Office of Management and Budget Print this document

October 2, 2000



SUBJECT:    Apportionment of the Continuing Resolution(s) for Fiscal Year 2001

1. Purpose and Background. H. J. Res 109 provides continuing appropriations for the period October 1 through October 6, 2000. I am apportioning amounts provided by this continuing resolution (CR), and any extensions of this CR, as specified in section 2. This Bulletin supplements instructions for apportionment of CRs in OMB Circular No. A-34.

2. Automatic Apportionments. Calculate the amount automatically apportioned through the period ending October 6, 2000 (and any extensions of that period), by multiplying the rate (amount) provided by the CR by the lower of:

  • the percentage of the year covered by the CR; or,
  • the historical seasonal rate of obligations for the period of the year covered by the CR.

See the Attachment to this Bulletin for more detailed instructions on calculating the amount automatically apportioned.


Under an automatic apportionment, all of the footnotes and conditions placed on the prior year apportionment remain in effect.


The CR expires on midnight on Friday, October 6, 2000.


3. Written Apportionments. If a program requires an amount different from the total amount automatically apportioned, you must request a written apportionment.

Jacob J. Lew



Calculating the Automatic Apportionment

Calculate the amount automatically apportioned through the period ending October 6, 2000 (and any extensions of that period) by multiplying the rate (amount) provided by the CR by the lower of:

  • the percentage of the year covered by the CR, or
  • the historical seasonal rate of obligations for the period of the year covered by the CR.

1. What is the rate (amount) provided by the CR? The rate (amount) provided by the CR could be one of the following annual amounts:

  • the current rate, calculated as follows:
    • take the net amount enacted in FY 2000, i.e., add any supplemental appropriations and subtract any rescissions; and
    • add the unobligated balance carried forward to FY 2000 (if any);
  • the amount in the President's budget request; or
  • the rate of operations not exceeding the current rate, calculated as follows:
    • take the net amount enacted in FY 2000, i.e., add any supplemental appropriations and subtract any rescissions;
    • add the unobligated balance carried forward to FY 2000 (if any), and
    • subtract the unobligated balance at the end of FY 2000 (if any).

2. Which of the annual amounts do I use?

If Then use
The project or activity meets all the following criteria:
  • zero funded in the Act passed by both houses by October 1 or is zero funded in the Act passed by the one house by October 1;
  • included in the President's budget request; and
  • was conducted in FY 2000
FY 2000 (the current rate)
The projects and activities are for decennial census programs that would be funded under the heading `Bureau of the Census, Periodic Censuses and Programs' in the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 The amount in the President's budget request
All other cases The rate of operations not exceeding the current rate.

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