The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 12, 2008

Fact Sheet: The Afghanistan Support Conference: Renewed U.S. and International Commitment
President Bush And The International Community Pledge A Revitalized Long-Term Commitment To Achieve Peace And Stability In Afghanistan

     Fact sheet Trip to Europe 2008

Today, Mrs. Laura Bush addressed the Afghanistan Support Conference to reiterate President Bush's support of a strong international partnership committed to Afghanistan's recovery. This young democracy has made tremendous progress, but it still needs the full support of the international community for the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) to ensure continued political and financial assistance for Afghanistan. The First Lady's speech in support of a stable, democratic, and productive Afghanistan further reinforces President Bush's commitment to aid the men, women, and children of Afghanistan as they fight tyranny and radical extremism.

President Bush and the International Community Will Work Together To Further Afghanistan's Progress:

The Afghan government has made tremendous progress in the six years since the fall of the Taliban as it works to deliver the promise of democracy to the men, women, and children of Afghanistan. In 2001, an estimated 8 percent of Afghans had access to basic healthcare. Today, the figure is over 80 percent. Under the Taliban, there were only 30 miles of paved roads. Today, thousands of miles of roads connect Afghans and enable expanded trade and commerce. Under the Taliban, less than a million children were in school. Today, approximately six million Afghan children receive an education – and a third of those are girls.

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