Circular No. A-50
September 29, 1982
Audit Followup
1. Purpose.
This circular provides the policies and procedures for use by executive
agencies when considering reports issued by the Inspectors General
(IGs), other executive branch audit organizations, the General Accounting
Office (GAO), and non-Federal auditors where followup is necessary.
2. Rescissions.
This revision replaces and rescinds Circular No. A-50, "Executive
branch action on General Accounting Office reports," Revised, dated
January 15, 1979, and incorporates certain provisions previously
set forth in Circular A-73, "Audit of Federal operations and programs,"
Revised, dated November 27, 1979.
3. Authority.
a. Budget and
Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (31 USC 16 & 53).
b. Section
236 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970.
c. Supplemental
Appropriations and Rescissions Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-304).
d. Appropriations
Act of 1981 (P.L. 96-526).
e. 4 CFR
101-105, Federal Claims Collection Standards.
f. GAO Policy
and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies (Title
4. Background.
The principal objectives of this revision are:
a. To specify
the role of the designated audit followup officials, and the role
of Inspectors General with regard to audit followup.
b. To strengthen
the procedures for resolution of audit findings and corrective
action on recommendations contained in audit reports issued by
IGs, other audit organizations, and the GAO.
c. To clarify
the applicability of the Circular to regulatory and preaward audits.
d. To emphasize
the importance of monitoring the implementation of resolved audit
recommendations in order to assure that promised corrective action
is actually taken.
e. To improve
accounting and collection controls over amounts due the Government
as a result of claims arising from audits.
5. Policy.
Audit followup is an integral part of good management, and is a
shared responsibility of agency management officials and auditors.
Corrective action taken by management on resolved findings and recommendations
is essential to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Government
operations. Each agency shall establish systems to assure the prompt
and proper resolution and implementation of audit recommendations.
These systems shall provide for a complete record of action taken
on both monetary and non-monetary findings and recommendations.
6. Definitions.
a. Responses
to Audit Reports -- Written comments by agency officials indicating
agreement or disagreement on reported findings and recommendations.
Comments indicating agreement on final reports shall include planned
corrective actions and, where appropriate, dates for achieving actions.
Comments indicating disagreement shall explain fully the reasons
for disagreement. Where disagreement is based on interpretation
of law, regulation, or the authority of officials to take or not
to take action, the response must include the legal basis.
b. Resolution.
(1) For most
audits, the point at which the audit organization and agency management
or contracting officials agree on action to be taken on reported
findings and recommendations; or, in the event of disagreement,
the point at which the audit followup official determines the
matter to be resolved. A report may be considered resolved despite
the right of persons outside the agency to negotiate, appeal,
or litigate. Resolution of a report with respect to parties outside
the Government does not preclude further consideration of issues
in the report by agency management.
(2) For
preaward contract audits, the point at which the agreement is
reached, a contract price negotiated, or proposed award canceled,
whichever occurs first.
(3) For
GAO reports, the point at which the agency responds to the Congress,
as required by the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970.
c. Corrective
Action -- Measures taken to implement resolved audit findings
and recommendations.
d. Disallowed
Costs -- An incurred cost questioned by the audit organization
that management has agreed should not be charged to the Government.
7. Responsibilities.
a. Agency
Head. Agency heads are responsible for:
(1) Designating
a top management official to oversee audit followup, including
resolution and corrective action.
(2) Assuring
that management officials throughout the agency understand the
value of the audit process and are responsive to audit recommendations.
b. Management
Officials. Agency management officials are responsible for
receiving and analyzing audit reports, providing timely responses
to the audit organization, and taking corrective action where
appropriate. Where management officials disagree with an audit
recommendation, the matter shall be resolved by the followup official.
c. Audit
Followup Official. The audit followup official has personal
responsibility for ensuring that (1) systems of audit followup,
resolution, and corrective action are documented and in place,
(2) timely responses are made to all audit reports, (3) disagreements
are resolved, (4) corrective actions are actually taken, and (5)
semi-annual reports required by paragraph 8.a. (8) below are sent
to the head of the agency.
d. Inspectors
General. Inspectors General or other audit officials are responsible
for (1) making independent audits and investigations of their
agencies' programs, operations, activities, and functions; (2)
overseeing the work of non-Federal auditors performed in connection
with Federal programs; and (3) reviewing responses to audit reports
and reporting significant disagreements to the audit followup
e. Comptroller
General. The Comptroller General is the head of the GAO, a
legislative branch agency responsible for auditing and evaluating
programs, activities, and financial operations of the executive
8. Action
a. Follow-up
Systems. Agencies shall assign a high priority to the resolution
of audit recommendations and to corrective action. Systems for resolution
and corrective action must meet the following standards:
(1) Provide
for appointment of a top level audit followup official.
