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1. Indirect cost
rate proposal
2. Indirect cost rate
3. Indirect cost pool
4. Base
5. Predetermined rate
6. Fixed rate
7. Provisional rate
8. Final rate
9. Base period
C. Allocation of Indirect Costs and Determination of Indirect
Cost Rates
1. General
2. Simplified method
3. Multiple allocation base method
4. Special indirect cost rates
D. Submission and Documentation of Proposals
1. Submission of
indirect cost rate proposals
2. Documentation of proposals
3. Required certification
E. Negotiation and Approval of Rates
F. Other Policies
1. Fringe benefit
2. Billed services provided by the grantee agency
3. Indirect cost allocations not using rates
4. Appeals
5. Collections of unallowable costs and erroneous payments
6. OMB assistance
C. Allocation of Indirect Costs and Determination of Indirect Cost Rates.
a. Where a governmental unit's department or agency has only one major function, or where all its major functions benefit from the indirect costs to approximately the same degree, the allocation of indirect costs and the computation of an indirect cost rate may be accomplished through simplified allocation procedures as described in subsection 2.
b. Where a governmental unit's department or agency has several major functions which benefit from its indirect costs in varying degrees, the allocation of indirect costs may require the accumulation of such costs into separate cost groupings which then are allocated individually to benefitted functions by means of a base which best measures the relative degree of benefit. The indirect costs allocated to each function are then distributed to individual awards and other activities included in that function by means of an indirect cost rate(s).
c. Specific methods for allocating indirect costs and computing indirect cost rates along with the conditions under which each method should be used are described in subsections 2, 3 and 4.
b. Both the direct costs and the indirect costs shall exclude capital expenditures and unallowable costs. However, unallowable costs must be included in the direct costs if they represent activities to which indirect costs are properly allocable.
c. The distribution base may be (1) total direct costs (excluding capital expenditures and other distorting items, such as pass-through funds, major subcontracts, etc.), (2) direct salaries and wages, or (3) another base which results in an equitable distribution.
b. The cost groupings should be established so as to permit the allocation of each grouping on the basis of benefits provided to the major functions. Each grouping should constitute a pool of expenses that are of like character in terms of the functions they benefit and in terms of the allocation base which best measures the relative benefits provided to each function. The number of separate groupings should be held within practical limits, taking into consideration the materiality of the amounts involved and the degree of precision needed.
c. Actual conditions must be taken into account in selecting the base to be used in allocating the expenses in each grouping to benefitted functions. When an allocation can be made by assignment of a cost grouping directly to the function benefitted, the allocation shall be made in that manner. When the expenses in a grouping are more general in nature, the allocation should be made through the use of a selected base which produces results that are equitable to both the Federal Government and the governmental unit. In general, any cost element or related factor associated with the governmental unit's activities is potentially adaptable for use as an allocation base provided that: (1) it can readily be expressed in terms of dollars or other quantitative measures (total direct costs, direct salaries and wages, staff hours applied, square feet used, hours of usage, number of documents processed, population served, and the like), and (2) it is common to the benefitted functions during the base period.
d. Except where a special indirect cost rate(s) is required in accordance with subsection 4, the separate groupings of indirect costs allocated to each major function shall be aggregated and treated as a common pool for that function. The costs in the common pool shall then be distributed to individual Federal awards included in that function by use of a single indirect cost rate.
e. The distribution base used in computing the indirect cost rate for each function may be (1) total direct costs (excluding capital expenditures and other distorting items such as pass-through funds, major subcontracts, etc.), (2) direct salaries and wages, or (3) another base which results in an equitable distribution. An indirect cost rate should be developed for each separate indirect cost pool developed. The rate in each case should be stated as the percentage relationship between the particular indirect cost pool and the distribution base identified with that pool.
b. Although this Circular adopts the concept of the full allocation of indirect costs, there are some Federal statutes which restrict the reimbursement of certain indirect costs. Where such restrictions exist, it may be necessary to develop a special rate for the affected award. Where a "restricted rate" is required, the procedure for developing a non-restricted rate will be used except for the additional step of the elimination from the indirect cost pool those costs for which the law prohibits reimbursement.
D. Submission and Documentation of Proposals.
b. A governmental unit for which a cognizant agency assignment has been specifically designated must submit its indirect cost rate proposal to its cognizant agency. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will periodically publish lists of governmental units identifying the appropriate Federal cognizant agencies. The cognizant agency for all governmental units or agencies not identified by OMB will be determined based on the Federal agency providing the largest amount of Federal funds. In these cases, a governmental unit must develop an indirect cost proposal in accordance with the requirements of this Circular and maintain the proposal and related supporting documentation for audit. These governmental units are not required to submit their proposals unless they are specifically requested to do so by the cognizant agency. Where a local government only receives funds as a sub-recipient, the primary recipient will be responsible for negotiating and/or monitoring the sub-recipient's plan.
c. Each Indian tribal government desiring reimbursement of indirect costs must submit its indirect cost proposal to the Department of the Interior (its cognizant Federal agency).
d. Indirect cost proposals must be developed (and, when required, submitted) within six months after the close of the governmental unit's fiscal year, unless an exception is approved by the cognizant Federal agency. If the proposed central service cost allocation plan for the same period has not been approved by that time, the indirect cost proposal may be prepared including an amount for central services that is based on the latest federally-approved central service cost allocation plan. The difference between these central service amounts and the amounts ultimately approved will be compensated for by an adjustment in a subsequent period.
b. A copy of the financial data (financial statements, comprehensive annual financial report, executive budgets, accounting reports, etc.) upon which the rate is based. Adjustments resulting from the use of unaudited data will be
recognized, where appropriate, by the Federal cognizant agency in a subsequent proposal.
c. The approximate amount of direct base costs incurred under Federal awards. These costs should be broken out between salaries and wages and other direct costs.
d. A chart showing the organizational structure of the agency during the period for which the proposal applies, along with a functional statement(s) noting the duties and/or responsibilities of all units that comprise the agency. (Once this is submitted, only revisions need be submitted with subsequent proposals.)
This is to certify that I have reviewed the indirect cost rate proposal submitted herewith and to the best of my knowledge and belief:
I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
Governmental Unit: ________________________
Signature: ________________________
Name of Official: ________________________
Title: _________________________
Date of Execution: _________________________
E. Negotiation and Approval of Rates.