Office of Management and Budget Print this document


While much work remains, the Department has begun to put its management and financial house in order. It is showing good progress in all initiatives.

Initiative Status Progress
Human Capital — Under its “One-ED” strategy, ED is assessing the efficiency of its human capital processes – like hiring -- and has begun reengineering efforts to improve them. ED must still assess skill gaps.

Competitive Sourcing To raise its score, ED should compete at least 15 percent of its FAIR Act inventory.

Financial Performance — ED has deployed a new system for generating more accurate and timely financial reports.

Expanding E-Government — The Department leads all other agencies in converting inefficient paper processes to electronic ones, providing an electronic option for 86 percent of its citizen-to-government transactions.

Budget/Performance Integration — No Child Left Behind provides a framework for integrating budget and performance in many K- 12 programs. ED will implement a similar framework for other education programs.
Elimination of Fraud and Error in Student Aid Programs — The Department has reduced fraud and error in its student aid programs by improving methods used to identify ineligible students and risky and/or non-compliant institutions.
Faith-Based and Community Initiative ED has reduced barriers to the participation of faith-based and community organizations by setting aside grant funds for novice applicants, conducting extensive outreach, and providing technical assistance in applying for and administering grants.
arrows indicate change in status since baseline evaluation on September 30, 2001.

Program Assessments

PARTs were completed for 18 programs covering more than $27 billion (55 percent) of ED’s 2003 discretionary budget. For many programs, the PART revealed a lack of strong performance measures and data. Several programs with low scores are proposed for reduction, elimination, or reforms based on weaknesses identified in the PART. The PART process also yielded improved performance measures in programs, like TRIO Student Support Services and Upward Bound.
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