(2) Require
prompt resolution and corrective actions on audit recommendations.
Resolution shall be made within a maximum of six months after
issuance of a final report or, in the case of audits performed
by non-Federal auditors, six months after receipt of the report
by the Federal Government. Corrective action should proceed
as rapidly as possible.
(3) Specify
criteria for proper resolution and corrective action on audit
recommendations, whether resolution is in favor of the auditor
or an auditee. These criteria should provide for written plans
for corrective action with specified action dates, where appropriate.
(4) Maintain
accurate records of the status of audit reports or recommendations
through the entire process of resolution and corrective action.
Such records shall include appropriate accounting and collection
controls over amounts determined to be due to the Government.
(5) Provide
a means to assure timely responses to audit reports and to resolve
major disagreements between the audit organization and agency
management or contracting officials. The process should provide
sufficient time to permit resolution to take place within the
six month limit.
(6) Assure
that resolution actions are consistent with law, regulation,
and Administration policy; and include written justification
containing, when applicable, the legal basis for decisions not
agreeing with the audit recommendation.
(7) Provide
for coordinating resolution and corrective action on recommendations
involving more than one program, agency, or level of Government.
(8) Provide
semi-annual reports to the agency head on the status of all
unresolved audit reports over six months old, the reasons therefor,
and a timetable for their resolution; the number of reports
or recommendations resolved during the period; the amount of
disallowed costs; and collections, offsets, write-offs, demands
for payment and other monetary benefits resulting from audits.
These reports should include an update on the status of previously
reported unresolved audits.
(9) Provide
for periodic analysis of audit recommendations, resolution,
and corrective action, to determine trends and system-wide problems,
and to recommend solutions.
(10) Assure
that performance appraisals of appropriate officials reflect
effectiveness in resolving and implementing audit recommendations.
(11) Provide
for an evaluation of whether the audit followup system results
in efficient, prompt, and proper resolution and corrective action
on audit recommendations. The first evaluation will be made
within one year of the date of this Circular, and evaluations
will be made periodically thereafter.
b. Special
Requirements. The following additional requirements apply
to General Accounting Office reports:
(1) Draft
Reports. The GAO normally issues draft reports to agencies
for their review and comment, so that final reports may incorporate
agency views. In accordance with 31 USC 53(f) (1), agencies shall
provide comments on draft GAO reports with 30 days of issuance.
However, the law provides that, if an agency cannot respond to
a report within 30 days, the agency may request additional time
from GAO to comment.
(2) Final
Reports. The GAO issues final reports to the Congress or
the head of an agency. Agencies are required to respond to these
reports in accordance with instructions contained in paragraphs
(3) and (4) below.
(3) Statements
to the Office of Management and Budget. The agency head
will submit a statement to the Director of OMB within 60 calendar
days after formal transmittal of a GAO report to the agency
when at least one of the following applies:
(a) The
report contains a specific recommendation for the head of the
The report contains financial statements accompanied by either
a qualified audit opinion or a disclaimer of opinion:
The report indicates a violation of the Antideficiency Act
which has not been reported to the appropriate authorities;
The report indicates a violation of other laws; or
When requested to comment by OMB.
The agency
statement should identify the GAO report by number and date
(i.e., GAO/GGD-82-00, dated January 30, 1982), and be submitted
in duplicate. It should inform the OMB of the agency views on
the findings and recommendations made by the GAO. It should
also identify any action taken, or planned, in response to each
significant finding or recommendation.
If the
agency response to a draft GAO report accurately and adequately
reflects its current views, a copy of those comments will be
When corrective
action is incomplete, still under study, or planned, the agency
will include a statement of when it expects action to be completed,
and will report on corrective action after it is completed.
The agency
should include in its statement to OMB copies of statements
required by Section 236 of the Legislative Reorganization Act
of 1970. See paragraph (4) below. These statements may be used
to satisfy the initial reporting requirements to OMB. The statements
should be accompanied by any additional information not provided
to the Congress, but required by this section of the Circular.
