Office of Management and Budget | Print this document |
We look forward to your participation in the third and final meeting of the Performance Measurement Advisory Council. The meeting will be held Monday March 3rd in the Truman room of the White House Conference Center from 1:00 to 4:00. Your input from the first two meetings of the PMAC was helpful in developing both the assessment tool and the budget presentation. Last week’s release of the President’s Budget provides the public with an unprecedented amount of information revealing what the government achieves with its public resources. We intend to build on these efforts in the coming year and seek your guidance. The integration of budget and performance information remains a centerpiece of the President’s Management Agenda. In preparation of the March 3rd meeting, enclosed for your review is a set of budget materials relevant to the discussion of program performance. They include the Budget Volume, the Performance and Management Assessments Volume, and a memo to the agencies from the Budget Director. Complete PART worksheets are also available for your review on the web at /omb/budget/fy2004/pma.html. This year we found the PART to be an effective means of capturing some of the most salient features of program performance. We believe we have made significant strides in using this information internally and promoting a more performance-based budgeting process. At this point, OMB intends to use the PART again as a central element of the 2005 budget process, rating an additional 20% of federal programs. We also anticipate communicating the findings of these analyses in a similar presentation. Although we believe we are on the right path and do not expect to make wholesale changes to the PART, we are interested in strengthening the process, the instrument, and the budget presentation. Therefore, we are soliciting your feedback as we pursue refinements. To facilitate our digesting of your views, we ask that you provide written comments to the questions below:
At the meeting, each member will be asked to present a summary of their written comments to the Council. We would like the Council to discuss each member’s feedback and develop a Council statement by the meeting’s close. Thank you for your time and input on these matters. I look forward to seeing you on the 3rd. Materials Attached:
The PMAC will assist OMB on matters related to improving the measurement of program performance and integrating such information in making management and budget decisions.