The White House
President George W. Bush
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 20, 2007

President Bush Visits Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, D.C.

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4:14 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for joining me. I've just come down from a tour of a couple of the wards up there here at Walter Reed. First, I'm inspired by the quality of health care. Americans may wonder whether or not our troops are getting the best possible health care, and they are. They're not only getting great care from good docs and nurses, they're getting a lot of compassion and a lot of love up in the wards. And so I want to thank you all. General, thank you very much for taking the lead.

This past month is the lowest number of patients being admitted here since '02, and that's good news. It's good news for families who worry about their loved ones in harm's way, and it's good news for the staff here, who would like nothing more to be -- to have nobody come in here. Every time I come to a facility like this I count my blessings -- and one of the great blessings is to be the President of a country that produces such brave men and women.

And so as we head into the holiday season I ask for the good Lord's blessing on those in harm's way and their families. And I thank you again, General, for your hospitality. I appreciate you having me. Thank you.

END 4:16 P.M. EST

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