(4) Statements
to Congressional Committees. In accordance with Section
236 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, when a GAO
report contains recommendations to the head of an agency, the
agency shall:
(a) Submit
a written statement to the Senate Committee on Governmental
Affairs and the House Committee on Government Operations, no
later than 60 days after the date of such report. This statement
will report the action taken or to be taken by the agency with
respect to the recommendations to the head of the agency.
Submit a written statement to the Committees on Appropriations
of the Senate and the House of Representatives, in connection
with the first request for appropriations for that agency
submitted to the Congress more than sixty days after the date
of the GAO report. This statement will report the action taken
by the agency with respect to the recommendations to the head
of the agency.
Two copies
of the above statements will be submitted on the same date to
the OMB and the GAO.
(5) Advance
Clearance and/or Coordination Requirements. Agency statements
to Congressional committees, individual Members of Congress
or the GAO, will be subject to advance coordination and/or clearance
by OMB when the statement:
(1) Expresses
views on proposed or pending legislation. See Circular A-19,
"Legislative coordination and clearance."
Deals with other agencies, or with executive branch budget
for advance clearance and/or coordination will be addressed
to the Director, OMB, and will be forwarded in duplicate. Clearance
action will be completed prior to transmittal of the statement.
9. Applicability
to Regulatory Audits. The requirements for resolution and corrective
action contained paragraph 8.a. shall be applied to those reports
of agency units responsible for regulatory or inspection activities
involving the review of financial matters that may result in:
(a) Fines or
(b) Assessments
or price adjustments; or
(c) Other
monetary recoveries by the Government.
The agency
audit followup official shall ensure that appropriate followup systems
are in place for these units. Separate subsystems may be used.
10. Applicability
to Preaward Contract Audits. Audit reports involving recommendations
on contractor estimates of future costs are subject to the provisions
of this Circular. However, since such reports generally are resolved
by negotiation of a contract price, they are not subject to the
time limits or reporting requirements set forth in paragraphs 8.a.(2),
(5), and (8). The requirement for records on the status of reports
set forth in paragraph 8.a.(4) may be met by records maintained
in official contract files.
11. Accounting
and Collection Controls. In order to ensure effective recovery
action, each agency will establish accounting and collection controls
for amounts due the Government as a result of resolved audit findings
and recommendations. Unless otherwise required by statute, all claims
arising from audit disallowances shall be collected in accordance
with Federal Claims Collection Standards.
a. Recording
Receivables. Amounts due the Government shall be recorded promptly
as accounts receivable on the completion of the acts which entitle
an agency to collect such amounts. For example, on matters where
the auditor has the authority to make final determinations, such
determinations are to be recorded as receivables at the time the
audit report is issued. Audit recommendations that are subject to
management concurrence will be recorded as accounts receivable within
30 days of being resolved. The recording of the receivable is to
be accomplished even though the decision to collect is subject to
administrative appeal or litigation by persons outside the agency.
b. Interest
Charges. Interest on audit-related debts shall begin to accrue
no later than 30 days from the date the auditee is notified of
the debt. To discourage unwarranted appeals, interest shall continue
to accrue while the appeal is underway. The interest rate applied
shall be that prescribed by the Treasury Fiscal Requirements Manual
(I TFRM 6-8000).
c. Allowance
for Uncollectable Amounts. Consideration shall be given to
the potential for collecting audit-related debts. An allowance
account shall be established to reflect that amount of receivables
estimated to be uncollectable.
d. Payment
of Debts. Procedures should be established to assure that
the payment of audit-related debts does not result in charges
to other Federal programs or in a reduced level of program activity.
e. Exception.
There may be instances where a portion of the funds on a grant,
contract, or other agreement are held back: (1) as a safeguard
against overpayment; (2) pending completion, final inspection
or approval of work; or (3) in accordance with other provisions
of a grant or contract. In such instances, it is not necessary
to record a receivable, since disallowed costs may be offset against
undisbursed funds in the grant or contract audited.
12. OMB
Responsibility. OMB will continue to work with agency audit
followup officials and Inspectors General to ensure that the provisions
of this Circular are implemented.
13. Information
Contact. Inquiries should be directed to the OMB Financial Management
Division at 395-3993 or to the OMB Debt Collection Staff at 395-3967.
14. Sunset
Review Date. This Circular shall have an independent policy
review to ascertain its effectiveness three years from the date
of issue.
A. Stockman
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