Office of Management and Budget Click to print this document


DOT has shown substantial progress in each management agenda area.

Initiative Status Progress

Human Capital — DOT has not yet achieved the majority of its measurable results-driven outcomes. DOT’s progress score reflects completion of a detailed Department-wide human capital strategy with timelines and specific deliverables, such as the establishment of a Departmental Human Capital Planning Council.

Competitive Sourcing — DOT did not meet the President’s annual competitive sourcing goal for 2002 but did develop a comprehensive plan that identifies the positions to be evaluated for outsourcing. DOT will begin subjecting positions to competition to the private sector by late 2003.

Financial Performance — DOT’s current financial management systems do not meet Federal financial system requirements. DOT is in the process of implementing a new accounting system – Delphi – which will be set up by the Spring of 2003. DOT received a clean audit opinion in February 2002. In addition, DOT is implementing a recovery auditing program to collect and reduce erroneous contract payments.

Enhancing E-Government — DOT developed an IT security program to decrease cyber vulnerabilities by 75%. However, DOT remains red in status because major DOT IT projects remain over-budget and behind schedule, and it has yet to complete a department-wide IT enterprise architecture.

Budget/Performance Integration — DOT issued performance-based 2004 Budget justifications for a number of agencies, and senior management has started using performance data in allocating resources. DOT is continuing to refine its measures to better connect spending to outcomes. Its mission will change significantly with the migration of components to DHS.

Program Assessments

Programs reviewed perform above average, in large part because DOT’s programs have meaningful performance measures and real data. Results vary among programs, however. The analyses reveal that management weaknesses across programs need addressing.

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