Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document

Table of Contents
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Full text of OMB Circular No. A-11 (missing page numbers are intentional) (3.2 mb)


Single Chapter Files

Revisions to Part 1 (dated 11/10/99) (15 k)

Transmittal Letter (21 k)
Table of Contents (36 k)
Guide to the Circular (16 k)
Crosswalk to the New Structure of the 1999 Revisions (12 k)
Summary of Changes (13 k)


Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates

I. General Information about the Budget

10. Overview of the budget process (94 k)
15. Basic Budget Laws (14 k)
20. Terms and Concepts (114 k)
25. Applicability, exceptions, and advance approval (9 k)
27. Submitting materials to OMB (19 k)

II. General Information and Policies Relating to Developing Estimates and Proposals

30. Basic policies and assumptions (13 k)
31. Compliance with administration policies and other general requirements (15 k)
32. Estimating employment levels, compensation, benefits, and related costs (26 k)
33. Estimates related to specific types of programs and expensitures (31 k)
34. Proposals requiring coordination with other agencies (7 k)
35. Estimates of collections and outlays (9 k)
36. Communications with Congress and the public and clearance requirements (14 k)

III. Developing the Initial Budget Submission

50. Overview of requirements for the initial submission (7 k)
51. Basic justification materials (47 k)
52. Information on financial management (69 k)
53. Information technology (41 k)
54. Rental payments for space and land (51 k)
55. Information on energy use, costs, and efficiency (MAX schedule O) (11 k)
56. Drug control programs (36 k)
57. Violent crime control prgrams (35 k)
58. Additional information due with the initial submission (7 k)

IV. Materials Required after Passback

70. Overview of requirements after passback (10 k)
71. Reporting information by budget account (13 k)
72. Responsibilities in reporting data (9 k)
79. The budget data system (45 k)
80. Development of baseline estimates (16 k)
81. Policy and baseline estimates of budget authority, outlays, and receipts
   (MAX schedules A, S, R, and K) (219 k)
82. Program and financing (MAX schedule P) (143 k)
83. Object classification (MAX schedule O) (167 k)
84. Character classification (MAX schedule C) (165 k)
85. Federal credit (386 k)
86. Other MAX data (126 k)
95. Explanation of print materials (120 k)
96. Appropriations language (146 k)
97. Narrative statements, footnotes and tables (44 k)
100. Additional information required after passback (19 k)

V. Actions Following Transmittal of the Budget

110. Supplementals and amendments (113 k)
111. Releasing contingent emergency funding (46 k)
112. Other actions and requirements following budget transmittal (7 k)


A. Scorekeeping guidelines (16 k)
B. Scoring lease-purchases and leases of capital assets (28 k)
C. Listing of OMB agency/bureau and Treasury codes (30 k)
D. Explanation of MAX edit checks (58 k)
E. Diagnostic reports and MAX crosswalks (215 k)


Preparation and Submission of Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans, and
Annual Program Performance Reports

Table of contents for Part 2 (84 k)

200. Overview of strategic plans, annual performance plans, and
   annual program performance reports (10 k)
210. Preparation and submission of strategic plans (110 k)
220. Preparation and submission of annual performance plans (116 k)
221. The FY 2001 annual performance plan (12 k)
230. Preparation and submission of the annual performance report (14 k)
231. Sending the annual program performance report to the President and Congress (9 k)
232. What does the annual program performance report contain? (29 k)
233. May an annual program performance report be combined with other documents? (10 k)


300. Planning, Budgeting, and Acquisition of Capital Assets (200 k)


300A. Principles of budgeting for capital asset acquisitions (25 k)
300B. Selected OMB guidance and other references regarding capital assets (10 k)
300C. Illustrative explanation of earned value concept and cost and schedule
   variances for capital assets (12 k)

Index (37 k)
OMB Circulars and Executive Orders Referenced in this Circular (8 k)
Agency Comment Sheet (6 k)
Order form (25 k)

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