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To address DOL’s wide array of management problems, the Secretary has created a Management Review Board.

Initiative Status Progress

Human Capital — DOL has overhauled its employee appraisal system; screened 250 candidates through its MBA recruitment initiative; and selected 24 of the 196 applicants to its SES candidate development program.

Competitive Sourcing — The Department has made progress, exceeding its 2002 competitive sourcing goal by directly converting 152 positions. However, it has not yet initiated a competition or completed its 2003 competition plans. Green status will require competition or direct conversion of at least 1,400 FTE from DOL’s 2000 inventory.

Financial Performance — DOL’s financial statements consistently receive clean audits, and its work to reduce Unemployment Insurance benefit overpayments by states could save hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Green status will require an integrated financial and performance management system to inform managers’ real-time decisions about programs.

Expanding E-Government — DOL led the creation of the GovBenefits website, which informs visitors about federal programs for which they may qualify; was the first agency with a central fund to promote cost-effective IT investments; and had the highest grade of any Cabinet agency on a recently issued congressional Computer Security Report Card.

Budget/Performance Integration — DOL has proposed a format that would show the Department’s budget requests in terms of its strategic goals and performance. The 2004 budget attempts to identify all funding sources within the Department for each activity, and calculate the costs of achieving major program goals.

Faith-Based and Community Initiative — DOL is providing technical assistance, and has begun pilot programs to determine the best practices for incorporating FBCOs into the local workforce development system.
arrows indicate change in status since baseline evaluation on September 30, 2001.

Program Assessments

Nine DOL programs were reviewed, including three regulatory, two grant programs, and four administered directly by the federal government. PART scores ranged broadly. A number of PARTs called for efficiency measures to relate outcomes to resources, while others reflected the need for more rigorous performance indicators or the absence of appropriate, reliable evaluation data.
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