Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document


DOJ’s biggest management challenge is transferring the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and other programs to the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Overall, Justice has made good progress in the initiatives identified below, but remains a long way from reaching goals.

Initiative Status Progress

Human Capital — DOJ has drafted a human capital management implementation plan that outlines action items, along with target dates and responsible staff, to support each of the plan’s objectives. DOJ is developing a workforce model that links performance plan objectives, measures, and results to employee performance.

Competitive Sourcing — DOJ has submitted a competitive sourcing plan to achieve the 15 percent goal by the end of 2003. For instance, in 2003, DOJ will subject to competition with the private sector 140 FBI auto mechanics and 441 grants management personnel in the Office of Justice Programs.

Financial Performance — DOJ’s systems are not in compliance with federal statutory or regulatory requirements. To address these deficiencies, DOJ will acquire a Department-wide core financial system. Because of its commitment to implement such a system, and because of its unqualified opinions, DOJ received a green for progress in this initiative.

Expanding E-Government — Many of DOJ’s IT business cases have serious weaknesses in the area of IT security, but DOJ has committed to a plan that will correct them. It has also taken steps to redesign its website to promote and facilitate greater citizen access, one of the key tenets of the E-Government initiative. DOJ has issued its IT Strategic Plan and prepared 2004 business cases for its major IT investments.

Budget/Performance Integration — In many instances, DOJ’s strategic plan lacks long-term, measurable outcome oriented goals; however, DOJ’s budget is presented in a new format that aligns budget accounts, staff and program activities to performance goals.

Faith-based Initiatives — While progress on this initiative has been slow, a timeline for implementing outreach, pilot projects, and technical assistance is now in place.

Program Assessments

The Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) was completed for 10 DOJ programs, including DEA, Bureau of Prisions, FBI, and various Office of Justice Programs activities. The assessments represent diversity in program type, scope and size. There is considerable varience in the effectiveness ratings among the DOJ programs; however, a consistent theme throughout the PART analysis is the lack of long-term, outcome oriented goals for these programs. DOJ is encouraged to develop long-term, measurable goals that align with its strategic objectives.
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