 (

-- Matrix of Compliance Requirements (423k)

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